@Xpyder It's still in beta, but the graphics have improved greatly over how they were before.. and they add a new hero every two weeks or so. I don't know when the last time you checked it out was, but it has a ton of heroes now.
I'm of the opinion that, while Ubisoft has always been a quality developer, they're starting to get a little greedy. Just look at the Steam Sales this year, anytime a newer Ubisoft product goes on sale. Far Cry 3 and AC3 both are only 40% off at the biggest mark-offs, and this is during Daily/Flash sales.
Granted, there's nothing wrong with 40% mark-offs or anything, but when they're side-by-side to 75% deals on CHEAPER games? Don't become the next EA, you guys.
You should never be arrested for a comment made on Facebook unless it adds as evidence towards an existing case. Period. The fact that we're living in a day and age where people are being arrested for what they say on social networking sites, in a day and age where this sort of thing is happening more and more often, is quite scary.
Besides, I've seen FAR worse comments than the ones this boy made, no matter how immature and selfless his comments may have been, across countless gaming forums and communities, including this one. Why not arrest them too? Oh yeah, because it's ridiculous to arrest someone for what they say on the internet, that's why.
Maybe they should take a page out of EA's book, and rid all of their games of online passes. They're clearly not doing anything to net them more money, and are only rubbing their customers the wrong way.
yearssomuch's comments