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Acid Reflux

ouch. acid reflux. this is something that i have to deal with for a while yet since i was poisoned late last year then have a friend admit he was the one who did it to teach me a lesson. it is so bad i felt the need to visit the hospital more than a couple of times over it. that could be done with now.

i guess obviously, i know what brings it on... food or drink that is high in food acid. hot chips is a food that triggers it the worst. from now on, it is important to let those fish and chip takeaway business know to go easy on the salt.

if i hadn't of been poisoned then i would not be feeling like this... i think? i have been transient for about four months. my theory is once i settle down again then start living well i think everything about my body will be thankful for it.

a song and video that i enjoyed on release and still to this day when it suddenly entered my brain while i was waiting for my dinner the other night. do you like it or do you like it. it is from hot chip.

Division Of Idealogy

since early 2003 i had been offline until late last year when the internet returned to the house. after that happened i began talking to people once again like i did all those years ago. a man told me this one thing that i think since 2003 is true, not only in the united states but the world over. there is a "idealogical battle"?

well... i see it every day. i see how this world is changing and ****, it is a bit ****ed up?

i used to watch the daily show with jon stewart almost every night as we got episodes of that show in this country "hot off the satellite". i remember one tidbit that was taken by god knows who at one of those town hall meetings which was filmed either during the campaign to the white house or when barack obama as president. a woman came in to the building and was yelling outspoken remarks that she did not want the united states turning into a country like russia. i had been thinking about that event earlier this afternoon and asked myself whether that was only isolated or whether what that woman said is shared by millions of other people in the united states?

to me, it seems that since that "everything changed" publicity stunt which was 9/11, it was the beginning of something whether it was a theocracy or an attack on the way of life and foundations of the united states by enemies of the nation, whoever they may be.

the reason why i write this is because, i miss the nineties. the nineties brought for me personally, sanity, tolerance and i guess the main reason, a **** of alot less division amongst everyone, full stop. i guess everything did change on september 11th, 2001. the world changed like i never could have guessed.

for now, this political nutjob is signing off.

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Tony Blair "Attacks" In Controversial Interview

i read a newsprint report of the former prime ministers shock appearance and attack in the television interview early this morning.

i almost instantly thought of david kelly. according to the newsprint report in the interview he looked pleased with himself. he probably was not thinking about that man at the time. the united nations weapon inspector who ended up killing himself due to apparent enormous stress and accusations by him the british government were spying on him and his wife over a "damning" scandal to do with iraq that brought the british government to question. there are conflicting reports on how he killed himself. one is he overdosed on painkillers in a field close to his home. another is he stabbed himself many times.

and he "attacks conspiracy theories". forgive me but tony, you were and are a fruitcake.

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