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first, i would like to hear news on that court case to do with the former activision employees who are fighting for the rights to the call of duty franchise? the case had been testified throughout june?

medal of honor, the beta, is looking like every other game like it but like those other games, feels exciting just watching someone else play. i used to play battlefield: vietnam often years ago and found that enjoyable. also another battlefield game from electronic arts which was battlefield: 1942. then, battlefield 2 on the ps2 console.

it appears medal of honor will once again pull off first person shooter well. it would be awesome if i could play that game on xbox live, playing as a taleban insurgent!


many of the games on my wishlist, excluding dead space, i haven't bought because i don't have the money. naughty bear is one i would like to own then eventually play, as i haven't completed those games listed as now playing. the games will remain on my wishlist, however. i will probably pick out the games i want then play them later on.

the eb games sale, celebrating their tenth birthday in new zealand, ends tomorrow. i didn't buy dead space from their sale as i found it for $30NZ at dse... which was surprising. eb games has some cheap titles that are pre-owned and i have been keeping my eyes peeled on them, they are likely still there.

i would have more money to spend if it wasn't for me locking myself out of my house last week and the next day, getting back in through the garage door. how embarrassing. but it was really only me that knew. i have to pay close to $70NZ to a garage door company for getting me back in the house. that money could buy two xbox 360 games right now, even new.

as you can see, the blog has a new header.

it was another noobish effort by me using microsoft paint.

After E3...

e3 has ended. i have an e3 emblem,my first,which is under my handle to show i had visited the gamespot e3 pages.

i think e3 was quite weak. speaking of weak, the game line up for the microsoft kinect...? has been described as something like that. i was reading today that on the official xbox magazine website that a michael jackson game had been announced for the motion sensor technology. it is a little bit of a shame that he is no longer with us as i am sure the game would have helped michael get back into financial green on top of his concerts he announced before he was actually murdered by the doctor who was looking after him.

i won't be buying the microsoft kinect. but, i say that now and i might. i don't know how much money it will cost here in new zealand. $300NZ? probably.

e3 2010 is well and truly over. on the hotspot near the end of the show there was a woman announcer announcing the end of the gaming exhibition that was held in los angeles. it is history.

late yesterday i thought i would finally get help for my games that i am stuck on achievement wise. i logged onto xbox360achievements.orgthen downloaded and printed about twenty pages on the games i chose of which i wanted to find out in greater detail... how to unlock the achievements i hadn't yet.

it was helpful. i have unlocked one achievement in leisure suit larry: box office bust and am on my way to unlocking another in smackdown vs. raw 2009, which is worth 150g. i tried to unlock the demolition boy achievement in leisure suit larry but the vehicle dissapeared before i had a chance to blow up those vehicles as that is what is required of you in the demolition boy achievement.

viva pinata: trouble in paradise has been added to my system but i haven't unlocked one achievement of that game yet. i have also avatar in the system as well, but that is a rental that i got some months ago which i will get againthen try andgain more gamerscore.

dse has dead space for $30NZ and i have the link to show for it. that is actually quite an incredible price and well worth it, preparing one for dead space 2 next year.

Long Time, No Blog

it has been about a week, or just over, since my last blog. wow.

things have been happening in gaming over that time. i have been playing smackdown vs. raw 2009, unlocking one big achievement of that game which was worth 200g. there is another, which is worth 150g, but i am stumped as to how to unlock it because i don't know where to go back and unlock the bonuses in the road to wrestlemania mode.

i amthinkingabout buying dead space for my console soon. eb games is having a sale at the moment, which ends at the end of june. they have dead space for $40NZ at half price, one of the best buys in the entire store in my opinion. they have three copies, they have been sitting there since the sale began?

the soviet campaign of red alert 3 has been complete. i finished last night and my total gamerscore is almost a pathetic 3000g. haha. i was playing the allied campaign, the first mission, this morning and it is actually quite difficult. however, i am confident i will get there.

i have added viva pinata to my gaming list of my xbox 360 but iam dissapointed of all the secret achievements the game has. this might sound silly, but it is a kids game... i still haven't wrapped my head around it.

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the undertaker is one mean man. about this time ten years ago he was known as the american badass and rode out to the ring on a motorcycle!

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

deus ex: human revolution is a game i have been hearing peeks and boos about recently. apparently the game has been pushed to early 2011 and has some interesting things about the game which will certainly make it great including social interactions ecetera. quite an interactive game from what i heard. games continue to get biggerand better.

remember, e3 not far away! :)

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peek-a-boo, i see you.

