Post Terminator 2 the timeline changed a bit, but to sum it up, the Reese from the future in the first film is older as he was sent back when the humans had won the war and the Terminator that was sent back was a last ditch effort by the machines to kill John reveasing everything that had happened. T4 is in the early stages of the war when the humans really started to fight back. Speaking of T4 though that film is very faithful to the original two films even going as far to explain John's scar.
Nope I see it as a pretty pointless pursuit, most if not all of these religions make little sense and are full of contradictions. If you look at the Christian God he is supposed to be the perfect being yet suffers from the same problems of man. For one if he perfect why does he require worship? and for a perfect being he sure acts like a child who suffers from temper tantrums constantly.
Nothing is killing the industry currently it is simply that the times are changing, the undustry is adapting to keep up with what people want. Compare last gen to this gen and we have seen a rise in online gaming markets and an influx of indie titles showcased through these platforms be it Steam or XBLA. What is so bad about gaming being accessible to a larger audience, you have to consider more people are playing games now than people ever have, on many different platforms from PCs to IPhones. If the industry was to neglect these things then it would truely be dying. I just find it funny people complain about a lack of inovation like every single game should re invent the wheel, people need to get over the fact that gaming isn't this elite members only club.
If I moved I would learn the language, it would only make sense to. Emigrating and refusing to learn the language of that country is pretty ignorant to me and it would only narrow your opportunities in the future.
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