Gh3 is most likely better than Rock Band on PS3 because of better songs. Rock Band is too confusing, the drums may be a failure(who knows) the guitar, drums, and base guitar + mic will be too annoying on screen. Oh yea the songs r kinda %$^7 on Rock Band ill wait till Rock Band 2 comes out.
OMFG GS is SO BIASED. Look at the critic score for R n C i think it was 9.4 and the other one was 9.2. IGN 9.4 thats what it should get maybe a 9. Folklore IGN 9.0 great game fun all around. Eye of Judgement IGN 8.0. Who else is pissed at gamespot??!!!
PS3 is a great all around expeirience. I love all the games and exclusive titles. I dont care about shooters. I also love MGS series and FF 13 and killzone 2. So I chose the PS3 cause of the great hardware and wide variety of games. Whyd u choose 360 or wii?
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