I love it when I see a game in development and immediately know it's going to be a mediocre, buggy piece of crap when it releases. Enter Aliens: Colonial Marines. If anything, Gearbox probably didn't give them priority over Borderlands because it's freaking Sega. Sega has been an embarrassment for the past 15 years, only releasing a decent title every so often, with everything in between being sort of a joke.
Besides.. it's Borderlands. Do you really expect a mediocre throwback to Aliens to take priority over their BIGGEST series? Nope, no way.
I'm not a huge fan of Kinect, at all, but why is everyone crying about Kinect being mandatory if it comes with one? The only way I could see this being an issue is if it breaks, and if it's required, having to get another one. I would like to imagine Microsoft would set up some sort of return policy, were that the case. Besides, was the rumor that Kinect was going to be integrated INSIDE of the new Xbox been scrapped? Because if it's going to be mandatory anyway, why wouldn't it be built within the Xbox's case? Although ultimately, I don't know how much I enjoy Microsoft putting camera's into my console.. if Big Brother was ever a real thing, that would be one hell of a step for them.
Being able to jump between apps will be really nice on console, so I'm not getting everyone's hate with this feature. This is something that is on all smartphones and tablets, PC as well, yet everyone pretends it's some sort of downfall for consoles.
You know what I say? Wait until more concrete information releases before you up and decide you're skipping this generation.. The majority of you making such a claim are simply full of crap. Two years from now, you'll be playing CoD12 on your shiny new X720 and you know it, so just be quiet.
@Dreizel @two-fisted-wolf You're taking ambiguous laughter personally right now, laughter that has nothing to do with you. If he came off as 'kind of a jerk', it's because you perceived him that way.
@HydePark1980 Seriously. While I'm sure there were people who were actually on the fence about a Wii U based on this game, the majority isn't even affected by this yet they pretend this is the catalyst for the downfall of the Wii U. Give me a break.
I mean.. it really is unbelievable how you never hear these politicians mention a word about parents, and how maybe they need to do their job a little better. Nope, it's the big, bad, evil game companies. Ugh.
They legitimately insult all gamers by suggesting that playing Halo or Max Payne or any other violent video game will turn you into a child murderer. But that's the government for you, they'd have you believe that you have no control over your own actions as a consequence of violent media.
However, I will say that there has been disturbing violence in some games that did stick with me long after I was done playing, but did the afterthought make me want to go spray a MAC-10 in my local Elementary School? Absolutely not. If such an event were to occur, that is entirely on the individual. This isn't a complicated debate, yet it's been going on as long as I can remember.
Ugh, so sick of hearing this argument. I've never been violent by nature, but can we PLEASE just kill these idiots? Let's prove their point for them, and end their life while we're at it. Clearly, lack of evidence towards the fact isn't stopping them from pointing fingers anyway.
yearssomuch's comments