@Khoo1992 Skype should've been integrated into Xbox 360 back when Microsoft acquired Skype, and wasn't that years ago? They only saved it as a feature for the Xbox One to help it sell better.
@St0Ne4Ge Sadly, this is a fair point, and a lot of probably what drives Microsoft's ego into thinking this will be successful. People will buy an overpriced mobile device at $500 without a contract, why wouldn't they buy a home console?
@MajinSquall @nastyhotpocket Can law enforcement use recorded video footage to pursue an act of crime? Can law enforcement arrest you based on posts you make on Facebook or any other social media website? The answer is yes.
@Jimzeel @yearssomuch Same here, I waited until closer to the end of 2011 before I got a PS3, only because it was so expensive at launch. All of the shiny bells and whistles don't impress me or anyone else when it's simply too much money for something I don't care very much about.
@hordaak Being against the Xbox One clearly puts one in bed with Sony, amirite? No, it's called being a gamer and realizing who's the fascist's and who's not.
yearssomuch's comments