It's nice to see some map makers getting some recognition (and some money) for their work, most of the best maps found in any Counter Strike are community-made. Not to mention, new maps for players, and at a very good price.
Take notes, Activision. This is how you stay in the game for over a decade, treat your fanbase like they're actual people and not mindless consumers.
@Fate_00 As I've said before, anything other than 'Wii U' would've been a better title. I understand where you're coming from with the idea that it's no different than using a numerical to imply 'next generation', but there's not an obvious differentiation between 'Wii' and 'Wii U'. Like others have said, most people probably assumed it was like Nintendo's mobile devices (DS/DSXL), just an upgrade of the previous iteration, rather than a new device entirely. So yes, it is a pretty big deal.
@Diddyaa @mickyfinn84 Misinformed, sure. Stupid? Definitely. But this is Nintendo's fault. They tried to ride the success of their most popular console by giving it, essentially, the same name, hoping that would pull in some sales, when all it did was confuse the casual market they're pandering to.
Is it not obvious? Anything that isn't related to Battlefield probably got the short end of the stick. And soon, once Battlefield has been milked for all it's worth, they'll find another franchise that resonates with gamers, and proceed to suck it dry, as they always do.
It's seriously infuriating that there's so much talk about how evil EA is amongst gamers, yet they're one of the biggest publishers on the scene. Stop buying their mediocre software and give your money and support to others that deserve it already.
I would like to imagine that Microsoft is aware of how badly their console could crash, given the rumored stipulations. Here's to hoping always-online and built-in Kinects is BS.
Well yeah, when all you do is throw a 'U' on the end of your last consoles name, of course people will be confused. Are they really surprised by this? Anything other than "Wii U" would've been a better name. Besides, they're catering to a casual crowd that primarily doesn't play video games, and most likely don't keep themselves up-to-date on gaming hardware, save for the odd advertisement or so, so ultimately they're using the name of their old console to sell their new one, when people have no idea whether it's a console or a peripheral because of all the confusion. And the one's who actually care, the real gamers, generally have no interest in the Wii U due to the fact that it's no stronger than the hardware they bought 5 years ago. Not to mention completely lacking on launch titles, what did they expect?
If you ask me, Nintendo got cocky with how well the Wii sold after its constant casual market catering and assumed all the Wii U's would just fly right off the shelves. Shame on you, Nintendo.. shame on you.
@MAD_AI @BelaidKL They both suck, you two sound like 8 year old fanboys who have never heard of properly developed characters in video games.. or any media, for that matter.
@Lionheart8472 Wait.. if you know you're going to buy it, and ultimately lose interest, in a matter of weeks, why buy it at all? Do what I do, if you feel like playing CoD, play the last one you bought (Blops1 for me, completely gave up on this shit series after that).. it's the exact same thing as buying the new one, since they are essentially the same game.
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