Ok, in my previous blog, I mentioned about making a new blog today, that I also had something in mind that I wanted to post, but I would save it for today. Well... I kind of forgot what I was gonna post, so I actually am going to my other idea I had.
Here it is actually. I've been doing some thinking, and I'd thought I give a brief blog on my opinions and current state of the systems. Not the WAR, but the systems themselves.
First off, the Xbox 360. Yes, the almighty... well so far the current system with the most sales. Oh, indeed it is a great system, and as an owner of one, I treasure it dearly. However, this is not about my Xbox 360, but ALL 360s and MS's decisions for the system.
Firstly, I wanna say that MS has done an excellent job in gaining exclusives, releasing a great amount of titles for the system, and keeping them plentiful and somewhat diverse enough for gamers. Now, with that said and done, I believe MS is starting to lose some ground. Here's the problem I see. MS has a great online service, and they do well to make it better and even worth the yearly fee of $50 as well, IMHO. However, they do not do a good job in a few things. I first off think they need more diverse types of games. Yes, it's got Racing, Sports, upcoming RPGs and even the glorified Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for now. However, one problem is the system definately needs to find other sources of games aside from shooters. Now, I understand that MS doesn't control this aspect much, cause after all, there are other devs at fault making nothing but shooters for it, but the system just is beginning to flood up with way to many. That may not be a problem to some, however it poses a threat to the future install base of the 360 because it doesn't cater to all tastes. Next, MS's response to the 360 failures is abysmal. Yes, I just read about the announcement to extend the warranty, woop-pee-doo... It doesn't matter, because MS's system should not be crashing this longer AFTER launch. MS needs to fix this, and they need to stop ignoring it, but I fear MS is learning the ways of the PS2 and feels obligated to start the DRE fiasco all over again.... Finally, my last point of MS is their amibition on confusing the customer. Yes, they are doing it very well, and how you might add? Completely messing up with the future customers and previous owners by announcing the Elite Xbox 360. This is just terrible, because previous owners like me who have an interest in buying the 120 GB HDD seperate will have to add $170 to their system, and core owners like me (but mine was free mind you) will even have more to shell out, because having to buy a Core and bring it up to a Premium costs more than the Premium together. MS screwed up first by not releasing HDDs in all systems, not they add what may be trivial to some but still unequal to all, in the Elite.
Now, to bring out a few pros to their plans and the system, I do wanna say that they have sold a great amount of systems. They've got plenty of great games that make the purchase owning right now, and their future line-up is indeed solid with heavy hits like GTA IV and Halo 3 coming soon. It is indeed a great system to own, and MS has the games down.
Next I bring forth the PS3. Now, while I do not own one, I cannot talk aboutanything related to the system's performance or aspects of the system that could only be discussed with appropiate hands-on time. I will discuss Sony's motive, and their ideas for the system, and pose a question to you all. Do you believe Sony's attitude is justifiable, and are their actions for the better of the inudstry?
Here's what I shall say, and then I'd like to hear your response to that question. First off, Sony begins marketing and hyping the system as usual. I mean, I admit I was hoping to be an owner of a PS3 not to long after launch. However, Sony announces the price of the PS3 and suddenly the bad news flows from there. Now, I won't talk about "Oh it's not selling well, I know I went to ___ and saw ____ amount of PS3s!!! LOL teh flop!!!." Here's what I have to say, and that's Sony's sales number were released in that A) The system outsold the Wii and PS3 at launch and broke sales records. B) The system only has sold 3 million worldwide and the Wii which came out after has sold about double that, albeit not a drastic delay but delay nonetheless except in Europe. (I appologize for the lack of links, I shall try looking for them later, but I do believe most of you know these statements and am sure you are aware of the current situation, so I do hope you know I'm not trying to fabricate sales figures here.) Now, on top of that, the system has been losing titles that are exclusives to it, and more keep on coming. With the system costing more than it's competition, and even the games performing not up to, or even marginally better in most cases, to the lower cost system, how can Sony expect people to buy their games? On top of that, I'd like to add that Sony's system has reviews of some worthwhile games indeed, however there's a lack of abundance in them and perhaps exclusivity to help. Maybe you don't mind it though, about lacks of exclusive and the extra pay, because you will use it for it's media features as well, and I think nothing less of that. So truly you may find your money's worth indeed, but to the general public, that can pose a threat to the sales of the PS3 if it cannot obtain the mass majority of them. Lastly, I'd like to add that the Sony themselves really need to find a way to create interest in the system, and positive public press because the system has taken some heavy hits on the matter.
