the australian government has the biggest reputation in the world now for being like a strict parent. so much so it could encourage a movement against the government and hating on the man, kevin rudd. :P
i will cut to the chase. why is australia banning outright so many computer games? i am aware of left 4 dead 2 and now aliens vs. predator being banned. there is no chance of those two games being played in australia.
it appears that the people on the board of censorship have decided to use the wooden ruler in a swoop on a school desk as this has only been happening over the last year. i can see myself good reason behind it. but then i think this problem, a mental health one for these minds that even without the ban, have to by law be eighteen or over (if the game had of been given one of the maximum r18 ratings in that country), could have been countered differently without the expense of the leisure of gamers who play games like those and don't go crazy straight after or over a while playing them.
could it have been as simple as those people on the board holding the opinion that it is garbage and should be just, banned? i think that there have been studies done in the country that has come back with evidence that show that games such as these are dangerous for the mental health of some people. it would only take one to shoot up his family or do something violent to grab the attention of headline news.
i have thought that the games could have been allowed in, but hardening up on those who wouldn't have been allowed to have bought them. i do not know whether australians have photo identification. if so, that would make a difference in deciding such purchases.
in this country, new zealand, it has been reported millions of dollars are being spent each year to help people quit the addiction of smoking ciggarettes. could that board in australia be banning games to save government money? to save sanity? to save lives?
for all the australian left 4 dead 2 and aliens vs. predator fans who wanted to buy either one of those two games, hate on the censorship board and people who you know would likely think there is an alien in their wardrobe. perhaps begin an online petition letting the board know of your opposition to the ban. this is a party pooper for many australian gamers. but, i might be sitting on the fence. it must be a move for the greater good of australia... hmmm... :question:
(note: as of late, aliens vs. predator was reconsidered. it now has a m15+ rating in australia. my source was the january issue of x-box magazine.)
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i would have thought the aliens vs. predator movie would have been more violent. 2005. plus, on the internet, there has been talk of censoring that too in australia.
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