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yoshi_64 Blog

My Very First....

Alright, so there I was, in the room. So there, with the lights off, curtains down, and nothing but my beautiful large king size bed, and a special other by my side. I take a seat down on the bed, slowly caress the softness of my special partner, then... gently I begin to unwrap the layer that covers what beauty only would await for one who loves her dearly as I do. After the final piece has been removed, I lay her ever so gently on the bed, then with both hands, I gently spread her open.... "Alas!" I say to myself... "this is it... this is my time."

... Then, I slide my fingers down, press my hand slightly onto her. "Well.. it's time.." So with that, I firmly load myself up, and slide it in. Oh what joy I felt, as this moment had finally come to fruitation. Then, momentarily, there's a pause, as I'm enjoying the splendor of this moment. Soon, the music cues up, and creates the mood all the more better. The soft melodies bring us to the mood, and then... without warning, things just begin fast without warning.

There I am, the soft, innocent beauty before my eyes becomes quite hungry for more. Oh, but I make sure to deliver, as I begin pounding away, freeing those litle guys trapped inside. Then, as if all was done, an unexpected turn of events happen, and i'm bonded by her warmth. Soon, I realize she wants to play, only this time... she means business.

I figured I may not be able to take her on my own, but of course... who would want to share right? Luckily, I had more tricks up my sleeves, and I free myself from her bondage. Then, without hesitation, I go full force, hitting the sweet spot. Oh, what a sweet spot it was... Yet, after a while, she gives in, and I have done my job. So, after that, we decide to take things slwo, and set up for what may be a long ride...

That's right, she decides to take command, and lay out the scenario that I'll be playing in. She takes no time to linger on the unimportant details, but she still leaves things up for mystery. Then, shortly afterwards, I'm back comandeering. So, I cannot disappoint, however she looks a little worn out from the last ride... and I though.. "poor girl, we have only gone for half an hour..." well she almost didn't make it, so we end up resting.

After what is quite a small break, we suddenly find ourselves invigorated with new stregnth, thus we do not hesitate.The action is fast, the chase is quick, and the pleasure... insurmountable... indescribale, it was... epic. Yes... if such a thing could exist in such a situation... this moment truly was the highlight of it all. There's no slowing us down now.. that's right, we head full force in, and I'm giving it all. After analyzing the situation, I decide to just go with the flow, and take it all in myself to make sure that I complete my task.

Alas, after what seemed like only seemed like a short time, lasted longer than it seemed. However, I came off that night, a happy man. I was renewed, I was different, I... had played Beyond Good & Evil for the first time. :)

My Reason to live is COMPLETE!

:cry: I finally have the thing I most desired....



you ready?



You sure?



ok, get ready....



ONLINE TETRIS ATTCK! :P That's right ladies and gentlemen. I've bought Planet Puzzle League for the DS, and it comes with Online play. Now, I may finally take the game I loved so much back on the SNES, and play around the world with other people. I just played a few online games, and I love it! :D This is the Puzzle game to own. Forget Lumines, forget Meteos, Hell... Screw Tetris and Puyo Pop, and Puzzle Quest and so on... this is just the Puzzle game that should only exist. :P

For those of you who don't know, Tetris Attack is a fast paced, skill based puzzle game. The premise is easy, the accessibility is simple, but most importantly it's just DEEP. Yes, a puzzle game that's meant to be a time killer, a casual experience, has perhaps the most depth of any puzzle game out there... ok that may stretch it, but it's depth surely comes from it's competitive nature. Thankfully online so far has been lag-free for me, which is crucial to this type of game. My fellow victims have been a breeze sadly, but I'm sure I'll find someone tougher, when I rank up more. :D

Well, with that said. I'm off to more puzzle league ownage. If you wish to challenge me, PM me or something. I'll accept anyone who dares to take me on. :P



...maybe... :P

Camping, Games, and... Essays....

