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yoshi_64 Blog

The Holidays are Coming.

I seriously cannot wait for my holiday break to come. 2 weeks of gaming bliss. I cannot wait, as I will be spending my time with some Mario Kart DS, hopefully I'll have Trauma Center beat by then, play some RPGs, maybe I'll get a HDD for my 360, and finally be able to do what I want to it. I have so much to complete for my gaming needs. Then when Christmas comes, I hope to get a lot more great games, I asked for. :D I'm spoiled, I know.

Some of the games I hope to get are...

  • Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
  • Killer7
  • God of War
  • We <3 Katamari
  • Animal Crossing Wild World
  • Mario and Luigi
  • Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

and a few more. However I don't exactly remeber what they are right now.

Anyways, anyone here getting a vacation? If so, what are you guys/girls doing? Any holiday resolutions you plan on completing before the year ends? (I am supposed to beat get 100% in MP2: Echoes, for this year and get 5 star ranking on Mercenaries mode in RE4)

So, who else has a 360?

Is it me, or does it kind of seem...."meh"? I have one, and out of PGR 3, CoD2 and PDZ, I only like CoD2. PGR 3 has load times that shouldn't be for a next gen system, but for it's defense. It loooks pretty nice, on my standard 20 inch t.v. As for PDZ....it's just a dissappointing sequel (technically it's a prequel) from Rare. As for CoD2, it's a great game, I've never played the previous CoD games, nor do I own a gaming PC. So this one's a keeper to me.

Mario Kart DS (online rant)

Well, I must say I do enjoy it. However, I hope the rumors are true, and MK DS somehow can get a few little things fixed. I remeber hearing it was rushed, as it was towards the end, but if Nintendo does send an update, I think they should:

-Make it known if anyone on your friends list is on, whether or not you are searching for them. Sure there's an icon to tell you if someone is looking for a friends match, but how about letting us know if they are playing on NWC at all, instead of looking for a "friends" match.

-Some chat like function. I mean, maybe just for people on our friends list, that would be nice. Also, if they do add that in, remove the timer. It's nice that you want to get in quick, but sometimes I think it would be a lot cooler to talk out on a few things with your friends and COMMUNICATE before/after a race.

-Voice Chate (optional): Ok, I know I'm just dreaming for this o ne, but it would be cool none theless. However, I doubt this can happen, but if so, I will never leave MK DS.

Well until then, I really hope AC: Wild World fixes some of these problems, as I cannot wait for it.

I have my Liscense Test on Friday!!!

Man, I can't wait. I'll finally be able to drive.....legally..>.>. Well I'll still need insurance as well. But I can't wait either way. I'll get insured, then I'll be going out to lunch on my own and stuff I guess. Well really the big reason I'm excited, is so I can finally feel like I accomplish something, plus sometimes riding a bike to work just doesn't cut it.....well I am jobless now. WHICH SUCKS!! Because I need cash, to buy video games, and some other stuff. Mainly games, but I do want some new movies that are coming out. One of them is Batman Begins. Man that movie was great, I think. So I can't wait to own it on DVD.

First Blog entry (Prepare for the excitement)

Hey, it's me. Ya, that's right, you are listening to what I have to say. So listen up, and listen good.

I'm 17, a Male, I love to play video games, I love all games and systems, and though I may not sound like it here, I'm a pretty dark cold hearted kid. I try to be nice though to some people, but mainly only women, children, and girls are the only people I'm nice to. I love to see little babies smile, and that's perhaps the softest part of mean you will see, other than that, I'm very pessimtic, ruthless, and cold hearted to some people. All the other people, I just ignore, unless you spark my interest, and I wish to know you.

I love to play video games. I love to play all kinds of video games. I am a huge Yoshi fanatic, so forgive any biasness I may have in a game containing Yoshi in it. I love Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Ratchet and Clank, and various other games. I love to play any genre, as long as the game is fun to me. So far I'm loving my handheld more than any of my current consoles. I think I've lost some interest in the next gen consoles. While I will love to own all three, The only one I am actually anticipating is the Revolution.

Well hey, I know it may seem I am a Nintendo fanboy to some.However it's not really true. I have more games on my GC than the other consoles I own, (don't look at my list, I haven't even begun to finish a quarter of the list, I own LOTS of video games) but it was my first next gen console so I guess that's why. I got a Xbox a year after my GC, and then the next year after that I won a PS2. So it has my slimmest library of games. Right now though, I currently play my DS more than any other system. It's just become something I really enjoy.  Plus there are so many games that I'm really looking forward to. I am an owner of a PSP as well, however it has managed to be nothing more than a dust magnet for me. Yes there are many great games coming for it too, however the line-up of games just fail to spark my interest as much as the DS's library of games. (Online Nintendo games is finally happening, and that's gonna be one major reason I will play my DS more) ^__^

Well with that all said and done. Look forward to more about ME!! :twisted:

*end transmsisson*