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Free From the Binds that Tie

WOOT!! I'm finally back! Well I just came back from Texas, but I'm also free from my suspension. :o *gasp* Yoshi suspended you say? Why, what ever could you mean?

Well really, it's stupid. Some stupid Nintendo fanboy made a comment on Sony's announcement of their Pink PS2 Slimline version. Then he said how he wanted "kiddy" over gay and so basically the pink color meant gay to him. Well I own the stupid fanboy by stating "Man your stupid.... So I guess it's not gay when Nintendo makes a Pink GBA, and DS Lite? "

Which brings me to a point. How come a color is percieved as gay to some people? Why is pink associated with either homosexuals, or girls. But blue is usually associated with boys? I do say Blue is my favorite color, but now these days go to a high school and you'll see straight men wear "Tough guys wear Pink" shirts or something like that.

It's perhaps changing in perception today, but I still don't see why a color defines your sexual preference? I especially don't understand fanboys, because suddenly a console that's colored for obvious reasons (pink DS lite for Girls, no doubt Pink PS2 Slimline was meant for the same reason) suddenly defines a companies employers, and consumers and all the people in between, sexual preference. :|

Ah well, no more, I will no longer complain and give that fanboy anymore of my time and energy. So I'm finally back people. Did ya miss me? :p

Anyways, Texas was fun. It wasn't as hot as it usually was either, which is GREAT. I loved the weather there actually, my god I'm jealous too. Anyone who lives in California should be, cause let me tell you... I love to see "as far as the eye can see" literally. My uncle, whom we were staying at, lives on a hill, and it's really nice to look out in the distant. The sky is SOOOO clear, far clearer than the california SMOG skies. I mean, there's clouds abundant in Texas, but they look very nice, and they aren't grey toned like here in California... So Cal that is. I mean there's a mountain just like 20 miles from my house, and you CANT SEE THEM! Over there in Texas, you could see the hills and mountains close by his house, and the ones some 40 miles away and the DETAIL on them too.

So, in other words, So Cal skies are smoggy, and polluted pieces of junk, Texas Skies are clear, and pretty looking skies. They also had so many thunderstorms in the distant while I was there, and nearby that I loved it more. (I LOVE thunder.)

So yep, how's your's skies guys/gals? :P

360 Red Ring of Death!

Damnit! My 360 seems like it's gonna cave in. I know it, I can feel it. Yesterday (Monday) I was playing my 360, and when I turned it on, I saw it. I saw the flashing red light, and it said "System Failure" in the 7 different languages.

I was scared, and I quickly shut off my system. Then, I started it up again, and it worked fine. However, later that day, I went to play my 360 again, and while in the midst of playing it did it again!! I had the red ring of death, and then I shut it off, and turned it back on. It worked fine again, but there's no way that's gonna be my answer to everything.

If my 360 does break down, I better get a fixed 360 for FREE. I swear, I treat my systems like children. I never do anything bad to them, and I never touch them except when changing games, or turning it on or something. But I never, NEVER mistreat them. I take very good care, and I should not be punished for that, if it breaks cause MS has faulty hardware or somehting.

Also if it does break down, this will be my second system to EVER break on me. See ironically, Sony gets bad PR about faulty hardware, but my PS2 is still running, and works just fine. My GAMECUBE actually died on ME! I had it since launch, and last year around Christmas it went dead. :| I have a new Silver GC and it works well now though.

So yeah, *prays* I hope it doesn't break, cause if it does, I better get it fixed for free.


Woo-hoo, I'm 18! It's not really that big a deal I must say, and I didn't actually do much today for my birthday. I just went out with my family to a place called Tokyo Wako. It's really cool actually how they serve the food. It's a japanese resturaunt, and it had some great stuff.

They put on like a little show for you while they make your food in front of you, and this guy was like really cool. He flipped knives, spatchulas, food, and other stuff with style. :P Then he serves it in a stylish manner as well, it's basically food and show all in one. Pretty neat. I had some shrimp, fried rice, crout, soup (don't know the name of it) and teriyaki chicken. It was delicious.

After that, I just walked around some mall area we were in. It wasn't bad, we went into the Apple store. I really wish I could have an Apple computer. I think Macs and Windows are both great devices for their own uses. I've had good experiences with Macs too. Never have they crashed on me, they were very reliable, and also the GUI is very nice looking and it has lots of great features that MS is BARELY getting started on with Windows Vista....