Well, I've returned from my camping trip over the Memorial Day weekend on Monday. It was very cool there, I got to meet a very good friend of mine there too. We went to Santa Cruz and it's really cool there. We went to other places like Monterey, which is a really cool bay area with LOTS of seals... o.O and then San Fransico which is a really cool city. The structure of San Fransico is weird, in that there are VERY steep hills to climb with your cars... I swear I almost thought my parents truck would flip backwards or something... the climb over many of it's steep hills and even going down was exhilirating in it's own rights. :P

 Well I didn't have much time to game this week or last. When I went camping, I brought my DS and played Pokemon only. I brought PW: JFA but I'm SOOOOO stuck on that game, I can't figure out what to do. If you wanna know, I'm at the 4th chapeter where, and there are three people I needed to do the pysche-locks on. Lotta, Mrs. Andrews (the star's manager) and that old hag in the space suit. I did Lotta, but the other two are giving me a hard time, and I don't know what I need. The hag wants a picture of the dead dude with an autograph, and Andrews is just tough (my guess is she's the last one I do...)

Well right now, I'm trying to do an essay, that's due..... .... *drum roll* wait for it... ... ... .... THURSDAY!! Yep tomorrow!!

I have not started more than an outline of it, I had no time to get it down, and had many things interefering... I know it sounds like I'm trying to make excuses but what's done is done, and I can't do anything. I just have to cram it all today, and being here typing this blog... yeah I know it doesn't help. Well I'll be doing some cramming right after this. Hopefully I do good enough to keep my grade at passing. (It's a C but sooo close to a B ....)

So yeah that's my life right now... what's going on with you guys? Did anything for the memorial weekend? Games you're playing? Life things in general?

Is gaming getting better?

I have wondered this for a while now.... I've been questioning the status of gaming, and the "improvements" foregoing to making gaming "better."

Do you truly believe gaming will be better with more technology? I have questioned, does more specs, power, physics, data storage, and so on equate to better and more fruitful experiences in gaming?

Now, here's what I'm saying. It seems so on, we get companies boasting about "Game X is possible only with power of Console Y" and stuff how technology makes the game they are making what it is. While true, perhaps, does that mean the game will be better? I mean, I thoroughly enjoyed Gears, Oblivion, and am sure to enjoy upcoming games like FF XIII, Halo 3, and MP 3/SMG (these last two games referring more to the interface of the console itself, not the power of the likes of 360/PS3.)

With that said however, I must say that I never seem to find many of these games the "classic" status. It seems that term isn't anymore used to games, because they are still "New" in some terms, however by the time new "better" games are out they are "outdated." Granted, everything becomes outdated regardless, it seems some of the more simpler games from the 16 bit era and 8 bit, seem to live up to today's standards almost just fine. (Reading and basing on counltess reviews for VC/XBLA/PSN old games. )

Now I question though, does anyone believe that there will be a pont where graphics truly aren't everything? Are they NOW? Nintendo doesn't think so, but it's taken some criticism from people, not just fanboys even some devs, about too much lack of power. However, the PS3/360 seem to take some criticism that their approach isn't also improving the industry as much as many would hope either. (sure the 360 is 10 million +, however I will not say that's anything till it passes the Xbox in terms of sales as well...)

Even if we didn't improve the graphis leaps and bounds what they should be, will phsyics be a prominent role in every game? Will 50 GBs of data on one disk be needed? So what do you guys believe? Do graphics have a saturation point? Is power always a prominent role, and should it be the primary? Does Nintendo's approach on trying to be unique have no effect? We can also argue that MS and Sony aren't ignoring Nintendo's philosophy in total either, with XBLA trying to be the "casual" gamer friendly market with games like Uno and Pac-Man. Sony's Eye Toy was a successful child's toy with many mini-games that didn't perhaps reach full potential, but the new one looks like it may have a shot. Although one can argue that it also has the same struggles as the first, which could be that it's seperate from the system, and if games require additional add-ons like cards, it would be harder to sell.

