@dominoodle @nickpeck36 @John_Read You're being naive. Microsoft won't get rid of the Kinect, to them it's the entire point of the console in the first place.
Believe me, they would be far more successful in terms of profit if they just sold a Kinect-less version. But were that the case, they'd be invading the privacy of a lot less people. And that's not what they want.
@keech @Midnight_Twelve Yes, but is it not safe to assume that many people bought the Season Pass with a pre-order, thinking that they'd get all future DLC, as most Season Passes are there for? Being selective about what DLC is included is just greedy.
Gearbox is just completely full of crap, and I'm done with them. They're nothing but shady liars. When Gaige came out, wasn't she not included in the Season Pass as well?
You can't pick and choose what goes into a Season Pass.. it's a Season Pass, meant to give players who purchase it direct access to future content. When you pick and choose what's available to players in the SP, you're asking them to pay for what they've ALREADY paid for. Add to that the fact that future content is going to raise the level cap and this whole thing is sickening.
Stop trusting these guys with your money, they're only using you.
@isv666 Well to be fair, they want Kinect to be better integrated into games. With people not wanting it, there would be no demand for it, thus no games for it.. not worthwhile, at least.
However, I'm of the belief that the Xbox One is at the forefront of privacy invasion, and without the Kinect, Microsoft would have nothing but a game console. Of course, that's the only thing most of us gamers want, but Microsoft doesn't.
They're not giving up on the Kinect, guys. It's just not happening. That's the only reason they keep reversing OTHER policies, so that maybe people will ignore the fact that the Kinect is there in light of the rest of the positive information.
If the X1 didn't have Kinect, Microsoft's vision would be ruined. They want consumer-bought cameras in consumers homes, so don't expect a policy flip on this, ever.
Seriously, good for him. I've been following this for a while now and I honestly thought he would have no chance against EA's lawyers. It's always nice to see greedy publishers get taken down a peg.
yearssomuch's comments