@Riddick123 I enjoyed it for about 5 months, and then it started to get a little boring. Not to mention I wasn't willing to pay full retail for a bunch of goddamn MAP PACKS when my friends didn't mind at all, and I could never play with anyone anyway because everyone got suckered into paying twice as much. Battlefield is being tailored to be CoD's equivalent, by an equally disgusting company, and now there's as much fanboy internet presence for these games that they're BOUND to get dumbed down. After all, BC2 was a gem, whereas Battlefield 3 felt like a downgrade.
What an awful review. The fact that the game lists ALL of your fighters special moves/combos on the FIRST pause screen makes the 'lack of a tutorial' argument totally moot. Lacks replay support, HAH! Someone's solely interested in the campaign, me thinks.
@Solid_Chub @sinn_exit David Hayter sucks anyway, I've honestly hated Snake's voice ever since MGS3. He hasn't really been good for Snake since MGS1, to be honest. I wholly embrace a new voice actor, screw the naysayers.
Everyone keeps complaining that only Nintendo gets flack for this, but that's complete crap. The only reason Nintendo is getting so much hate in THIS article is because THEY came out and said we're tired of the same rehashes, when they're no better than any other developer for this kind of behavior. The gaming industry as a whole is at a decline because of this issue, but for Nintendo, out of all people, to make this claim is just laughable.
They rely on mascots from the 90's to sell their video games today, and then accuse the industry as a whole for providing the 'same experiences'? Give me a break.
Seems pretty obvious to me that the first DLC pack is going to focus on 'Vox Populi Booker' in an alternate dimension. He specifically says how he has vague memories of him and Slate being alongside one another during the rebellion.
Activision, let's make something clear. You're not Konami, you're not Hideo Kojima, and cryptic viral marketing isn't going to work on your mind-numbingly dumb fanbase. We all know another CoD is coming, no surprise there. Moving on.
"For just $2.99, you’ll get unlimited access to a Classic Casual map group featuring top-voted community maps hosted on dedicated servers. You can also invite your friends to your “Operation Payback” games, even if they don’t have a pass."
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