So thoughs? Comments? Concerns?

Well, I shall keep my word...partly

Ok, in my previous blog, I mentioned about making a new blog today, that I also had something in mind that I wanted to post, but I would save it for today. Well... I kind of forgot what I was gonna post, so I actually am going to my other idea I had.

Here it is actually. I've been doing some thinking, and I'd thought I give a brief blog on my opinions and current state of the systems. Not the WAR, but the systems themselves.

First off, the Xbox 360. Yes, the almighty... well so far the current system with the most sales. Oh, indeed it is a great system, and as an owner of one, I treasure it dearly. However, this is not about my Xbox 360, but ALL 360s and MS's decisions for the system.

Firstly, I wanna say that MS has done an excellent job in gaining exclusives, releasing a great amount of titles for the system, and keeping them plentiful and somewhat diverse enough for gamers. Now, with that said and done, I believe MS is starting to lose some ground. Here's the problem I see. MS has a great online service, and they do well to make it better and even worth the yearly fee of $50 as well, IMHO. However, they do not do a good job in a few things. I first off think they need more diverse types of games. Yes, it's got Racing, Sports, upcoming RPGs and even the glorified Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for now. However, one problem is the system definately needs to find other sources of games aside from shooters. Now, I understand that MS doesn't control this aspect much, cause after all, there are other devs at fault making nothing but shooters for it, but the system just is beginning to flood up with way to many. That may not be a problem to some, however it poses a threat to the future install base of the 360 because it doesn't cater to all tastes. Next, MS's response to the 360 failures is abysmal. Yes, I just read about the announcement to extend the warranty, woop-pee-doo... It doesn't matter, because MS's system should not be crashing this longer AFTER launch. MS needs to fix this, and they need to stop ignoring it, but I fear MS is learning the ways of the PS2 and feels obligated to start the DRE fiasco all over again.... Finally, my last point of MS is their amibition on confusing the customer. Yes, they are doing it very well, and how you might add? Completely messing up with the future customers and previous owners by announcing the Elite Xbox 360. This is just terrible, because previous owners like me who have an interest in buying the 120 GB HDD seperate will have to add $170 to their system, and core owners like me (but mine was free mind you) will even have more to shell out, because having to buy a Core and bring it up to a Premium costs more than the Premium together. MS screwed up first by not releasing HDDs in all systems, not they add what may be trivial to some but still unequal to all, in the Elite.

 Now, to bring out a few pros to their plans and the system, I do wanna say that they have sold a great amount of systems. They've got plenty of great games that make the purchase owning right now, and their future line-up is indeed solid with heavy hits like GTA IV and Halo 3 coming soon. It is indeed a great system to own, and MS has the games down.

 Next I bring forth the PS3. Now, while I do not own one, I cannot talk aboutanything related to the system's performance or aspects of the system that could only be discussed with appropiate hands-on time. I will discuss Sony's motive, and their ideas for the system, and pose a question to you all. Do you believe Sony's attitude is justifiable, and are their actions for the better of the inudstry?

Here's what I shall say, and then I'd like to hear your response to that question. First off, Sony begins marketing and hyping the system as usual. I mean, I admit I was hoping to be an owner of a PS3 not to long after launch. However, Sony announces the price of the PS3 and suddenly the bad news flows from there. Now, I won't talk about "Oh it's not selling well, I know I went to ___  and saw ____ amount of PS3s!!! LOL teh flop!!!." Here's what I have to say, and that's Sony's sales number were released in that A) The system outsold the Wii and PS3 at launch and broke sales records. B) The system only has sold 3 million worldwide and the Wii which came out after has sold about double that, albeit not a drastic delay but delay nonetheless except in Europe. (I appologize for the lack of links, I shall try looking for them later, but I do believe most of you know these statements and am sure you are aware of the current situation, so I do hope you know I'm not trying to fabricate sales figures here.) Now, on top of that, the system has been losing titles that are exclusives to it, and more keep on coming. With the system costing more than it's competition, and even the games performing not up to, or even marginally better in most cases, to the lower cost system, how can Sony expect people to buy their games? On top of that, I'd like to add that Sony's system has reviews of some worthwhile games indeed, however there's a lack of abundance in them and perhaps exclusivity to help. Maybe you don't mind it though, about lacks of exclusive and the extra pay, because you will use it for it's media features as well, and I think nothing less of that. So truly you may find your money's worth indeed, but to the general public, that can pose a threat to the sales of the PS3 if it cannot obtain the mass majority of them. Lastly, I'd like to add that the Sony themselves really need to find a way to create interest in the system, and positive public press because the system has taken some heavy hits on the matter.

