When people bring up the concept of the devil and hell it does not make a lot of sense, considering the one to create it is suppose to be all powerful and all knowing, not matter what events took place to create hell he would of known about it. Yet God always acts suprised. The whole notion of hell is a fear tactic so people will fall in line as the fear of death rests on many peoples minds, it is basically inviting someone in to your house under a set number of conditions and rules they must obey, if they don't you throw them into a fire. Now that isn't much of a choice and takes away the notion of freewill.
I don't mind leaderboards but I prefer it when the friend leaderboard is the focal point because that means more to me than a bunch of random names. It is one of the reasons why I loved Need for Speed Hot Pursuit.
I think Uncharted 3 is one of the best looking games on consoles, and having played both games I don't think Gears 3 is amazing as some state it has some nice details and effects but as an overall package not so much.
He would get destroyed, when you have a character like Green Lantern who can fly through black holes or Superman who is well...Superman. Cole doesn't stand much of a chance. Now if it was the whole team together he wouldn't even last 30 seconds.
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