DISCLAIMER: Before you start with the "Oh, you're just a [Insert console] fan boy, and you hate [Opposition console's game]. Go DIAF." I'm stating now that I have no affiliation with any system. I have most consoles, and I play games because of the game, not the console, so you can save your comments. Thanks.
So every time I log into Gamespot I see their poll. I read it over, and never actually submit anything. I realize that they are commerciall plugging certian games, and that's why you see enormous ads on both sides of the screen, but I thought the idea of a poll was to be non-bias; to get a feeling for the people's general decision. All they have become is yet another commercial plug tool that you can't respond to unless you want to sound like a fanboy extremist.
Take today's poll for instance. The "Halo Bug." Your poll choices are "I like it.", "I love it.", or "I'm a crazy fanboy." To me that's not a very accurate description of a poll. Where is it "Eh, I might play it sometime." or the "I'm not interested in Halo 3." options? One could make the argument that "Well this poll is only for people who like Halo 3, to gauge their response so far." but why make a poll so stupidly centralized and try and call it "results"? And atop that, why put it on the front page? This isn't just a knock on Halo, as every day it seems the new big game is thrown into the poll, with similar responses.
Granted this isn't the most important gripe, but seriously.If it's a poll, make it a poll. If Gamespot's marketing department is influencing polls, that's just a cheap plug and shouldn't be a "Poll of the Day" question. Unless of course they add "P.S. - We sold out."
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