 Now, while that's said and done, I do have some positive things to say. First, the system is a beast in the multimedia functionality. The Xbox 360 may have the upcoming IPTV feature, but something like that will not work well with 13 GBs (7 GBs are saved for XBL) of space, and certainly not a memory unit of ... I think it was 64 MBs...correct me if I'm wrong please. Blu-Ray player, 1080p support, HDD standard, and not to mention the power of Sony's music and movie industry likely to be added in the near future of PSN is gonna be Sony's biggest stregnths. (Imagine having the power to buy Spider-Man 3 over PSN and watching it in a few minutes at your home? Or having it download while you sleep, the instant it's availible, before it goes on shelves, to wake up in the next morning to watch it?) Yes, they have so much potential with this system.

Ok, so now we begin with the last system, Wii. Yess, you all may know what I think of the system, you may not. You may know I tend to have a bit of favoritism towards Nintendo in general, but believe me I do not believe all is well with the Wii yet, nor do I believe it's to the point where I hyped it to be.

Firstly, the system's success is outstanding indeed. Breaking sales records, breaking the estimations and views of naysayers indeed. The Wii has proven much success in aiming for the general public. However let me stop the praise and resume the falls I see with this system.

I must say that the Wii needs to fix a few things in terms of expectations. Yes, the system can perform better than last gen systems, but aside from Nintendo, few companies are doing so, and that's gonna hurt the Wii I believe. I know the Wii dev kits came late, and I know there are selfish devs trying to milk every nickel and dime from the customers... Ubisoft, I'm looking at you. However, Nintendo needs to reach out to the devs that aren't making an effort, and encourage them to do better. The Wii's only good developers seem to be EA :shock: and Konami is taking a great original approach, despite it's next title Dewy looking a bit cutesy for the mainstream. Also, the horrid use of Friend Codes is not acceptable. I could deal with it on the DS, however the Wii is a much more powerful system, and does not deserve this abomination of "easy and intuitiveness." There's nothing good of it, because it totally sounds ironic, when Nintendo preaches bringing families and people together, but screw any sense of that community by giving alternate codes for each game and must be re-entered in each game. While it's not out yet, I do hope Nintendo can make some way of easing my pain on this, by allowing Voice Chats with strangers, my Wii Address book telling me who's Wii is on so I may be able to send a message and not hope person A is away from his Wii and will not notice the Blue Light, then respond to my letter later that day or even the next when I'm not playing the game anymore. Among a few others, I will not get to either about onlnine, one more thing Nintendo's not doing is keeping a steady supply of games. Right now, I've got Wii Sports in my Wii, and yet it is fun and I do have a few games on my Wii to play. I do imagine some people are still waiting for a purchase other than Zelda to be their best purchase. While I think this line-up looks great, for this year, I do believe Nintendo needs to unviel a few games to rev up some hype, because I do not think many know what is coming for their Wii.

With that said, I must say there's not much else to say on the positive side. I do not mean there IS NOT anything positive to say, because what can I say you do not know? The Wii is selling like hotcakes. The Wii has won it's crowd over, and with one SKU of the system, it doesn't confuse the customer. Nintendo is definately marketing the system right, and knows their business. I believe it's all known and said, so that's all I can say.

