the new editor of x-box magazine. i read the december issue which i think was his second. he came across stubborn to me, that was my first impression. i miss tristen because he seemed to me to be more of a gamer, even just by looking at his mugshot in the magazine! he had a sense of humour. not really like this guy. nic does seem to be more intelligent but in that old guy or fatherly way. between me and him, we will get used to each other over more time. his handle is doktornic on x-box live. and please, no random, childish abuse toward him despite me not liking him so much or knowing him well.
a banana like moon last night. i looked at it eerily yesterday evening and thought of dead space 2. a good chunk of this year until release. i have not played the first. in issue 51 of x-box magazine it looks bizzare, it looks as exciting and scary as the spook house from an episode of the simpsons but hopefully will not leave you feeling robbed after. dead space 2 is looking good in the ways i described above. lets get lost in dead space 2. out late 2010.
warm mountain dew. not as pleasurable as it is cold.
in general, science fiction games. to me, they will be games to look out for in 2010. i am suprised on a quiet note that red faction: guerilla is unheard of now. that is after all the immediate hype there was before the release last year. i guess it has been a while upon more thought and that explains why.
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awesome. awesome.
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