@JumpyLuweegee Oh, now I see what you're up to. You're spamming with random comments about particular companies/consoles, to see the reaction. I'm seeing a trend.
Anytime you talk down on PS4, you get flooded with comments telling you you're stupid. Anytime you talk down on X1, you get the occasional agreeing comment, but not much else.
This is where Microsoft is thoroughly confused, and simply doesn't understand. They've spent the last few years catering to the casual crowd, with their mediocre Kinect-driven titles, and their annual Call of Duty games. Do they really expect this casual crowd to throw down $500? The whole reason that the Wii sold so well was because it was so cheap, and catered to the casual crowd. Microsoft is trying the same theory and doubling the price tag. It's not going to work.
@Foolsgold89 If PSN ever lagged for you, it was either on your end, or you were playing with foreign players, or on foreign servers. The whole 'PSN is slower than XBL because you don't pay for it' crap is a total lie. As an avid online gamer of BOTH consoles, they're comparably the same in terms of lag and online play.
@angleslam @yearssomuch @mercifulACE82 Once more, I'm not defending Microsoft, nor am I comparing their services (at least I wasn't until some idiot decided to make false claims, saying Xbox Live does not and will not offer similar benefits). PS+ is the better value, but guess what? You don't save money by spending money.
@CaveManCobb @yearssomuch @mercifulACE82 @Khiladi_786 Not when they're all old as dirt.
And Xbox Live announced at E3 that they're starting an initiative exactly like Sony's.. two free games every month. But guess what? They're all old as dirt too.
I'm not defending Microsoft and shitting on Sony, or the other way around. But don't say you're getting 'FREE GAMES' when you're paying a yearly subscription for them, dumbass.
@mercifulACE82 @yearssomuch What is the service, exactly? Cloud Storage? Slightly-lower discounts on items that are already discounted? What else goes into that, other than the 3 year old games you're getting for free?
yearssomuch's comments