 Now, with that said, I shall leave this up for anyone else to discuss. Do you agree with my points? Cause despite my efforts of posting on just the views in my perspective of the industry, I do believe I may have put some bias in there, and I appologize. I tried my hardest to remain unbiased, but it's human nature, and just how I feel. However, I do love games, and all systems. I never favor one over the other too much, or at all if I can. I do not aimlessly bash each system either, and will not be afraid to disagree on even those I feel strong towards.

So how do you feel about the industry? Anything you'd like to say? Any personal feelings? I won't mind anything you guys say. Well except mindless insults. Please refrain from that.

So many games, so little time....

*sigh* it seems to me that I'm not as efficient in gaming as I once thought I was. I don't know what it is, but I just can't make anymore time for it. I have to worry about school, finding a job again, and ultimately making time for gaming aside for studying and so on

 Firstly, I have a plethora of games to finish, but so many things going with school, I may not get time till summer, HOPEFULLY.

 Ya know what though, I don't wanna sound negative, and am not really, I don't mind it, but man... sometimes when I'm busying with Math, or English or something, I just really wish I could play because I don't know what it is, but I may write something or say something that triggers the urge or sensation to play a particular game. :P

 First and foremost, FF XII is LOOOOOOOOOONG overdue. I obtained it launch day, have the Collector's Edition which I've yet to watch actually because I told myself I would after I beat the game. Right now, FF XII has not moved out of my PS2 since the day I brought it home. I have 135+ hours in the game, still haven't made much progress. I must obtain two final espers, defeat the final hunt, and possibly may even do all 80 rare game monsters, but I may just save two files with one continuing that, the other completing the game (causej I hear upon entering Bahamut there's no return.) So yes, I need to beat this game... :x  badly. It's also fantastic by the way too.

 Next, I have Final Fantasy III to finish, or actually FF VI first. I've been playing more FF VI recently, and for one reason. It rocks the hell out of FF VII.. I know I'll be lashed out for that, but playing VII again recently summer last year, then playing FF VI..I cannot begin to describe how awesome this game, and I have never played it as FF III on the SNES too mind you. Kefka is the villian you love to hate, and were I'm at, OMG... he did accomplish something that Sephy never did... and that's amazing... I won't spoil too much, but for an entire year he had the world in a vice grip, and Sephy.. well you I'm all sure know what happened..

Along with other titles, PW: JFA I still need to beat, not cause it's bad or anything I love it, but I just don't have time for it. I also need to complete 100% of YI: DS. I'm sure you all know how big of a Yoshi fan I am. I think this game is great though, however do I believe it's as good or better than YI? :o A review will becoming soon.... in the near future. :lol:

Next, I need to beat MGS: PO, which I've only done like... 5 missions on, and wish I could have played online before it was hacked, or at least I hear it has been... I also need to realize something... I'm already buying new games when I have many more to beat. x_x I've got Super Paper Mario reserved, cause I need something to play on my Wii. I can't seem to get any better than 211 on Wii Bowling... :P plus my room has been rearranged, to the point where I can't play my Wii like usual, in fear of breaking something.. x_x and SPM doesn't look like it needs me to do something of tha nature. :P

I also got Pokemon Diamond reserved. The only good games are the RPG ones anyways, and besides I'm really looking forward to this. It's more going to the roots of Gold/Silver, which are the best in the series IMHO. The new pokemon won't be a big deal to me likely, and the only thing I really wanna do is fight online with others. :P Plus further down the line there's Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Disaster Day of Crisis, Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, and even still the purchase of Hotel Dusk and Lunar Knights, along with many, MANY more games...

