no, not the red ring of death. but this curse that makes me not want to play viva pinata: trouble in paradise and dead space. what am i waiting for? i just lay there on my couch and when the thought crosses my mind, i feel so tired.
i am however playing red alert 3 still. not as much as i have been, and even that game puts me off playing my xbox 360 totally sometimes. i must be going through some kind of phase of laziness when it comes to playing my xbox 360 although i still clean the house and exercise regularly. this curse hasn't found its way into those aspects of my life just yet.
plus, i don't get it. i don't get how i can get 50 cent: blood on the sand and complete most of the game in nine hours straight on the day of delivery... that must have required some strength.
i have told myself the games i will be likely playing will be like blood on the sand. tomb raider: legend, tomb raider: underworld,the saboteur... others which i am sure are on my wishlist.
another nrl game is coming out soon and for the first time on the xbox 360... one to look out for. and hey, if the new zealand warriors don't get the granddaddy prize which is the premiership after winning a grand final... then in the game, with my guidance, i can.
i need like an xbox 360 exorcist. :lol:
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