@SOedipus: I'm in college, that's what's even sadder about my English class.
xdude85's forum posts
So this isn't a DLC but an expansion pack? I thought they stopped making those 20 years ago.
Fucking hell I hate my English class.
Wasting my fucking time discussing Undertale's narrative when 99% of video game stories are garbage.
Having to watch a video in class of some unfunny dipshit play Five Nights at Freddy's.
Having to listen to half the class that's mostly made up of pretentious hipster fuckers say that YouTube gaming personalities are insightful, intelligent commentators, and that Five Nights at Freddy's was one of the scariest things they've ever seen.
Having to listen to a pop-culture-nerd douchebag piece of shit that sits in front of me talk about the dozens of times he played Dead Space and how it wasn't until the dozenth time that he realized the game was influenced by Alien.
After Undertale we're watching an anime next.
Just fucking kill me already.
@jointed: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Japan, Germany, Austria, and I'm sure plenty others.
Having lived in several of those countries and being a citizen of two of them, I can safely say that they're authoritarian shitholes. Possibly with the exception of Denmark, Japan and Norway. To even include Canada and Germany is actually quite hilarious.
I love how you don't specifically state which countries you've been in, you just leave it at several. Jesus fucking christ dude, if you're going to troll, at least put some fucking effort into it.
Hmm, ok. We have a guy claiming that all these countries are better than the US...and since I know marxist Americans like the back of my own hand, I'm certain that he's never visited any of these countries himself. I claim, based on the fact that I come from Europe, that several of them are authoritarian in nature.
...and I'm the one trolling? Nice one mate.
How exactly are countries like Australia and Canada authoritative, you're not expanding on your statements, you're calling them shitholes and your explanation is merely "just trust me on this one."
@jointed: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Japan, Germany, Austria, and I'm sure plenty others.
Having lived in several of those countries and being a citizen of two of them, I can safely say that they're authoritarian shitholes. Possibly with the exception of Denmark, Japan and Norway. To even include Canada and Germany is actually quite hilarious.
I love how you don't specifically state which countries you've been in, you just leave it at several.
Canada and Australia are authoritative states? Jesus fucking christ dude, if you're going to troll, at least put some fucking effort into it.
Internet logic: "If I don't like it, then it must be bad and everybody's wrong but me."
So apparently Jeff Sessions doesn't want the Justice Department to have anything to do with independent scientists whose goal is to study and evaluate forensic science techniques.
Full Story Here.
I don't really see how cutting back on a field of science that's imperative to help solve crimes to be a good thing, but hey, that's just me.
So apparently Jeff Sessions doesn't want the Justice Department to have anything to do with independent scientists whose goal is to study and evaluate forensic science techniques.
Full Story Here.
I don't really see how cutting back on a field of science that's imperative to help solve crimes to be a good thing, but hey, that's just me.
Gaming wise and personal wise it's been shit.
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