When I woke up a morning saw Micheal Jackson out of my window, he said: I would never do you!!!.
Got out of the house saw my neihbour loading this huge truck, he said: Well i gotta go your to ugly to be my neighbour.
Got back in the house to pack my scool bag to go to school. My brother was holding a gun to his head. He said: Finnally i will never see youre face again! **BANG** he shot himself in front off my face. I was watching him in a shock. He then moved his middle finger to show it to me... Then groaned and died...
Then after that i went to go eat my breakfeast. Took some Frosted Flakes... I watched the back off the box. Tony the tiger wathed me closesly... He then said: Youuuuureeee Fattt!!!!
I then left my house with an empty stomach. Waited for the bus to come. The bus finnally arrived. THe bus driver opened the door looked at me, and slammed the door shut and drove off. I saw the kids at my school rolling down their windows and yelling at me and throwing things.
I had to walk to school. A dog came walking at me looked at me in the eyes, sniffed me and then decided to pee on me... He then ran off.
Finnally i arrived at school, everybody looking at me while I pass for my locker... I arrive at my locker and some bullies come up to me and drive me into my locker and then close the door... They open it a little later saying it was a waste of time putting me in the locker.
I went for class. I saw my teacher looking at me with an awfull look in her eyes. I took a seat. Their is this girl I like sitting beside me. She looked at me and said: You smell like dog **** Why don't you take an other place... Youre freaking me out you looser...
I decided to take an other seat. Alone at the back of the class... The teacher would not even dare to ask me a question or not even look at me.
All day long I watched time pass by till finnally the Bell Rang...
I ran to the door and went outside. Crying, screaming in despare that someone would help me. Not a single person wanted me not even my parents, my brother, Mickeal Jackson, My neighbour, The bus driver, the cutest dog in the world, Tony the tiger,the school bullies, the most beautifull girl in the world, nore my teacher.
I decided that i would go to the top of my school and jump off the edge. Everybody saw me and did nothing but yell: JUMP OFF YOU A HOLE!!! or DO IT YOUR LIFE SUCKS ANYWAY!! or WHY DON'T YOU JUST DO IT EVEN MICHEAL JACKSON HATES YOU!!!
I closed my eyes and jumped off the edge...
I thought i could see a white hole... But no there was nothing there... I STILL LIVEEEEE !!!! NOOOOOOO !!! WHAT A WASTE OF TIME!!!
I got up went to the nearest bridge and jumped off into the water...
I thought i could see a white hole.... But no there was nothing there. I STILL LIVEEE!!
I got out of the water and ran to my house... Took a Gun And Held to my head. Pulled the trigger.
I thought i could see a white hole.
But no there was nothing there. Still live...
Then i finnally said : Why don't i change my name and my whole identaty and start a new life??
And i finnaly did it. I started a new life and a new begining...
And that was the most depressing day of my life.
You just made my day
EDIT: Oh and the saddest day of my life was when my uncle died
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