So ya, 18 years old! :P

My Trip to Best Buy (Blu-Ray and more)

Today, I went to Best Buy and was with my cousin looking around at new t.v. sets, because he plans to buy one with a sound system for his new house he's gonna be in. Well, today I saw Blu-Ray (Sony's touted 'superior' format for the next gen format wars.)

Well first I must say, I have quite the eye for every little detail, but I have to say that Sony better get their act together if they really wanna push Blu-Ray. Ok first off, I have to know if they were showing the movies through an HDMI component, or just regular video components. Well I asked, and looked behind the t.v. and it was connected to an HDMI port. The Blu-Ray player was some Samsung, connected to some Samsung t.v. (Yeah, helpful I know... :P ) It said the t.v. displayed 1080p and the tech specs looked like there were all awesome. However, the problem was.... I barely saw major differences that made Blu-Ray "superior." First off, the thing I was first watching was a short clip of Batman Begins. This looked incredible, with some great crisp clear pictures. However, it looked MARGINALLY better than what the DVD  player next to it showed. I mean, I could see the different, but there were a few other people, the "mass market" type who were like "Oh look Batman on DVD."

Well I informed them it wasn't on DVD, it was Blu-Ray, and they go "What's Blu-Ray?" I informed them all about it, and they looked at the DVD player, and they said "What's the difference?" Then man saw the price tag and is like "What the hell? That's crazy, $1000 for a DVD player? What makes this special?" I tried showing him the difference in clarity, but he wouldn't see it. So... it seemed to me he didn't notice it. Well then after the short Batman Clip ended, a few other movies (which I skipped through) showed barely anything different. They had Hitch playing, 50 first dates, Matrix, and a few other movies. None of them really stood out though, and really showed that Blu-Ray was "superior." I must admit, I was doubting the difference too, in 1080p the only difference was some brighter colors, and only action movies benefited from this. I mean Hitch in 1080p? Come on.... and they marginally looked better than the 720p DVD player sitting next to it.

Well after that, I looked around for some games, but there was nothing in my interest. I think I'm holding out later this year, for the better games. As for music, well I came across a Delerium CD. Of course Best Buy won't have Bjork, my favorite artist, I should find some stores that do, but none do. Perhaps I'll shop online for more albums, I need more! Well it's called "Archives" It's two volumes, I have vol. 1, and it's going well so far. haven't listened to it all, but it's just the perfect mood of ambience, I expect from them. Good music for those who like to just play music for the background. (This really doesn't have words, that's not their music.) I was thinking of also buying Chimera from them, but I didn't. Maybe next time...

Anyways.... have you people seen Blu-Ray players yet? What do you think?

4th of July

Alright, well July 4th is almost here. I guess some of you will be celebrating with a BBQ and fireworks to boot huh? Well me, I have no idea what I'll be doing. I may have to work on the 4th, which would suck, and I went to the beach today (the 3rd) I'm beat too.

So what are you gals/guys planning? I'm hoping tomorrow I don't work, so that I can just call up a few friends, have them come over, or us go somewhere, and just hang loose for the day. I haven't seen my friends since I graduated. It'd be nice to see what some of them are up to, though maybe I should move on too.

w00t! I got $350+ yesterday.

Yesterday was my graduation party, and I got a totla of $377 with 2 gift cards to different places. (One to Target, and the other for Tower Records. $20 and $25 respectively.)

So now I'm wondering how to manage that money. I also should expect my check from work sometime this week. Damn now I don't know what to do. I'm thinking of buying a few games. Perhaps Oblivion, Brain Age, a PSP memory Stick (lost my 32 MB one :( ) and...hmm...guess that's it.

Last Week of School

Sweet. I cannot wait. This is my last week as a senior in high school. I cannot wait to finally get out. It's gonna be great I think. I know I'll miss my friends, but I think I may see some of them. Most are going to a JC. I don't know how many though, guess we'll see.

It's a bit sad I guess, but I'm not really an emotional person when it comes to goodbyes. I have one more project to finish, so hopefully it will be fine. I am almost done, I just need to go back to Target for a few more things, and then I'm done after I make my presentation and everything.

I still have to find out about applying to a Junior College here to. I've also gotta check up my work schedule. Hopefully it won't ruin my summer too much, but then again, I need money....

Currently Listening to: Bjork

It's been a long time...

