Realism. it adds an effect to the game where a guy is in a little shack, and you can just blow the shack to pieces with the guy inside of it, adds a whole new style of gameplay.
for email and other internet stuff. yeah. 5 years... for gaming? already outdated.. get 2 4870's.. hehehe. welcome to PC gaming.aoshi_shinumori
Wow...people like you just make me laugh, just cause theres a new card doesnt make your PC outdated. Seriously, you didnt help at all. Stop calling parts outdated! Even the 8800 is a great card! but you go around saying "O lol it is teh outdaet cuz teh 4870 caem oot LOL pc gaeming"
Hey, Sometimes i get the "ATIKMDAG has stopped responding and sucessfully recovered" error, then it repeats, about 8 times, and then i get a BSOD. its usually when im on my desktop, not when im gaming.
I have Catalyst Control Centre AND i have the 8.7 Drivers, any help? thanks
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