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Hi DoktorNic! Can Sci-Fi Fans Rejoice?

the new editor of x-box magazine. i read the december issue which i think was his second. he came across stubborn to me, that was my first impression. i miss tristen because he seemed to me to be more of a gamer, even just by looking at his mugshot in the magazine! he had a sense of humour. not really like this guy. nic does seem to be more intelligent but in that old guy or fatherly way. between me and him, we will get used to each other over more time. his handle is doktornic on x-box live. and please, no random, childish abuse toward him despite me not liking him so much or knowing him well.

a banana like moon last night. i looked at it eerily yesterday evening and thought of dead space 2. a good chunk of this year until release. i have not played the first. in issue 51 of x-box magazine it looks bizzare, it looks as exciting and scary as the spook house from an episode of the simpsons but hopefully will not leave you feeling robbed after. dead space 2 is looking good in the ways i described above. lets get lost in dead space 2. out late 2010.

warm mountain dew. not as pleasurable as it is cold.

in general, science fiction games. to me, they will be games to look out for in 2010. i am suprised on a quiet note that red faction: guerilla is unheard of now. that is after all the immediate hype there was before the release last year. i guess it has been a while upon more thought and that explains why.

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awesome. awesome.

Curious George Killed A Kitten?

i found this on the front page of msn. it is from newsweek.

so, when dubya was in power, one of the biggest war presidents that obama has now taken the role of, as commander-in-chief, he had the lawful power to "order civilians to be massacred"?

big ****en whoopedeedoo dumpdee. really. is this anything new? should people be surprised by this? sure, people should be shocked and or outraged but the president of the united states having such powers is nothing anyone should be raising eyebrows over. dubya, george jnr., bush... call him what you will, his two terms who i hoped was only in for one have been compared to being "worse than watergate". my point is that nixon once said that "when the president does it, it is not illegal.". he was saying that he was above the law, whether he knew it or not. like any president, powers such as these should not surprise us. but it does bring constitutional law to question.

what i am more concerned about is this excerpt from the report.

"The president's authority superseded the law and CIA officers who might later be accused of torture could also argue that were acting in "self defense" in order to save American lives."

forget about the president. even forget about the cia officers. question the entire reason why all of this is happening! it is because of an attack on the united states that was let to go ahead! those ****en smug, i think, mainly religious right politicians who let that happen. to their own people! to damage the reputation of the united states! those ********!

i am not drunk, i am not really angry at all but it does annoy me when i remind myself why all of this ******** is happening over the last nine years. **** them.

they are all jokes.

(note: i might come back to this later and edit this entry with some more sensible wording. then, i went off on a tangent.)

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Another Crackhead Goes Crazy!

it has happened again. just a day or two after i post an entry about our brother umar, an american of all people goes against the inland revenue service... in other words, his own government!

i think we should not be surprised. it is funny really, in hindsight, once again. it is funny because people like this joe stack are so common. it happened with timothy mcveigh. it happened with the atlanta olympics bomber in 1996, gary jewell. columbine. what is it with the united states and individuals who resort to terrorism such as this? it is laughable.

i happened to be at a welfare office late this afternoon and saw this on a television set as it was headline news. i stood there up close and was mostly throughout in awe. i was in awe that a small aircraft could do so much damage to this i.r.s. building then if i am to use another word, disbelief, that simply this had happened. now here i am punching this in letting you all know about it. however, i am sure that most of you have read or heard about this by now.

if i sound like glenn beck then forgive me. i happen to be, well, drunk as i enter this.

in closing, i can tell joe stack was a man who had according to the msn report lost thousands of dollars and despised seeing these government fatcats walk away with his money. he felt an injustice. like some of us in this world including myself, we can lose faith in our government then lose faith in ourselves and sometimes feel so hurt to do something such as this.

joe stack, i will remember you as a man who you felt was screwed over by your own government if what i have heard and read is true about your reasons for this rather devastating but petty act of terrorism.

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i am still sitting here in disbelief at that picture. just like i was when i saw on the ground footage on television.