 Hmm, I just wonder how will I get these games, especially the money for them. I'm currently unemployed again, cause my last job was a pain, plus I couldn't keep it with school taking up a lot of my time. I must say... it's hard to be a gamer nowadays. :( But I shall try, and I guess this wasn't much a blog either... to be honest I don't know why I wrote most of this, but I just wanted to write something, because I've felt it needed an update severly. It's ok though, I'll have something better to report soon enough.... well an idea came to mind, but I'll save it for tomorrow I guess. I have something I just thought of, and feel like erasing all this to post it, but... well I'll do it later. :P FUnny how that works, I just get the idea to do something better than this.. but oh well.. c'est la vie. :P

I Played B3yond today.... (My PS3 impressions)

Well, today I went by my local Best Buy, after despositing some extra mula ( :) ), and after passing by the line of wishful Wii owners camping out, I went to the gaming section as usual. Upon my arrival, I was greeted wit the Guitar Hero stand, the lovely game of course was out of commission for today, which was a drag. Then.. my ears perked up as I heard a lovely voice desribing the upcoming, and my soon to be loved, Wii.

Well after I'd watch the video (as there were no controllers to play on this kiosk, why? I don't know...) I decided to look for the 360 stand. It was where Guitar Hero had been, but it seemed to have moved from the beautiful HD screen that now places the PS2's GH II. I found it, and what do I see beside it? Well the 'mighty' PS3. Now who would pass up a chance to play up this new baby, right? Well apparently many, as the kiosk was devoid of human population and left all alone. A sad sight almost, but nonetheless a grand enduer for me to play what Sony says will allow me to "Play B3yond."

Well, as I grasp the controller, the first thing I was doing was trying to play that NBA game, you know the one that scored a 4.9 here... Well I was immediately unimpressed. I'm not fan of sports games to being with, but this game was just aweful. Boring, as no announcers were about, the game had sported many glitches, and I found the controls just irresponsive, and convuluted.... I'd hope that was not the final game, so I held down the "PS family logo" button and went to the systems XMB.

Now, I began to analyze this... so here's my little review.
PS3's  XMB
- Same as PSPs (So if you know the PSP's XMB this is no different really...)
-Easy to navigate, yet deja vu flowed through my mind...
- I personally enjoy this interface a bit, but I love the Wii channels more to be honest....
-Overal... 7/10 Nothing exciting, easy to navigate, but I wish it had more substance and didn't feel so empty all the time...

Well, I looked through the media bar, found some pics. They were about kittens and locations, not bad. Nicely made, but I didn't get to slideshow them, as for some reason... they were ordered oddly, and it would only slide show like 3 because that's how many were in "Feb 06" folder or whatever....and it had them seperated all by months, so these folders weren't connected it seemed, making a slideshow for all... not possible (or to my knowledge...)

Next I played some music... no real artist from whom I could tell. There was not info on the tracks, they were just some eleveator music basically... or some forgetable techo. It was nice with the pics, but... well bad choice of music really. After that, I went to the "movie" bar... boy did sony screw this up. The videos were playing off the HDD I supposed, but they were badly decompressed or something. The quality was low and pretty grainy as it tried stretching them out to the T.V. which btw is broadcasting in 720p :question: What's up with that? Why tout 1080p and not have a t.v. to support it for your kiosk? Smooth move sony.

Well after that, I got bored, so I decided let's go where it really matters, the games. Under the games section there was that NBA game, a Genji trailer, which I paid no mind to, a montage which was "meh", and then Motorstorm.

So with no other choice, I chose this game... and here's where I began using the controller and studying it during the load times. (Which weren't bad though...)

Firstly, let's talk about the Dual...err I mean SIXAXIS.
-Same as you've come to known.
-Feels much lighter (but I found this to be no hindrance really)
-No game used tilt to my knowledge so couldn't try out
-The new L2 and R2 buttons made me loathe the design (more on that soon.)
Overal... at this point in time... it's a 6/10 for me. Nothing new, but then again what is "new" is nothing exciting...

