@Maroxad: We read The Hobbit, The Princess Bride, The Dark Tower, Stardust, and The Outsorcerer's Apprentice.
J.R.R. Tolkien was the best by far, Stephen King is overrated as shit, and the rest were decent. Though I have to admit I prefer the movie adaptation of The Princess Bride more.
It's kind of ironic though, the class I'm taking is literally called "Special Topics in Science-Fiction and Fantasy" and there's been no inclusion of any science-fiction works whatsoever.
@Maroxad: The English class I'm taking is primarily focused on fantasy works, and we have read several books (5 to be exact), but my professor decided to broaden the study of the fantasy genre by including other forms of media like Undertale into the syllabus.
I don't mind, especially since I was forced to read Homestuck and had to endure and hear the bullshit drivel that it was a deep, and complex text when in fact it's the internet's nadir. Seriously, I'd rather browse 4chan forums all day than read that garbage again, I don't fucking care how popular it is, it's trash made by a guy who has the mindset of a pre-teen.
If you're talking about backlogs and wishlists, then yeah, I can definitely identify.
I have over 50 games on my Steam wishlist, most of them I put there in the heat of moment; I thought they looked cool without really looking at them thoroughly.
Basically, if I were given a blank check right now, I'd probably only buy a handful of them.
Wait, an alcoholic, wife-beating, anti-Semite who ran an alt-right news organization suddenly isn't fit to be part of the National Security Counsel anymore?
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