This is a completely irrelevant news article.. this franchise fell off with ME2 when they tried to turn it into a simplified third-person shooter. Then they introduced a boring, tacked-on multiplayer component that was fun for about 5 minutes. And on top of that, they brought in micro-transactions, into a game WE ALREADY PAID $60 FOR. You can guarantee that EA is behind all of these mediocre changes, because just 5 years ago BioWare was one of the best developers on the scene. But that doesn't change the fact that EA has their hands deep into whatever this company makes now. This is yet another prime example of a greedy publisher completely destroying a developer, all for a profit.
@PayneKiller Oh come on.. Look, I don't like the idea of a Season Pass either, so I didn't buy it. But if you researched even a little bit you could easily find all of the planned content they have coming out. People still nitpicking at the Season Pass for not living up to its promise are starting to sound like babies, find another argument. As for your connection, sounds like an issue with your PS3 maybe? I'm running on 3mbps DSL and that doesn't happen unless it's an issue on my end.
@never-named @SingletreeAve @thribs Exactly, I don't get the hate people sling around for this games multiplayer. Playing this only excited me even more for GTA V.
@jack00 Speak for yourself, one of this games biggest selling points for me was its multiplayer. I don't ever play multiplayer for trophy's, especially not MP3. I picked it up on launch and still regularly go back to it. But just out of curiosity, if you don't mind my asking.. what is your idea of a well-designed multiplayer game?
I don't get all the hate people have for this game.. this was easily my pick for Game of the Year. Rockstar is capable of fantastic multiplayer, and if you ask me, Max Payne 3 proves that.. most people just won't give them a true chance. RDR had some of the best multiplayer I've ever played, though initially I wasn't much of a fan. I really wish I would have played GTA IV multiplayer during its peak, because like many, I simply didn't give it a chance.If I'm being completely honest, the only people I've seen whining about how bad the multiplayer was in MP3 are the same ones who, quite frankly, just aren't very good at it. I have a solid 2.71 K/D with nearly 10k kills and I'm still having a blast with it. But hey, to each their own.
@Szeiden @emperiox @BetaVulgaris Clearly, it did work.. look at some of the responses.'WAT RUINSCAEP HAHAHA LULUL SO STUPID NUB.''OBVI PPL CAER BOUT AC3 IT HAZ HIGH PREORDERZ LOL'.
@Landsharkk @mlcarter815 I get all the arguments here to an extent.. I'm sick of the Apple articles too. But it IS a gaming device.. whether it comes first, third, or last in design. Do I use it? Nah. But some do. What's getting older than the Apple articles themselves are the ones in the comments complaining about it.
People are whining about Windows 8 without ANY first-hand experience, including Notch. Stop being a whining, pretentious douchebag and at least give it a try.
yearssomuch's comments