@hystavito @Wobbletop @Lohdown I think it's more of a game you anticipate than anything else. But common sense isn't too applicable around here, it seems.
@TheSkilledOne06 Yeah, and your FFXV avatar doesn't make it incredibly easy to paint you as a Sony fanboy or anything. Nope, not at all.
There's nothing wrong with this, only that someone could potentially get a next-gen console for free. I'm usually disgusted by Microsoft, but there's nothing wrong with this, so stop acting like an idiot.
@minerl99 I see what you're saying, but I have a really hard time believing that Sony couldn't integrate the Eye into Twitch, or anything else that the Kinect will do, though you'll see a lot more usage out of Kinect since it's a mandatory piece of hardware.
@kevin_42 @yearssomuch @spartanx169x A lot of people, actually. Microsoft is busted once again undergoing shady business practices, using misleading words and terms so as to confuse the masses.
If I could detach the Kinect from my X1 completely, then I wouldn't be here. Unfortunately, that's not the case, despite what Microsoft wants you to believe. It's shipping with the Kinect, the Kinect is built into the console, and there's nothing you can do about it.
@spartanx169x @yearssomuch @kevin_42 You need to do some more reading, kiddo. You can 'turn it off' via the options, but you can't unplug it. Them using the words 'not plugged in' is in reference to the entire console, not just the Kinect.
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