Sorry not the case, retailers always want more of new thing, especially more than its competitors. Does not mean they have the sales, but they gamble that it's wanted. Try n purchase more, even maybe get a bit extra discount due to bulk.
Now if m$ had seen huge uptake in UK worldwide ect. They'd ship them believe me. But as I keep saying, only a few really gona spend all that money on a limited system.
No demand is high by the retailers, not buyers. If pre-orders had been huge m$ would release more stock. But i envisage low demand here in UK. So m$ only send what's sold. As the don't want huge piles of unsold boxes covered in dust.
"Biggest security breach" - Yeah M$ Explorer full of holes for decades!!!
Sony has not pulled anything near as bad as M$ have over the years. Don't remember Sony being taking to court by US Govt for anti-trust and monopoly. Something which held back OS development for I'll use M$ everyone know who I mean by this.
They didn’t shut down whole network down for 3 weeks. Even if they did, good thing to get it looked at. Better than as M$ did just ignored all warnings of the holes in Explorer, like they ignored all the reports Xbox RROD until again another huge court case was about to drop. Then they did something after 6 months of issues and denning it.
No Sony decided they'd make you pay to go online with PS4, as they could see it was a good income scheme, but they also gave free games away which helped small studios gain big audience. It had nothing to do with trying to stop anyone leaving. PS3 won last gen in the final year. Then once people saw the nasty ugly VCR which was the Xbox one, they all came like droves to PS4. Sony are just much better at customer service and satisfaction. It's very important in eastern business practice. Something we don’t have here in the west especially US firms.
PlayStation has been profitable for decades, not something you can say for Xbox. PlayStation is making so much profit it's keeping rest of comapny afloat.
No but I do know at some point you have to cut your losses. Xbox as a whole devision still seems to be losseing money. Even after passing the R&D cost for kinnext onto the foolish early adopters of Xbox One M$ have alwasy stuggled with hardware, they only succeded in software in the 80's due to manopoly.
I see M$ abandonig consoles after this last Xbox as I truuly feel it's pick up with be slow every but the US. They limited the amount of stock here in UK due to low demand. Then they'll just turn it into a gaming OS. That way they'll still be able to make some money out of it.
"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."
M$ and EA have learnt, they can do what they want and they'll always be defended.
Some PS2 could have had issue, but Sony sorted them, they didnt force people to buy 1 or 2 more xboxs as they kept denying there was a problem.
M$ treat all customers with contept, I didnt want them getting onvolved with consoles. As they'd screw people over, which they have done left right and centre.
Can't really think i one really good quality M$ product...well the Surface Pro 3. But 1 & 2 were crap, yet people still brought them diong all of M$ Q&A for them.
They managed to recoup a lot of funds by forcing everyone to buy the kinnect. But I still believe the whole division is still a huge loss over all.
Any other product that did as badly as Xbox realistically did would have died by now. But yeah might be last machine from M$ before the cut their losses and just dump it into OS
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