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#1 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

Framerate issues with Resident Evil 5 was rare for me - or rather , it's almost non-existent except for certain situations.
There is only a mild hint of frame lag in the game somewhere around the first Chapter - otherwise such issues are pretty much non-existent for RE5.

I did also suffer such similar issues with some Mecha games - like I said , I don't think it's the port issue which is at hand here since there are some PS3 exclusive games which are experiencing the same issues.

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#2 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

Yeah but I think it's more of a graphical issue... Seeing that something like A.C.E : R may start lagging off my system. ( It's a Mecha game with intense graphics BTW )

I suppose the hardware of the PS3 isn't quite as well perfected as it ought to be - then again , if the Xbox is facing the same issues I suppose the developers need to buck up and upgrade the hardware in question to handle all the graphical strains - it'll be kinda stupid if "lagging" is no longer an issue limited to the computer XD

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#3 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts


I don't believe it but video games these days works better than sleeping pills or sheep counting for me.
Games of old ( Or at most - we just need to reroll back to the PS2 ) were pretty decent and addictive - but most of the DLCs - particularly on the PS3 - were almost pointless.

It's like deliberately taking out the content from the game , seperating it on the net and smacking a price tag on that content in question.
( I remember the days when DLCs used to be more than a few MB worth of data... )

Whilst there are still decent releases once in a while , games which can be really labelled as "decent" is rare. Games which had attained the throne of legends these days is nearly non-existent and games which belongs to the bin now infests the markets like vermins in a rice store.

Still - to be fair - there ARE still decent games been made. Rare , yes , but they still do exist... Well , sorta.

As for the Demos... well , I'm not too concerned about them to be honest - I'd much rather look at gameplay videos over the net or something. Though the number of Demos are certainly dwindling over time...

.... Though these are probably limited to the PS3.
The Wii - so far - is fine. I don't have an Xbox so I don't know anything about it. The PC's pretty much fine as well - the only issue is with the PS3 and perhaps some of the PSP games.

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#4 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

I'm just wondering if anyone else is suffering the same issues as I am.

My PS3 seems to have the mysterious ailment of suffering from framerate issues on certain games such as Resident Evil 5 ( On certain areas but the cutscenes were smooth ) , Another Century Episode : R ( Several missions causes a fair bit of problems ) , Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood ( Certain area causes the framerate to slow down a little ) and I'm pretty sure it only occurs to games of which can be labelled as "graphically intense"

Occasionally , the frame may even freeze ( Or rather , the whole game seems to have froze ) when it's running certain games ( So far , I've only encountered this problem twice or thrice in Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood and Another Century Episode : R ) - not to mention making odd "cracking" sounds after shutting it down after a duration of gameplay.

Does anyone else suffer from similar issues or is it just because I've purchased a 160GB PS3? :X

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#5 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

Hopefully they'll throw in some Persona 3 characters as add-ons or bonuses.
If it's a fighter - the more the merrier , right? :P

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#6 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts


Would be appreciated if everyone takes things lightly and in a friendly manner.
Seen too many flamers , trolls and annoying buggers for my liking :X


Not here in OT though, you ****! (jk :P)

....... *plucks out all the thorns in your signature*

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#7 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

Unfortunately , having too many sequels depreciates the overall value of the game =.=

It's usually better to start up something new rather than dragging out something which was good to begin with and ends in a wreckage.
Some sequels tends to be better than their previous installments but dragging things out for too long destroys the plotline and the gameplay ( If it lacks improvements )

Still , some games are just as good no matter how long you drag it out - like... say... Mario? Megaman? Metroid? :P

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#8 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

Would be appreciated if everyone takes things lightly and in a friendly manner.
Seen too many flamers , trolls and annoying buggers for my liking :X

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#9 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

I've tried Red Bull before but it's too sweet and thick for my liking.

Ever since then I've beend dodging energy drinks like their poison or something :X
But I do enjoy the most typical form of energy drink - COFFEE!!

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#10 z827
Member since 2008 • 4731 Posts

We're breaking apart the ozone layer , feeding the atmosphere with dust , smog and other harmful chemicals , using something as dangerous as nuclear energy , have nukes stored in just about every country , leaving gigantic carbon footprints on this planet of our's , killing thousands of species ever since we set foot on this planet , chopping down the forests which provides oxygen , defiling the seas and oceans with oil and chemicals , melting the ice caps which leads to global warming and the rising of the waters and modifying the genes of other animals.

I think we pretty much have the power and means to destroy this planet by turning it into a ball of waste.
Not smite it into pieces or anything - but we can probably turn it into a ball of brownish waste.