I'm not generally fond of the whole blog posting ordeal, however I've felt compelled lately to make a new one. I've decied to just talk about my E3 reactions, as short as possible, but then I realized it would not happen. So in short, I'll just describe all the things I'm looking forward too. My disappointments will come another time.

I'm first off, my top five games I'm looking forward to are Yoshi's Island 2, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Okami for the PS2. Notable mentions are: LoZ: Phantom Hourglass, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, Super Mario Galaxy, Gears of War, and Heavenly Sword.

Now, there's a lot more games I want. I must say that in particular they are all on more Nintendo systems. Yeah, I seem biased, perhaps I am and am just oblivious to it, but I seriously can't wait for some of the games on the DS/Wii. 360 and PS3 also have great stuff, but Nintendo seems to have more. I guess that's because Nintendo's got the handheld and a new console.

As for a bit of my reactions. I must say, that I was disappointed in the E3 press conference of Sony's. Not severly, but Sony has had way better conferences. It just kind of felt like nothing new was shown, and things shown were just either too long (Gran Turismo HD) or nonexistent (DMC4, Killzone had no mentions whatsoever.) I may not have like Killzone, but I really wanted to see if those graphics could be possible, that's all. (I'm gonna guess no, but you never know)

One more thing. I seriously hope the summer goes by fast. I hate Summer gaming, just because nothing new is ever there. I love to use the time to catch up on old games though, but I seriously don't feel that compelled to finish some of my games, or I just don't know where to start. Anyone felt like videogames kind of feel a little "uninspired?" I'm not saying they are aweful, but doesn't anyone remeber the first tme they picked up a controller, and just getting lost in the game? Dreaming about falling puzzle blocks, closing your eyes and performing chains and combos in Tetris Attack, or just making zany storylines to your favorite games/video game characters/worlds/etc?

Game Update

Well I've lately recieved as of the month of March, Metroid Prime Hunters, Kingdom Hearts II, and MGS 3: Sub.

I wish I had an online adapter for my PS2 so I could play Subsistence online, and try it out, however I don't wanna shell the money for a system I'd hardly use online. Also, I love Hunter's online. Nintendo did a great job with this game's Wi-Fi service. I hope to see more games improve, as this one set the bar for it.

I've not been play much online though for MP: H, as I've been hooked into Kingdom Hearts II. It's a great game, however I do feel that it's not better than the first one per se. The levels are far to linear, and even older levels are just too short. Also, there's sometimes little challenge in the game. I go to levels that require a high level, just to be. I go to a level where I'm just 5-8 levels below the recommendation, and still beat it. That's about how easy it is...but the thing I love is the storyline. So that's what has kept me hooked onto this game. Also, I love how there were some battles with literally 1,000 enemies on screen. That was really cool. The soundtrack is also awesome, I have to buy me it if I ever get the money.

Well, that's about it. I think during Spring Break-which starts next week- I'll be playing more online and even finish the single player of Metroid Prime: Hunters.

New things....

Well let's see. I'm on break finally. That's a great thing. :P I can't wait for christmas either. Till then though, I have a bit of work to do. I have to read all of Act III in Hamlet, do extra credit work for Government, AND community service. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up on some badly needed gaming time. I've not been playing much, as I would like. I have to buy a HD for my 360 as well. 

 Well, anyways. I guess I should also take the time to note, I've updated my profile a bit. I don't know know what's wrong though with a few things. For anyone who sees it, my right side went all the way below my blogs. I don't know why. All the information like my staut, friends list, etc that's normally on the right, just went awry.

Well I added a banner too. It's not the best looking thing, I don't have photoshop. So I just used the cheap MG suite studios program, or whatever it's called. It's so cheap, I couldn't do anything good with it. So I just turned the color purple. If you are wondering who's that person in the banner.  It's a girl, first off (For some reason the eye lashes that make her look more like a girl are not there, but this pic was scanned...). Just to clear anything up. Also, her name is Charon. Don't ask how I came up with it, I just kind of ....thought of it. So ya. Her name is Charon, that's my little character I draw. She looks different now, when I draw her. I like to say this is her as a child, because the way I draw her now, is much more adult looking. She wears different clothing too. But I really don't have a design ability with drawing, so it's plain type of dress too...I may post a pic one day, to show ya. For now, here's how my banners original iteration is. By the way, this pic is like 4 years old..o.O;;

Edit: Because the pic isn't able to fully fit, here's the link to the drawing.