Wow...Pit bull attacks do happen, but i agree, yes, little kids shoudnt be near pit bulls that are adopted, but if you buy a pitbull as a puppy and raise it with your family, the chances of it attacking you are very unlikely. Its just so many people say "OMG PITBULLS ARE BAD" because underground fighting pitbulls were taken, then ADOPTED by ignorant people, that dog was trained to kill, any dog can be trained to kill.
Seriously, and the people that adopt the pitbulls in the pound that were taken from the crack heads, just let them loose. Then i agree, those specific pitbulls are dangerous, but if you buy a pitbull as a puppy, bring it up and care for it, it will be a tame dog.
Just dont believe when someone says when they say "pitbulls are teh dangoorus cuz teh girl got teh mauled!!1"
I just wish so many people werent so ignorant about this subject...
I bet if FOX news said "PITBULLS ARE NOW THE CALMEST DOG" everyone would believe them, but one person in this forum said he got attacked by a pitbull, (well 2 people actually), but they still respect the pitbull, one said he woudnt own one, fine with me, and he deserved my respect by not bashing the pitbull and saying "IT SHOULD BE RESTRAINED" , and same with Honkyjoe, he doesnt blame the breed, but the owner.
Even if you dont like the pitbull, doesnt mean its justified to throw it in the pound and kill it.
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