Oh, man... has really been that long...
xdude85's forum posts
Had to explain to a 17 year old what Tom and Jerry was a few days back.
I'm not old, but it makes you feel old.
I feel the same, I'm not old but I feel old.
I had to explain to people who were only a few years younger than me what Bill and Ted was.
Wait, an alcoholic, wife-beating, anti-Semite who ran an alt-right news organization suddenly isn't fit to be part of the National Security Counsel anymore?
Who would've thunk?
@Vaasman: @illmatic87: @davillain-: Good to know, I'll put this on my mental wishlist for the time being.
I asked because as much as I love Platinum Games, I wasn't sure if diving into anime hell was worth it.
Then I realized that I own Metal Gear Solid V, and if the game's not making you focus Quiet's ass or breasts, it's making you stare at your in-game phone and micromanage your base for hours.
I've yet to see Rogue One, because I can't stand Star Wars anymore. Never was much of a fan, anyway.
You're not missing much, it's a cash-grab and nothing more. Plus like the_master_race mentioned, all it does is play the nostalgia card and of course Star Wars fans loved it.
Is this game actually good?
Whenever I visit the Steam forums for this game, almost everyone seems fixated on the main character's ass.
@crimsonbrute: I'm surprised it got made in general. I admit it's admirable that Hollywood is going out of their way to make these adaptions and introducing American audiences to these niche franchises. But that's the kicker, it's not only a niche franchise, but a foreign one too. So you not only have this huge risk and likelihood of this adaption not transitioning well in the hands of American filmmakers, but also that American viewers in general might be turned off upon realizing it's based off a Japanese cartoon, which let's face it, is also a niche market.
Romo is unfortunately going to go down as another good QB that got hurt way too much.
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