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#1 Xisiuizado
Member since 2014 • 592 Posts

@Slimmin360 said:
@chikenfriedrice said:

Not one of their exclusives interested me and no third party support and the tablet controller and I hated the Wii....those are my reasons.

Then it's pretty obvious your not really a Nintendo fan, and shouldn't really reply to the thread.

No. Nintendo fans need to know why people are not buying their beloved console. Those of us who gamed since before Nintendo and grew up with them are finished. The other poster is correct. Nintendo's exclusives lack diversity and, thusly, suck. No third party support when all of the most popular games, that are not pack in games, are third party is a system eliminator.

Oh, also, the only reason a lot of us come here is because these Wii U threads come up in the most recent list frequently. They're entertaining.

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#2 Xisiuizado
Member since 2014 • 592 Posts

@Slimmin360 said:

Aside from the lack of third party support, and lesser hardware specs than PS4 and X1......

Really what is so terrible? It is 100% backwards compatible with Wii games, it supports external hard drives, their network, as inferior as it may be to the competition, almost never goes down.

The first party games are unmatched by any other system ... so it can't be all bad.

Opinion <> fact. Nintendo's games are not better. The third party exclusives aren't either.

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#3  Edited By Xisiuizado
Member since 2014 • 592 Posts

@Heirren said:


I suppose that's true, which makes me wonder who visits this forum and why wiiu sales are so low. People buy $200 limited edition games and then state how wiiu is not worth it.

Simply put, the $200 Limited Edition game has more value to more people than $200 for a Wii U. Even with games included. The Wii U actually IS THAT BAD. It's sad. :(

Oh well, my X1 is awesome!

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#4 Xisiuizado
Member since 2014 • 592 Posts

@nintendoboy16 said:
@emgesp said:
@aia89 said:

Third party support has been a problem for Nintendo for quite a while, but I cannot quite get why it cannot sell decently considering the very good amount of exclusives it has.

Bad marketing from Nintendo part or people getting bored with Nintendo exclusives and wanting to play Call of Duty's and the likes?

I got Super Mario Maker today and it's just addictive that I don't wanna go back playing through Dishonored anymore.

Simple, the vast majority of gamers just aren't interested in what Nintendo has to offer. Either Nintendo changes and starts making products that appeals to the average gamer, or be stuck catering to the 10 million or so core fans for the foreseeable future.

Again, somehow the pro-"Nintendo should be third party" camp will deny this and just say "it's only the hardware we have no interest in".

There's a difference between paying $300 + the cost of games to play 2-3 titles, versus just the cost of the 2-3 titles. For the $200 that a refurbished Wii U costs from Nintendo, I can buy at least 6-7 full retail games for my X1, whenever my backlog decreases. This doesn't even account for Nintendo's software being vastly overpriced versus their quality. $60 for 10 hour platformers? GTFO.

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#5  Edited By Xisiuizado
Member since 2014 • 592 Posts

@KBFloYd said:
@xisiuizado said:
@KBFloYd said:
@xisiuizado said:


It isn't trash, it just isn't competitive. There is a difference.

ill take splatoon,mario, star fox, and smash bros over both your xbox and plasyation librarys put togther.

but then ive been gaming for 30 years. im not some stupid kid noob.

Wow, so much anger. I know Nintendo disappoints, but you shouldn't take it personally or so hard. I've been gaming since I was 6, so that's 34 years...now get off my lawn! :D

nice comeback.... its like i didnt own you.


You didn't. While it usually is true that someone who tries distraction or personal attacks has no more ammunition for a debate, in this case I was responding to "but then ive been gaming for 30 years. im not some stupid kid noob."

Basically, stating that you'd "take splatoon,mario, star fox, and smash bros over both your xbox and plasyation librarys put togther," shows that you are either trolling or clueless. I understand the clueless part, as I was shocked at the diverse plethora of games available on the X360 when I traded my Wii towards it.

However, I digress. Splatoon, "mario" (Seriously, name the title(s).), Star Fox (Isn't out, looks like a GC/Wii game.), and Super Smash Brothers are NOT better than Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare, Child of Light, and the near infinite number of other high quality games available on the XBox One.

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#6 Xisiuizado
Member since 2014 • 592 Posts

@blackace said:

The Cloud Tech was just the beginning. lol!! Where's my popcorn. This is going to get good. We just need El Tormo and GrenandeLicker now and this thread is ready to go. Let the Cows meltdowns and salty tears begin.

Lol. I read you post thinking that guy is watching your avatar. :D

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#7 Xisiuizado
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@Shewgenja said:

So, power matters again, now?

Yes, and no. While I'd like my X1 to have a power bump, I don't think it's a big deal. The numbers quoted aren't possible anyway.

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#8 Xisiuizado
Member since 2014 • 592 Posts

@mesome713 said:

@Solaryellow: Its the intense collecting, not the casual collecting. Wii U has more intense games then PS4 and Xbox One combined. Wii U is a system that caters hardcore players.

Awesome trolling!

8/10 would read again! :D

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#9 Xisiuizado
Member since 2014 • 592 Posts

@nintendoboy16 said:
@daveg1 said:

@nintendoboy16: Nintendo should go third party

Pick one or the other. Can't have both.

How about neither. I used to think I'd want a few Nintendo games on the X1, but now I don't care. For many of us older gamers, we've moved away from what Nintendo offers and we like what we see.

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#10 Xisiuizado
Member since 2014 • 592 Posts

@mr_huggles_dog said:
@Snugenz said:
@mr_huggles_dog said:

~ 170 games at least.

That I own.


Quote very single person in this thread asking them for proof.....then I might consider your post as not dumb and trollish.

No doubt. Many of us have extensive backlogs due to impulse buying and/or getting into a new game and just playing it for seemingly forever. Asking for proof when gaming has become silly cheap isn't intelligent.