Ok, so upon playing Motorstorm... I chose to play with the trucks. The game has R2 as the acceleration, L2 as the brakes, and X for boost. That's all that really mattered. So, I played the game, and the first thing I felt when I pulled the new R2 trigger, was that if felt ... wrong almost. It felt like it was on a hinge of like .1 inch long, because I felt like I snapped teh thing. It felt to me like it was broken, as I was expecting it to feel like my PS2's shoulder buttons. This took some time to get used to, but when I pressed it down.. it sent an immediate shock to me, at how poor it felt.

Well, after a while, it was ok, but the real problem here was how it curved. With it's outside curve, and the same shoulder button feel you have from the previous PS controllers. The texture was just slippery... I couldn't find myself holding the controller as well as I'd hope, because there was no curve ins for me to rest my fingers on, like the 360 triggers.  I kept finding myself readjusting my fingers to get a better grip. Making them rubberized or something would have been nice, to reduce slipping, but they are the same smooth texture you know and love (or hate) and I assume like my other PS controllers, through time, they will get smoother via oil on your hands and be even harder to keep pressed down.

Well, the game overall... motorstorm. It had nothing that wowed me too much. The crashes were nice, the sense of speed however lacked. This is a demo though, but the game had some chugs here and there. The biggest drops were in the beginning, when all racers were on field, leaving the starting line, it was just painful to watch. The graphics were actually not that impressive to me. The thing that bugged me, was the game probably supports 1080p (I think...) but in 720p (which the t.v. only supports.) it filled up with some jaggies on my car. The textures up close were unimpressive, and I noticed a lot of glitches. My guy got stuck in a rock, and the toehr time, when I crashed, I also was stuck again into a giant cliff. When I was flying in the air, my guy suddenly lost all his textures, and became quite bland for a second, as they popped back up.

Hopefully this won't ruin the game, and gets improved, as I found these glitches to be immersion killers... It was still somewhat enjoyable from what I played, but I wasn't satisfied.

Overall... my experience with the PS3 was sadly underwhelming. I was hoping for more.... but it seemed like I got nothing too great. Playing Gears of War must have spoiled me, cause I've yet to see the games look any better, and I run GeOW in 1080i too...

Man, Work has some cool Stuff.

I'm sure most of you may know by now, but I work for Fry's. I big retail store, with all kinds of electronics and computer stuff.

Well recently, I was purchasing some HD cables for my new HD TV for my 360, and I was walking in the gaming section. I was suprised to know, that we have a ton of import games there. Some from Japan, some from Europe. I saw Tales of Eternia, Jump Super Star, Bleach PSP and DS, some puzzle game in Japanese (not sure, name was written in Kanji) and some more stuff.

Well after that, I went to look around the store, and be a "customer" for once. The t.v.s there are awesome. Nice selection, and there's 71" HDTV from Samsung that looks absolutely AMAZING! It's 4.5k so that's quite a like... x_x and not even I could afford it with my discount. Yet, it's cool, and yet same time ... unneccassary I guess. It supports 1080p though, if you're wondering.

The computers, those are awesome. I need a new one, preferably XP Media Center Edition. I'd like to have that, and a Mac. There's not much to say, except we have a lot of great looking models.

Now... I'm still debating on what to buy. I'm hoping to get enough shopping done this month on my christmas shopping. That way next month, when my discount renews (I'll explain in a second) I'll have enough to spend on my Wii gaming needs, and 360 and PS2.

So right now, I've used 8 of my AP out of 500. What that means is anything I buy, I get a discount on, based on how much the store makes off it, not the cost of the item itself. So I get 10% off what the store's revenue is, and well... our point system renews Novermber 1st every year, so if I don't waste my points now, it will not transfer over and I've lost them.

So... now it's time to spend. :D

Admit it, you're all jealous, huh? :P

EDIT: Ok, today work was busy. It wasn't anything I couldn't handle, but ... boy am I dieing with anticipation for the holiday season... :roll:

Ok, today, I was with my supervisor and associate. While walking to our department, a customer had wanted help in another department.

