xxmatt125xx's forum posts
I think the biggest issue is hardly anyone really wants to play PS3 games on the go. Portable games are targeted for children or are quick play for bus travel.ActionRemixThat was my main problem with most PSP games, you couldn't really play them on the go due to the length and battery life. The games just aren't portable friendly.
[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"]we didn't use them as a last resort, we use it to test it out, saying it was a last resort is BS. Also thats what i'm saying, us having nuclear weapons didn't turn out okay. Also, i'm just learning about this in great depth and i'm sure their is more to the story and why we used them and what happen during that war but i'm beginning to see things differently, but thats the point of college right? hah The very important point that you're missing is that the Japanese government didn't surrender after the first bomb was dropped. There was no other way the war could have been won besides a massive invasion, which would have resulted in many more civilian deaths. As bad as it sounds dropping the bombs was the better option, if that didn't happen many more lives would of been lost and the war could of potentionally lasted longer. I think it's fine that America is at the forefront trying to control nuclear weapons beause the country knows full well the results and devastation of these weapons. Plus times have changed things are a lot different now than back in the 40's, and even the cold war.[QUOTE="Bane_09"]
If Iran or North Korea obtained nuclear weapons there would be mass destruction. They would use them..... I don't get why anyone thinks Iran or North Korea having nuclear weapons would turn out okay.
We used them in the past as a last resort and as another user said, the times have changed now and it is unfortunate that we did use them in the past
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