Definitely check out the first Dead Space. If you combined Ridley Scott's Alien and John Carpenter's The Thing, Dead Space would be the result.
I personally don't want a re-boot of the series since the third game ended on a cliffhanger.
I honestly find the first Dead Space to be more enjoyable than Resident Evil 4. Both are excellent games, but I found Dead Space's setting and premise is more immersive than the one presented in Resident Evil 4.
I'm tempted to watch those flat Earth videos posted by Conan and Mems, but it would be so shameful and embarrassing to have that stuff in my browser history.
@davillain-: Isn't Sniper's alt-account here Ghosts4ever? Actually, I really don't know anymore. These internet trolls are so desperate for attention to make up for own real-life inadequacies that it's mind-boggling.
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