@diskotheque But the next-gen consoles won't have 4K, period. So yeah, he might say 'PC has the upper hand', but that doesn't mean he's talking down on consoles. It's just a fact.
@Kollskegg Seriously, do you have a learning disability? You're incredibly misinformed, and I see it on nearly all of your posts. Have you been here all night, posting comments? Have you even left?
No one cares about your mediocre, biased opinions. Go to bed.
@gamemaven I completely disagree with you. I know a ton of people who have high-end gaming rigs, and all they can do is talk down on consoles because they're inferior. It never has anything to do with someone taking what they say the wrong way, they're just snobby about the fact that their hardware is so much better than consoles. I personally know these people, I know how they are.
That's not to say everyone is like that, you can enjoy consoles and PC's. But don't try to pretend there aren't PC elitists out there, because there are. In spades.
@diskotheque Bad analogy. It's not a matter of which one is better than the other, this is an article about 4K on PC's. Next-gen consoles don't have 4K support, so they're irrelevant here. You sound like a console fanboy that's getting his feelings hurt over nothing.
@Retro_Hermit Wow, what a wheeaboo crybaby. He's stating facts and nothing else. Besides, PC gaming is the future of the industry, as it always has been. Consoles are good and fine, but they age quickly. I know some people seem to forget that around launch time as they're excited just to get their hands on it at all, but within the year there will be graphics cards that smash everything next-gen has to offer. That's not me being a PC elitist, I game more on my consoles than PC.. that's a fact.
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