So out of curiosity, I decided to burrow Atlas Shrugged from the library. I have argued with several randroids in the past, in pretty much every topic (yes even video games), so I thought this book would give me some insight into how they think. But I kinda regret doing so. I would rather read the dialogue in Fates over this trite. I know that I cant give anything a 1/10, but this deserves a 0/10. It is preachy as ****, the philosophy is juvenile and childish (showing a black and white either/or view of the world), the characters are flatter than a board, the world is completely unbelievable (and not in a good way).
That was worse than playing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. That was worse than reading Youtube comments. That was worse than reading the Political Gamers board.
Looking back, I was probably a bit too harsh on Persona's writing. There is a lot more literature out there than the cream of the crop and most things will come across bad when you compare them to the cream of the crop.
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