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#1 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

Well , it doesn't really bother me - nor them actually.
I mean , your just posting on a gaming forum so what's so geekish about that?

If talking to people of that same interest is the equivalant of beeing a geek - 90% of humanity would be filled with geeks.

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#2 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

Pretty sure 21 is the standard for some countries whilst some countries allow marriage below 18 =.=

The standard is different depending on the country in question - probably due to the history and perhaps even the culture have to come to play.
The world changed a lot through out the time after all. In medieval times there are even knights and generals below the age of 18 but for some reason this "age of adulthood" kicked in.

Well , it's essentially the age of which a human is deemed capable of "fending for oneself" - I don't think responsibility is the issue since at the age of 16 a human is deemed responsible for their own actions according to law.

Oh boy , this makes my head ache.

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#3 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

Video games... are only for children? :o

Then I seriously wonder why are there games rated M16 and M18...

Some games are filled with plenty of... ehh... "adult content" whilst others are pretty bloody.
There are plenty of adults playing video games these days anyway. XD

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#4 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

I'm actually one of the few that thinks Spider-Man for the original PlayStation is the best Spider-Man game made to date. It followed a linear path and I think too many games try the open world route while it doesn't add anything to the game, except that they can say 'it has a huge open world!' and for whatever reason that makes people more interested and sales go up, while it's more often a bad thing than a good thing.

That said, I can see why someone would prefer a open world in a Spider-Man game.


Indeed , I've really enjoyed the PS1 series of Spider-Man.
The large array of costumes makes things interesting and the boss fights are decent enough.

An open world based Spidey game is decent but the issue is that I find myself swinging around more than doing anything intense.
Even if there are - for example - quests that allows me to capture robbers and what not the quests are so repetitive that it kinda bores me.
It would be perfect if they can make it more like... say... Assassin's Creed? An Open World but with lots of interesting quests to handle.

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#5 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

Just wait for Skyrim. Oblivion can get pretty boring after a while if you compare it to more recent games - though that pretty much changes if you are willing to do a lot of modifications to the game.

It's a pretty flexible game I must admit but without the mods - it wouldn't be quite as awesome.

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#6 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

[QUOTE="valereth-1"]SEphiroth sucks, but Raam sucks too. Both Kefka and Sweet Tooth are cool, but Kefka should have wonsamanthademeste

Sephiroth did more villainous things then Raam ever did.

What about... Sephiroth died after getting repeatedly whacked by Knights of the Round that did godly damage and all RAAM ever did was stand there and get shot to death by my Sniper Rifle XD
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#7 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

[QUOTE="Poltergeist86"]I'm sad that the game is getting these scores. I'm not into MMO but as a fan of the franchise... :cry:maniamsmart

Yeah well , guess their gonna be leaking money from XIII rather than earning it. What's more , how many FF fans are willing to pay for both the disc and the fees? :?
Mmm...I haven't read the reviews , so any reasoning behind the abysmal score?

EVERYTHING except for the graphics


[QUOTE="Poltergeist86"]I'm sad that the game is getting these scores. I'm not into MMO but as a fan of the franchise... :cry:Fenian_lostsoul

Yeah well , guess their gonna be leaking money from XIII rather than earning it. What's more , how many FF fans are willing to pay for both the disc and the fees? :?
Mmm...I haven't read the reviews , so any reasoning behind the abysmal score?

*Takes off the gag* The game has awful design apparently just plain awful.

Holy smuthers , seems like they focused too much on the graphics :o
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#8 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

Now that I've thought about it, Playstation would be best. Playstation is on top in terms of graphics right now and you know how much the youth of Japan likes shiny things...


...Haha....You know , that is really wrong.

Have you ever heard of something called....Visual Novels? They have absolutely no gameplay ( Most of them anyways ) and are like books with pictures ( Mmm...well drawn pictures actually ) but they are immensely popular in Japan and well , to some of the overseas fans.


By the way , I will support it being on the Playstation series , though I won't mind remakes on the other consoles. For one thing , they should seriously create a decent Final Fantasy I-IX remake with all the glim and stuff.

They did do remakes of both 3 and 4. While I would not call the GBA, PSone and PSP releases of 1 and 2 complete remakes, they are much improved versions of excellent games

Oh , I know , since I have some of the older titles as well on the old consoles , but I'm talking about remakes like what fans expect out of FFVII....Y'know , with all the godly graphics :o

Final Fantasy VII. The remake that was never going to happen in the first place.

Well , make enough noise and they'll make it. That's usually in the case of Japanese developers :P

Famitsu's list is as far as I know based on reader votes. Just saying :P

FFXII did get perfect :)


That's what makes it even more atrocious. Are the people of Japan really that daft?

I don't think there's a real need for insults here...

Anyway, I don't care too much for reviews, much less Famitsu's... FFXII wasn't a bad game though, just a game that was liked by a specific crowd :P

...D-Daft? If their daft , why are you playing their games in the first place? Look , there's no need for racism here.
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#9 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

The Wii isn't a mistake. The ones who makes games on it made the mistake. :X

I'm playing Monster Hunter Tri on Wii and I can assure you that I enjoy it as much as I ever do with the famous titles found on the PS3.

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#10 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

I'm sad that the game is getting these scores. I'm not into MMO but as a fan of the franchise... :cry:Poltergeist86
Yeah well , guess their gonna be leaking money from XIII rather than earning it. What's more , how many FF fans are willing to pay for both the disc and the fees? :?
Mmm...I haven't read the reviews , so any reasoning behind the abysmal score?