Well, since I couldn't really help him out, because he wanted me to check the computers for a product. I pointed him to the desk, just straight down the aisle, in visible sight, and he went. "Well can't you check for me?" I was like "They cany check for you, just walk down there."

Then he goes "But that's far... can't you just look it up?" I said "No, I can't but they can. Just ask them over there. He says again... "... heh... but look, I have to walk all the way down there?" (By the way... it's no more than like 40 feet.... ) Well.. now he's getting mad, because I said once more. "No, I'm sorry, please go to the desk, they can help you."

Well now he's like... "This is a computer store, and YOU can't help me?" I was like, "What do you want me to do?" (trying to be calm..) He goes "I want to know if there's any of this item in stock." Then I said. "Look, I can't, there's no computer here, how can I check it?" Then he points to the cashier lady's computer, who is busy with customers. (did I mention it was very busy?)

So I said "She's busy helping our customers." Then he said "I'm a customer too." Well I said "Yes, and that's why they will help you over there." After that, he got mad, and so did I. I said in a very stern voice. "Listen, what do YOU expect me to do? Do I look like I have a computer to check up the inventory? NO! Go over there, they will help you, I cannot do anything, I don't know how much stock we carry on this item, I don't have a computer, and I won't bug the lady with your problem."

After that he left in disgust, to the same counter. Then I said to myself, all that time y ou spent arguing, and you could have found out by now if we had the item.

Seriously, is America that lazy? I hate these people. Is it too much to ask for, just to walk down the aisle, and talk to a representative or employee? Why do people continue to fight useless fights anyways? :x I mean, seriously, what do you think guys? I couldn't do anything you know... but seriously, are people really THAT stupid?

New Job and Free Again!

Hey everyone. I'm back, for those who did not notice, I was suspended...again! This time some Sony Fanboy reported me....what's stupid was my post was meant for all "cows" but whatever. I've been busy these days of suspension, so I wasn't too bummed out.

I got a new job, today will be my second day. I'm working a Fry's. It's a REALLY HUGE electronic store. It's nice, and so far it looks like it will be a good job. I work today, and I'm basically gonna be working full-time. This will be my first full-time job,  but I think I'll manage. :P

Now that I have a job, I can finally place my money down for a Wii. I would try to use my employee discount for  the PS3, but that may wait, only cause I plan to use that discount on a new t.v. and early christmas shopping. :P So Wii is logical for now, and the many great titles I plan to get for the holiday for my systems.

Job Hunting

Geez, this stuff gets harder in harder, as technology advances.

No, I'm not a behind the time's fella. I know my technology, but technology these days make employers sooo lazy. Why? Well first off, I've been to Target, Circuit City, Best Buy, Blockbuster, EB Games, and Gamestop. I've seeked employment from those stores. And lo and behold, 2 of the said places offer applications that aren't done via software program in little cubicle corner.

What am I talking about? The other places I mentioned, have me do my applications on some computer. A little cubicle, in the corner of the store or somewhere, and what's wrong with that? I'm looking for my second job, I need experience. I need to show the manager, and anyone who takes my application what kind of person I am. However I can't if they always tell me to go to the corner and fill an application out. That means, I can't make any first impressions, because they have me as some "piece of paper" now.

So, what will they think when they see "High School graduate" and "1 job" on my employment application versus someone who's perhaps attending college right now, and is a college grad? Or perhaps has worked since they were 16 and has like 4 jobs under their belt? :| It's gonna be hard, that's what. And you know, I know I'm more than good enough to be a better employee than that guy.

I love to work, and I'm a very determined person when it comes to finishing my jobs. I suck up to the boss big time. (I'm like the one my boss always counted on, in my old job.) Well... here's hoping they call my old boss, and he gives them a really good review for me....


Anyone currently job hunting?