I think when it comes to adapting video games into other mediums, a television adaption is a better choice than a movie adaption, and more studios should consider doing it.
Reasons being is that video games have a lot going on in terms of interaction and exploring, the average single-player game exceeds many hours, sometimes even dozens upon dozens of hours depending how much content is in the game.
Look at it this way:
A movie adaption has to pick and cram the essential parts of a game and fit it all in a 90 - 120 time frame.
A television show with let's say 20 episodes with a run time of 1 hour each has a better chance of conveying a game's premise and story to an audience.
To expand on Drunk_PI's post above, Trump just contradicted another story from his White House staff.
After the story broke of him sharing intel with the Russians, the National Security Adviser and Deputy National Security Adviser stated that the Washington Post article that broke the story was false, but Trump just admitted via Twitter (no surprise) that the article was indeed true.
Big Rigs is so bad that it's awesome. Yes, it's objectively a horrible game on every level, but in every hilarious way rather than in every frustrating way when we think of a bad game.
I've never personally been a huge fan of the Grand Theft Auto series, but I have a lot friends that are, and they all say the same thing: San Andreas is the best, Grand Theft Auto V is a close second, Grand Theft Auto IV is the worst, they're indifferent towards Vice City, and none of them have played Grand Theft Auto III.
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