What's even worse is when gamers say that politics shouldn't be mixed with video games, yet proclaim that video games are art.
Art and politics have always been connected to each other. If literature, film, and music are allowed to use social commentaries then video games should be able to as well.
The new art released for Far Cry 5 is upsetting people, because it takes place in America and you're fighting crazy rednecks, which of course means it's pandering to liberals and therefore is anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-American propaganda.
You can't make this shit up.
I for one like what I see in the upcoming FC5, kinda getting the vibe from, "No Country For Old Men" in a kind of way and plus, Bioshock: Infinite had something like this and while Infinite wasn't as good as the other 2 Bio's, I did enjoy Infinite story however but not the gameplay.
Pretty ironic because the Jonestown cult, which FC5 seems to be modeled after, was founded by a Communist who started the cult to promote racial equality. This is typical of the left, though, blaming right wingers for the horrible things leftists have done.
It's common to link religious cults and fanatics with right-wing beliefs because that's often the case. I didn't know Jim Jones was a communist considering he led a cult, because again, being religious and extreme left-wing are two beliefs that are usually not compatible with each other.
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