@charizard1605 I'm concern for @brah4ever's well being. The amount of hype and sales of the Switch sure has caused him to have a nervous breakdown, and now he's trying to troll here w/old info on how the Wii U was sold out.
That guy was always a troll/shit poster, let him dig his own grave.
President Donald John Trump has been excellent! Country is literally prospering under him. Stock at a all time high. Almost 400,000 jobs created. Trying to keep the Muslims out. Illegal immigration is in a nose dive. Has literally undone almost all of Obama's policies. America is rapidly becoming great again. We're safer now then we ever were under Obama.
Dare I say it? America is becoming great again. I'm sure most of you don't understand that because mommy and daddy are still paying most, if not all your bills. But take an adults word for it. America is prospering.
You should be thanking Obama for those jobs
When you're all grown up and in the real world you'll learn about something called a fiscal year.
Thank Obama for the jobs Trump created? Are you insane? Obama had NEGATIVE job growth during his presidency. You really need to get a clue lol.
Really bad trolling attempt. Obama inherited a tanked economy thanks to Bush and was able to fix it up.
Unemployment Rate from the Last 10 Years
At the end of Obama's first year in office in 2009, the unemployment rate was 10%. In 2017 when Obama left office, the unemployment rate was roughly 4.5%.
Gamers freaking out again that there are women in their manly video games. This time it's the new Call of Duty. It's so entertaining and sad at the same time.
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