Alpha Protocol

splinter cell fans take note, alpha protocol was released recently. alpha protocol is a espionage shooter game but got a bad review from gamespot as not being what the game is suppost to be. the cover system is bad but the story and characters are "interesting".thoseare two things that the developer are good at apparently.

the arsenal of weapons that your character has is not great but i think that does stay true to the whole espionage idea. you can punch in the game instead of shooting any guns, but like many gamers... you would probably prefer to use your weapons instead of getting in a fist fight.

a game i would like to try. i suggest searching for the game on gamespot. the game is neither here or there when it comes to how worthwhile it is to play.

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that dude in the background... i think there is something wrong with him?

Project Natal... Fail?

i sense that manypeople who own xbox 360 consoles have a general feeling that project natal isn't important to them and costs too much, at a reported price of $150US.

there is no controversy over when the microsoft toy will be released, on october 26th, 2010... but just how many people are planning on upon, hearing the news about the price and release date, to go out and buy natal? like the sony eye-toy, will it be as successful as that? how is project natal going to be really any different in the end?

is microsoft socking it to nintendo, as they are their competition, with their wii console, and trying to make their motion sensor technology less important and obsoletecompared to their own?

i felt positive about project natal when i first read about it. however even then and still now i didn't want to be doing exercises in front of a box and having those movements replicated on a screen. natal would take me out of my comfort zone and i still have this thinking that i am comfortable with pressing buttons and moving joysticks.

project natal will not be a completerevolution in gaming but in its own smaller ways, it will be.

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Microsoft Project Natal Showing Noticeable Delay In Motion Capture

will it also come in white?

Splinter Cell: Conviction

tonight i got my first good play of splinter cell: conviction. the demo takes me to the middle of the story mode of the full version game, when i have to rescue a scientist and disable a emp bomb.

conviction is a much more easier game to play with the mark and execute and close kill abilities. in the first splinter cell, where it all began in 2002... then pandora tomorrow and chaos theory but excluding double agent as i have not played that... they all demanded that you think on your feet and not rely on hand holding help such as what is in conviction.

another gripe is with the visuals. i don't have a big television, about a 28 inch... but i couldn't see clearly most of the detail which was telling me how to play the game and what was worse, it was in black and white! it would have been more helpful if the hints were green for A... red for B... and so on. i was left straining my eyes to try and read.

like just cause 2 being my first sandbox game experience on the xbox 360, conviction was my first third person linear shooter experience. but it all felt too easy and not so much fun. sure, i hate it more than anyone else when i get blown to smitherenes by a shotgun blast by one of the united states government, third echelon thugs that are in conviction. but i reiterate, the mission felt like no hard work... it was like my hand was being held throughout a story of ruthless vengence with the most swearing i have ever heard in a computer game before in my life.

splinter cell: conviction i recommend as a good game for beginners of the splinter cell series. as in, one who has never played a splinter cell game before. you could go out and buy splinter cell: conviction at eb games, new, for $80NZ at the sale price, in their ten year celebration sale which finishes at the end of june. how about online? but veterans or experienced players like me of splinter cell could be left dissapointed with this different, rogue, more shoot em' up instalment.

many good, high scores the game received i think were not warranted. :(

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splinter cell: conviction is unlike any other splinter cell game before it. mission objectives appear on walls.

Just Cause 2

tonight i bought the latest issue of oxm and along with it, on the disc, is a demo of splinter cell: conviction and just cause 2. just cause 2, my first impressions,were good. i have played the first just cause on the ps2 system and was not impressed. but the second game on the xbox 360 console is different and right now? i recommend it. it was my first experience of sandbox gameplay on the console. i have not played grand theft auto iv.

you play as a rebel fighting against an oppressive government, being part of rebel groups on the huge island... blasting your way through government gas stations... well, that was the only government buildings i came across in the demo. i was driving a car and jumped out, speeding into the establishment making the roof collapse down. the damage was quite minor, actually.

car driving is realistic. you car-jack a car, speed up... the engines sound authentic. you can drive really fast in the cars and on the motorbikes.

it is fun fighting against the government in just cause 2. try and play the demo if you are interested. just cause 2 makes a good rental, but do not expect to complete everything in the game.

photography is now up in images. enjoy.

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