@hordaak No, that's just the internet. Maybe you don't remember the hate that Sony received for overpricing the PS3 at launch, and how loved the Xbox 360 was. To generalize anyone who prefers the PS4 over the X1 as 'jealous idiots' shows your banal mentality.
Besides, I've seen you all over GameSpot, spreading X1 propaganda like it's going out of style. Give it up, fanboy.
@PsychicKiller82 You sound like a blind drone, spouting out nonsense that you know nothing about, and will continue to know nothing about, for months to come.
'The X1 is a better quality console'? You can't say that, neither console is on the market so comparisons are few and far between. Anything you see or read about X1 being a 'better quality console' is based on your own speculation and nothing more. If you simply choose to support the console over others, then more power to you, but your words make you sound like an idiot, if I'm just being honest.
'The multiplayer costs to play on the PS4 now and it will still be a shit service, as well as bad exclusives.' Oh God.. PSN has been fine ever since the network outage, which is ancient history at this point. To be so full of yourself as to suggest that it will still be a shit service when there is a required payment that will obviously go to funding their servers, well quite frankly it makes you look like the typical Xbox fanboy that says the kind of retarded crap you're saying. As for exclusives.. I'll admit that Microsoft has put me in a sort of predicament by bagging Quantum Theory, but other than that? The exclusives look awful. What's that, more Forza and Halo? Snore, no thanks.
@hella_epic @yearssomuch Yeah, the nuke in CoD4 was pretty cool. But granted, that was back in 2007, back when the series was still picking up momentum and wasn't done to death. :P
@kamikazeespleen Seriously, no one cares. The only reason people spend any time talking about it is because IW is trying relentlessly via PR press to GET US to care. Anything else is people picking fun at how serious they're pretending to be about the single player, when in actuality we all know that the campaign is rushed at best, and not what anyone spends their time on.. with good reason.
Granted, I gave up on CoD after Blops1, and I should've quit waayy before that.
@hella_epic Exactly. They can't showcase improvements, or new mechanics, because this is Call of Duty we're talking about. So they spend all their PR money trying to get us to become emotionally invested in an artificial dog because they can't just say 'LOOK GAIZ, NEW CALL OF DOODY LOL'.
They're really pushing this 'dog' thing in the new CoD. Face it guys, your game isn't known for its 'deep, heart-wrenching storytelling', and a goddamn dog isn't going to change that. Focus on making less mediocre shooters with your time instead.
@TheOnlyConan NPD reports never include digital sales, because there's no way for them to track it without getting information directly from the companies that own the consoles. 'Very misleading' if you're misinformed, sure.
@Killer6b9 That deal occurred in June, this NPD report is for May... Maybe next time you'll take a second to take facts into account, before making yourself look really silly.
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