Congrats! Don't forget to get EA Access. :)
Xisiuizado's forum posts
I can see the overwhelming aspect you are describing. It took a while for me to get oriented. The concentration required to play it also lends it to being a game that is hard to get back into after taking a break from it.
I don't expect it, I just said it's bad for consumers.
Note: The exception is if a game wouldn't exist if it were not for the extra profitability exclusivity brings. In such cases, as in Bayonetta 2, it does benefit consumers.
1) Didn't buy Destiny, but I might once the Taken King set comes down in price, if I'm not into something else by then.
2) Did buy ES: Oblivion due to reviews and thought it sucked. I like RPGs too, but ES:O has terrible controls.
That necessity for attention is a magical thing about it. While playing it, I always thought of Sunset as a "gamer's game" in the truest sense. Basically, I saw it as a modern, three dimensional take on the old 8/16 bit platformers, lack of casualness and all.
@oflow: With Microsoft's current NFL deal going, I could see it as a possibility. It'd be nice to have some NFL competition. As for the best ever, that's debatable since it had some serious flaws, but it was definitely much better than Madden. It cost less too. :D
Get the bundle with EA Access. Access is awesome. It's either the best deal in gaming, or second/third to Games with Gold/PS+. $30 per year for 13+ games, and growing, is fantastic. Also, EA is considering adding X360 games to the Vault too.
The PlayStation 4 has really nothing of worth releasing to the broad gaming community (unless you're a weaboo) until roughly the middle of next year, if you're fine being stuck with something with nothing on the horizon for the next 6-9 months then the PlayStation 4 is a possible option. You asked what console is the best for Christmas and the holidays, and objectively the only correct answer will be the Xbox One, a bunch of big games just came out and there are several more on the way for the holidays. Even in that case too the Xbox One has a bunch of 2016 games on the docket, good looking games, so you need to be aware that this extends beyond the holidays.
On top of this the Xbox One will be releasing backward compatibility with over 100 360 games being compatible with more to be added as time goes on, and a completely redesigned user interface and operating system going into November.
There's only one answer in the context of your thread, everyone knows what it is no matter how hard they try to twist your arm.

^^^ This. So much this.
Every gen, it's the same with every Nintendo console...
-Lacking/no third party support
-Too kiddy because their three main IP's still exist
-Yadda! (x3)
I disagree with the too kiddy comments, if they really exist. Just because the games can be played by little people and have colorful graphics, doesn't mean they are games for children. My guess is that most of us are just platformed out. Heck, I deleted the free platformers from GWG already. They just bore me mostly, except for Ori. I WANNA play that soon. :D
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