Now, while that's said and done, I do have some positive things to say. First, the system is a beast in the multimedia functionality. The Xbox 360 may have the upcoming IPTV feature, but something like that will not work well with 13 GBs (7 GBs are saved for XBL) of space, and certainly not a memory unit of ... I think it was 64 MBs...correct me if I'm wrong please. Blu-Ray player, 1080p support, HDD standard, and not to mention the power of Sony's music and movie industry likely to be added in the near future of PSN is gonna be Sony's biggest stregnths. (Imagine having the power to buy Spider-Man 3 over PSN and watching it in a few minutes at your home? Or having it download while you sleep, the instant it's availible, before it goes on shelves, to wake up in the next morning to watch it?) Yes, they have so much potential with this system.
Ok, so now we begin with the last system, Wii. Yess, you all may know what I think of the system, you may not. You may know I tend to have a bit of favoritism towards Nintendo in general, but believe me I do not believe all is well with the Wii yet, nor do I believe it's to the point where I hyped it to be.
Firstly, the system's success is outstanding indeed. Breaking sales records, breaking the estimations and views of naysayers indeed. The Wii has proven much success in aiming for the general public. However let me stop the praise and resume the falls I see with this system.
I must say that the Wii needs to fix a few things in terms of expectations. Yes, the system can perform better than last gen systems, but aside from Nintendo, few companies are doing so, and that's gonna hurt the Wii I believe. I know the Wii dev kits came late, and I know there are selfish devs trying to milk every nickel and dime from the customers... Ubisoft, I'm looking at you. However, Nintendo needs to reach out to the devs that aren't making an effort, and encourage them to do better. The Wii's only good developers seem to be EA :shock: and Konami is taking a great original approach, despite it's next title Dewy looking a bit cutesy for the mainstream. Also, the horrid use of Friend Codes is not acceptable. I could deal with it on the DS, however the Wii is a much more powerful system, and does not deserve this abomination of "easy and intuitiveness." There's nothing good of it, because it totally sounds ironic, when Nintendo preaches bringing families and people together, but screw any sense of that community by giving alternate codes for each game and must be re-entered in each game. While it's not out yet, I do hope Nintendo can make some way of easing my pain on this, by allowing Voice Chats with strangers, my Wii Address book telling me who's Wii is on so I may be able to send a message and not hope person A is away from his Wii and will not notice the Blue Light, then respond to my letter later that day or even the next when I'm not playing the game anymore. Among a few others, I will not get to either about onlnine, one more thing Nintendo's not doing is keeping a steady supply of games. Right now, I've got Wii Sports in my Wii, and yet it is fun and I do have a few games on my Wii to play. I do imagine some people are still waiting for a purchase other than Zelda to be their best purchase. While I think this line-up looks great, for this year, I do believe Nintendo needs to unviel a few games to rev up some hype, because I do not think many know what is coming for their Wii.
With that said, I must say there's not much else to say on the positive side. I do not mean there IS NOT anything positive to say, because what can I say you do not know? The Wii is selling like hotcakes. The Wii has won it's crowd over, and with one SKU of the system, it doesn't confuse the customer. Nintendo is definately marketing the system right, and knows their business. I believe it's all known and said, so that's all I can say.
Now, with that said, I shall leave this up for anyone else to discuss. Do you agree with my points? Cause despite my efforts of posting on just the views in my perspective of the industry, I do believe I may have put some bias in there, and I appologize. I tried my hardest to remain unbiased, but it's human nature, and just how I feel. However, I do love games, and all systems. I never favor one over the other too much, or at all if I can. I do not aimlessly bash each system either, and will not be afraid to disagree on even those I feel strong towards.
So how do you feel about the industry? Anything you'd like to say? Any personal feelings? I won't mind anything you guys say. Well except mindless insults. Please refrain from that.
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