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Ok lets try this again. What you see as "manufacturing errors and a failed attempt at innovation" I see as low quality cheap products were used to maximise profits. And M$ ignored and deihned everythign right up until a big court case was about to hit them. Innovation??? What hololens..thats gone nowhere.

Yeah OK EA and Access "widely acknowledged as consumer friendly by many" This is where I bring Trump in. There are plenty who believe what he said about the protestorst was fine and OK. Same as you're fine with EA a comapny who won worst comapny in US 2 years in a row....do I need to go on. Saying you only defended 1 policiy, is the same as saying Trump only defended the white supremisist that one time.

Yes M$ have had to come up with all sorts of things to stop the steadly flow away from Xbox. Some good...most meh!

Also remember they were the ones who charged you for playing online 1st. That was nice wasnt it. Real customer 1st type stuff there.

Yes Sony followed suite, but get this they give away free games with it. Which again M$ now copy.

As for the low stock numbers, if there had been a huge pre-order of new xbox. Then M$ would make sure theres plenty to go round, so those that didnt get pre-order can still buy one day one. But as the pre-orders are quite low and they don't want piles of unsold xbox gatterhing dust. They are limited stock avaialbelity. Also they'll be able to spin the line they "sold out due to high demand" which people like you will swallow.

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Err no

You defend EA & M$ polices etc same as Trump defending bigoted racist white supremacist at Charlottesville. I have no time for Trump and I have no time for you.

Christ 41% of yanks believes dinosaurs roamed around with humans. While there is that sort of ignorance and your defence of a company like EA. They'll continue to screw customers.

Buddy there’s a reason its only being released as limited numbers in UK. We don’t really want it.

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@joshrmeyer: I see the Xbox just becoming a gaming OS on PC very soon.

M$ still losing money on Xbox division, they'll cut their losses soon.

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Yeah right more media spin an dbull from M$.

They havent even got the full Halo mater colection out, as I'm gona guess 343 are stuggling to improve the graphics on some of the game. So much for being easy to do!!! You would have though that 343 would have been at the fron tof the line, for Specs and xbox to test o. Yet they still miss the launch date.

So why again are developers going to spend time "improving" graphics for what will be a small install base? I really don't think they'll bother. Well mabey a few big stuiod, and EA of course as they're so much in bed together.

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Mate EA has been voted worst company in US for a couple of years on the trot. I can't even be bothered to read the rest what you've written. If you see no issues with EA, you must truly be blind!!!

Keep defending them, it's why EA and M$ do what they do.

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@TwinStripeUK: ahhhhhhh you're both spelling n grammar nazi as you have nothing else.

Running along with your dictionary now little boy.

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Yes it is something that all in industry do.

My point is that companies like EA and M$ do the most with these to squeeze out as much money from the fools who keep buying Xbox. How many times has EA won worst company of the year?? This is why I was happy when Sony didn’t get involved with EA early access, while M$ jumped right ahead, as they both have same philosophy, company profits 1st everything else secondary.

It's a whole difference of philosophy of how to do business in the east. Yes they make products that they think customers want and they sell then to make a profit. Unfortunately in too many big businesses in US, profit is king, screw everyone else. I mean just look who they’re president is???

M$ have continually screwed it's customer base over, RROD, Kinnect, stupid HD DVD etc.

I have no issue with mico-transations. It's just EA is now going down the route of pay to win, which is somewhere I can see M$ wanting to go to, and with you defending anything bad said about M$ they'll do this. As they know so many don't care about history or the past, just want get the new shiny shiny, then cry when they get screwed over.

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Wow normally id say al lthose pre orde bonus etc are a waste of time to get hold of young kids pocket money. But a efing car!!!!!!! Thats a bonus.