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xhellcatx Blog

The Game

Ive been waiting to break free,

Now that Ive spawned we will see

The flash from the barrel

The boom from my gun

Who would have thought killing axis could be so fun?

Duck and wave

Try not to be seen

I died.


Just felt like writing a poem about Call of Duty. Whatcha think?

The elusive Hellcat!

Well Hi there! Long time no post, huh?

Well I have been busy... sorta. I have been trying a new routine of trying to keep my kids pacified and happy while trying to get them to learn more. My oldest is really doing great, learning more and everything.. my youngest... well im still trying to get her to talk. She says a few words but sometimes she just doesnt want to work with me. Its frustrating, but she will learn one day. I have hope.

I last posted about my marriage. We are still together so I guess... However, I still dont go anywhere and I guess Im depressed or something cause it takes a lot for me to leave the house now. I started making him go grocery shopping now, and hes gotta beg me to go to the px if we need something inbetween commisary trips. I kind of tribute that to ... well several things I guess. I am depressed, theres no questioning that. My self esteem is pretty much non-exhistant, and my anxiety has gone through the roof it seems (i have had mild social anxiety for a while but lately its exploded. Probably cause my self esteem and confidence hit.) It kinda started right after my last grandparent (my gramma) died a few months ago, and I wasnt able to go to the funeral. I got very depressed about that and cried for a few days. I loved my gramma a lot, but we simply did not have the funds to send me to see her off to heaven, so its not really anyones fault, but still hurts.

Other then that, have been just playing WoW, tho im getting bored with it, and some of the people i play with have taken a turn for the weird. All well.

I want a puppy. An english bulldog or a yorkie. Preferably the bulldog.

That is all.

Depression... I hate depression.

Well, im definatly depressed. Theres just so much garbage going on.. and I have no outlet cept here... you poor poor souls. Guess I just need to vent about today. Husband loves to play paintball right? So do i. His friends call him up and ask him to go play and of course hes runnin for his guns. Problem? Whats the problem? Well I cant go, cause I gotta watch the kids cause he wont let anyone else watch them. So basically this means I have to stay home all the time with them unless he stays home with them, or if we go out as a family. But heres the other problem... i have no friends here. And its mighty hard to make friends when you cant go out. But the other problem is, i really love paintball. Probably just as much as he does. I dunno.. just feels unfair, and im jealous cause he gets to go play while i have to be the babysitter. *Sighs*.

Hellish to the Cat is the Miss or something

Well I guess its about time to blog again heh. Yay! Maybe..

So whats new huh? I guess my youngest daughter sayin more words is new. And shes actually calling her daddy Daddy instead of saying "no!' when I tell her to say it. She actually started a game with him where she pokes him and goes 'daaady...' and he pokes her back and says "Saaandy" and then she pokes him a whole lot trying to say daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy real fast but it ends up comin out 'daaaaaaay day day day day day!' so its kinda cuter then it would normally be. She also says Jumping, Happy, foot, Sandy (which is new as of yesterday), spoon, bowl, and (surprise surprise) Spongebob!.

Watched Cloverfeild lastnight. Was supposed to watch it on Mothers Day (which actually ended up being one of the crappiest days ive ever had but thats a whole nother story id only share with those closest to me. Ya'll know who you are). Anyhow, the power went out on Mothers Day, a few minutes before i put the girls to bed, which was when we were going to start the movie, but yea. No power, no movie. But finally watched it and all i gotta say is Holy Crap! I called my parents mothers day of course and told my dad we got it and hes like 'yea i just got that one too, but i edited the first 10 minutes out of it, and its like a billion times better'. I can see why he did it. First 10 minutes is snooze time. But when the action hits... holy crap. It wasnt the BEST movie by far, and it definatly wasnt the WORST. Things could have been different in it to make it even better i think, but what was given was pretty good. However... I got pretty sick of the Home Movie style... especially with all of the running and the camera jarring around and it sucking that way. Almost got me a lil sick from all the motion lol.

All well, i gotta get for now. try to update more later. *cookies for all who read*

Its my 4th wedding anniversary today!

Hello everyone, Today its my 4th anniversary. Cant really believe its been 4 years... doesnt seem like it cause my husbands been gone for so long and has missed our past 2 anniversaries lol.

We have been starting to play D&D here at the house, and I have met some of his friends, its a pretty fun game so far. I do enjoy RP n stuff so it works nice. Also been playing WoW a lot, and I beat my husband so many times at Madden 07 that I think he just gave up lol. I dont even know what im doin on that game but I seem to win every time... without even trying lol. Been playing some Assassins Creed and GH3.. rockin and rollin all night :p lol Been thinking about begging my husband to get Rock Band, but i seriously doubt hed play that with me....

Well gotta go tend to the young'uns so perhaps ill hit up the forums later. Ciao!

Happy Belated Easters!

Hey everyone, Just figured id say Happy Belated Easter! Been a bit crazyful lately, and my daughters birthday n all... cant believe shes 2 now. Jeeze. Well i got a lot of work to do, so perhaps I'll see ya all later :)

So I forgot for like 2 hours that I got a 360.

Yea. I thought I was dreaming, then I looked back at the tv and there it was. Woow. Got Assassins Creed for it. Watched my hubby play lastnight. Looks like a fun game. Also got guitar hero 3 finally for the ps2, and got FF12 for it too. Havent played either yet. Mebby tonight. If I'm not playin WoW. Yea. I play that. *waits for the WoW bashers, equipping a burn shield ect* Its a fun game tho so i dont really care what anyone else thinks. My hubby and I play it together. We have real good times doin it so yea.

Guess what?!

I got my baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back. *makes some ribs and points at them* Ribs? I got my baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back! *points at ribs* Ribs? Hellcaaaats got her baby back, you want some ribs? hehehe *magnormous smile*


Well my husband called me thismorning. He didnt get the flight out today so he wont be here tomorrow. Just waiting for them to call me and tell me the updated time. *Sighs* Also had a fight with him on the phone. I hate it when he brings up finances. *cuddles into her soft blanket and dies*