Oh, give me a break. It has nothing do with their precious town, save for a similarity in the name. They're not working to paint your community as a 'druggie hipster' environment, they happened to borrow the name for a small part of their virtual world and nothing more.
Besides, do they really think Rockstar will 'see the error of their ways' upon a personal visit, and change the name of the town, simply because they're being whiny pansies? Absolutely not. It won't happen.
More people will be talking about Hawick now than they ever would have been before this article came out, only now they'll also be talking about how insanely dumb their councilor and MSP is. Great job, Hawick.
Well crap, there goes the SMT series. Persona from here on out will be reflective of a total lack of quality, both through game mechanics and storytelling. This is absolutely, without a doubt, an awful thing.
@alrepairs I'll give you that, he complains about how the AI stands out in the open and enemy NPC's don't seem to notice them, as though your AI teammates ruining the flow of the game is a good thing.
But that's Tom McShea for you. I never said HE wasn't awful, just not ALL of GameSpot.
@b74kd3th Seriously, you're an idiot. I'm not a Nintendo fanboy, a Sony fanboy, or a Microsoft fanboy. I'm just a guy who can tell that you're trying way too hard to troll, and you're doing a bad job of it. Go outside, kid.
@DonRoosevelt @yearssomuch Right article. People are bitching and complaining that GameSpot is ran by hipsters because a 10 year old HD re-release didn't get the 9.3 it got when it released on last-gen hardware. It's ridiculous.
@jenrard Fanboy with a Link avatar, claiming to boycott a review site because their obviously favorite franchise just had an HD port that didn't score a perfect 10. Irony, kid. Irony.
@BrutalPandaX2 @yearssomuch That's your opinion, and you are more than entitled to it. But even so, if it were better than the top games in the past 12 months, it's still the same game you played 10 years ago, with the same mechanics, it just looks prettier this time around.
You can say what you'd like about GameSpot's crew being 'hipster douchebags' who only appreciate indie titles, and you might not be entirely wrong. (Gone Home getting a 9.5 is ridiculous in comparison to ANY of the games that have came out in the past year alone) But this review is completely and absolutely MORE than fair, which is what being an unbiased game critic is all about.
I understand that you really like this game, and you feel it deserves a much higher score, but come on. No one should have to explain to you how a 10 year old HD port shouldn't be held up in comparison to how it was regarded within the gaming community this time 10 years ago.
And besides, when Wind Waker came out, people were so excited to have a new Zelda world to explore that they completely ignored how completely annoying the Triforce quest towards the end of the game is. Any time I've went back to Wind Waker, I almost always quit for months at a time due to that horribly boring, drawn-out quest.
@BrutalPandaX2 @b74kd3th Of course games don't get worse over time, but the industry evolves over time, making older games obsolete in certain ways. Though I agree, FF8 is a gem, along with many games of old. However, to expect that this game would get the same score, or a better score, for having a re-release in HD, 10 YEARS LATER, is sort of dumb.
yearssomuch's comments