Nintendo fanboys really need to stop this myth that nintendo makes amazing games.
The gameplay of a nintendo game is easy, simplistic and treating the player like a 5 year old by holding their hand in everything.
The AI in nintendos games are non existent. They just walk back and forth waiting for the player to kill them by jumping on them, shooting them or swinging a sword. The "amazing gameplay" you praise is yawn inducing.
The games on wii, wii u and to a lesser extent the 3DS have horrible controls which break the games. Motion controls are horrid and makes their games unplayable.
I really wish the nintendo faithful would just stop lying to themselves and others. Nintendo is a mid tier developer at best. They make $20 bargain bin games but charge $60-70 AAA prices.
I don't understand how anyone can spend so much on wii u games when they are all Gamecube or DS ports in HD.
The truth is, nintendo is cheap and lazy, but their shrinking delusional fanbase eats everything up like its still 1985 and overrates everything.
Don't even dare claim mario/zelda are even in the same league as REAL amazing AAAA games like MGSV.
Every time I ask a nintendo fan to describe the amazinn gameplay of nintendo games....they say nothing.
But I can easily tell you about amazing stuff that you are able to do in a game like MGSV, Halo, Witcher etc because they have tons of amazing REAL gameplay.
^^^This. Nintendo in a nutshell.
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