Da-da-da dumb...

where have i been the last two months? irish gangsters want me dead... oh my god, the list goes on! apparently i am a don of a crime family! PA-lease.

umar farouk abdulmutallab. another rather young man who tried to effectively blow up a passenger jet. a terrorist. i like his shirt. what is funny in hindsight is that it takes one man like him to make international headlines. it also, once again, shows how vunerable airport security is. the problem now is still vunerability. like cases before this one, airport security is tightened and there is a risk of civil liberties being taken away. yet i am surprised that it is one there one day, then one here a year or two later such at these. a theory could be it is al-qaedas campaign against america and her allies to drag the war out. a good strategy and a simple one. i was discussing this earlier today. terrorism. terrorism is an art of war that since its birth in the sixties, is safe to say, will never be defeated. since the everything changed publicity stunt it is not war that we know of... it is war that we really do not know of.

terrorism always aims to achieve a political, religious or moral objective. it seems once again, fortress america has almost fallen prey. if you recall osama bin ladens reasons for ordering the attacks on the united states from a cave in afghanistan one of them was because of north americas "meddling" in saudi arabias affairs. another was because he accussed the u s of a of being terrorists themselves. he cited the end of world war two reinforcing that.

good on you umar. but if you are the "isolated extremist" with unpublicised personal issues which i suspect you have, you need help! :?

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he kind of looks like me. i am sure i have a shirt just like his!

John Key Is (Somewhat) A Murderer!

recently i read about this rockefeller dude. for those who see or hear the name rockefeller they might know them from jay-z tunes or new york city.

according to a newsprint report in the new zealand herald, he was murdered then left to decompose somewhere in melbourne, australia.

although our prime minister had no direct involvement he still gives the media a heartless statement to them by merely letting everyone know he knew him and the family.

john, it was times like those at 3am at that motel reading that which let me know how cunning you are. i would not be surprised if you had involvement in his death, *******. i am not even going to give any clues as to who was responsible, as they probably read this blog.

give it up john. just give it up.

(note: as i was walking down the street between 10:30pm and 11:30pm last night after i had written this entry on paper, i heard a gunshot. that was not some random act of kindness, it was someone doing someone elses dirty work. i know it will likely be me someday, big man with a gun, but on the receiving end.) :roll:

Leisure Suit Larry

i read in the january issue of x-box magazine, they take another swipe at leisure suit larry. the game has been called "worst game of 2009".

i own and have played leisure suit larry: box office bust and right now? i will defend the game once again by saying it is not the worst.

it must be the games history that lets it down. or, possibly makes it worse. i bought the game given the 1/10 score the magazine gave it winter last year to find out whether it was deserving, it was not.

a theory as to why it got a trash review could be because the entire series of games are old timers. all of them. the newer games because larry is involved. enough said.

(note: for the one kid who reads this i will continue censoring the swearing and make an attempt to not swear at all.)

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Now... "Come Mr. Taleban, Turn Over Bin Laden..."

*round of applause*

er, no. although this is good news for many people. WHY HAS IT TAKEN SO LONG?!

forgive me but this news is totally bogus. i am sorry, it is rather unreliable. i am no expert.

i read the headline in a newsprint report this afternoon then it was so underwhelming it terrified me.


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it has only been sixteen years.

Radio Hosts

about a week ago i posted a topic on this, about radio announcers. but, here i go again.

why do most of them, or the hosts i listen to, sound so sarcastic and not so enthusiastic on air?

there are two guys who work on that station who are the prime suspects. i think it must suck to be in their job playing the same songs over and over. especially the hits that are terrible in their minds. they should know as they are kind of involved in the music industry.

i thought about getting a radio career myself but now? **** that! i still think it must actually suck.

despite all that, these announcers sound as if they lead sad lives. i can tell by listening to them. they're nosey too.

what is sad for me though is having this blatantly obvious on their station before i even make a peep about it online!

on a bright note to end this entry, keep it up. i enjoyed the night show off the rock fm. i recorded what must have been over ten mixtapes of rock music from that show. mostly rock from the nineties. nowadays i listen to alot of flava and morefm.

(note: thank you radioworks from on the other side of town for the flava bumper sticker. i stuck it on straight away but peeled it off about two months ago. i might ask for another.)

"If I Could Read Your Mind Love..."

please, don't. from this moment on, discontinue reading my mind because really... i am just this guy? seriously! if you are one of those out there that is doing this please do the appropriate thing which you know yourself is right and discontinue. hand in the hardware to the government who it likely came from and just leave it at that.

game over.

Who Wants To Be A Girlfriend?

... leave your comments below. i was going to put up hand written cards in a supermarket or two but did not... so, here is your official chance on this page.