More articles about an issue no one really cares about. Suddenly GTA is sexist because one of the three characters ISN'T a woman? Get the f**k out of here. What's next, it's racist because none of the characters are Latino? Yeah, the logic here is stupid and is only trying to generate buzz for, again, an issue that no one cares about.
Also, the reasoning was for the sake of the story, and since no one knows how the story is going to play out, maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions.
@MudPie210 @yearssomuch The reasoning for three male characters is story. Are you telling me you know the entire story arc for GTAV already? I doubt it.
I feel as though I'm becoming more and more disgusted in the general gaming community as the days go by. It's one thing to endlessly rationalize murder in your games, but now we have people encouraging developers to include sexual assault as a game mechanic simply for the sake of the violence already associated with the medium.
How in the hell is the industry supposed to evolve from crap like this, when the community encourages MORE acts of aggression and violence, simply because they're all fickle gamers who will jump to defend the industry from any naysayers, regardless of the situation at hand? Short answer: It won't.
I've said it a few times now, but I seriously can't say it enough since the majority here clearly thinks otherwise, which is disgusting. Sexual assault does NOT need to be a game mechanic, ever, and anyone encouraging it is deeply disturbed, plain and simple.
Bullshit. This is exactly what I'm talking about, you people seem to be under the impression that since we're already committing murder in video games, why NOT sexual assault? That. Is. Wrong.
It's bad enough that murder is glorified the way it is in video games today, and while I'm not saying sexual assault shouldn't be in media at all (censorship isn't a GOOD thing), I AM saying it shouldn't be in an interactive medium. And encouraging sexual abuse as a game mechanic simply for the sake of it, again, is WRONG.
I get where people are coming from in comparing violence to sexual assault in video games, since they're both unnecessary forms of aggression in media. But at the same time, 'killing' has been sort of a thing since the beginning of video games, and more than anything at this point, it's simply a game mechanic. There's way to rationalize violence, even when it's not rational, in a video game (as ridiculous as that sounds). I don't wait sexual assault being a GAME MECHANIC. Period.
This is the difference in video games and movies. In a movie, you 'observe' sexual assault, and quite frankly that disturbs me far more than seeing someone get shot. I don't want sexual assault being an interactive experience, at any point, ever, and anyone encouraging it is wrong.
That said, I love Dennaton and Hotline Miami, and regardless of its content, I will be playing this game. But if sexual assault is going to be part of that content, maybe not make it interactive. That's what people dislike more than anything else, I promise.
I like Kojima, and I don't think his attitude towards making a 'sexier' character was meant to be a sexist remark, or a reflection of the video game industry. Kojima's sort of been doing this kind of thing for a long time now, so why are people flipping out about it now? Because he announced it on Twitter and got himself a whole lot of free publicity. And look at how well it's working, already this thread is up to 3,900+ comments.
@BurgowichLV Nope, it's all about name recognition and nothing more. Call of Duty inspired those games into existence, and the majority of people who bought 'Modern Combat' bought it under the premise that it looked and sounded like CoD.
I get what you're saying, but this is Call of Duty we're talking about. It will do fine.
Some F2P games are great, you just have to find them. Though I have no problem admitting that I don't care to throw $5-$10 into a new game if I'm enjoying it. It all comes down to how fun it is, honestly.
yearssomuch's comments