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Is New Zealand One Of The Most Unhealthiest Countries?

everywhere i go, people are coughing, people are clearing their throats. consider this entry as only an opinion bordering on a rant.

i do not know what the statistics are but many people here i see smoke ciggarettes. i see that then hear and see an old woman like a prune coughing and spluttering afterfinishing offher pack of holiday and ask myself whether this country is going down the tubes. you might remember one of my later entries on australia banning video games? in that entry, i punched in that new zealand spends millions each year encouraging people to give up smoking. two hundred million dollars a year,is the bill. but nowadays on a somewhat unrelated note the media in kiwiland could declare the world is ending tomorrow and people would believe it.

living then reminding myself that i am in a healthy country would be great and make me feel proud about new zealand. i say would because i think the land of the long white cloud is nowhere near healthy. i am seeing and hearing it around me.

Oooh Chavo!

say hello to your new cruiserweight champion, chavo guerrero!

but i don't get it. the little green men are at it again. it is either them or the chips inside my x-box 360 which are making me win each match so easily. when the game is set on hard, it was easy. there was even a vague memory of the game on normal, but it was too hard!

regardless, say goodbye to your new cruiserweight champion! paul london must be missing his belt already. the intercontinental belt is next.

Layeth The Smackdowneth

after five months, thousands of dollars, nowhere to live... i have finally found the time to play smackdown vs. raw 2009 further. i even completed the "defeat kane in inferno match" achievement with the miz? i played for about a good two hours this morning. great.

i am now working on the career mode achievements. i am a self-confessed achievement whore. i feel that a game on the x-box 360 is not truly complete without the achievements being well, achieved or attempted to be. i am reading many people on this site do not play for achievements but more for just the game and the online experience.

smackdown vs. raw 2009 is a game that you can complete all achievements on because there are no x-box live achievements for those like me without online play and all of them are easy but time consuming. you will need patience.

chavo guerrero is my character in career mode. i remember his old but brief gimmick in the now defunct world championship wrestling in the nineties. he was a crazy latino wrestler who rode a pony named pepe. my best guess is it was to do with an angle involving his now deceased uncle eddie. if someone could correct me if i am wrong but in the angle eddie was putting too much pressure on him because he felt his nephew was not good enough in the ring as a wrestler and he snapped, went crazy then became a chavo who rode a stick and was a generally an all round lunatic in and out of the ring. that gimmick was brief.

i chose him because his profile in the game reminded me of that.

the frog splash was an excitingfinishing move. eddie performed that move to win matches.

Private Public

alison mau is her name. i have nothing against this woman personally. i do not know her. but how is it that it takes one person to make a government ruler, this time, the law commission, attempt to change the law to almost protect her?!

it is sickening. the law commission sits up and takes notice because one of new zealands most famous media personalities has been complaining of a gross invasion of privacy. i read this story tonight in a local newspaper and thought, are you serious? like the michael weatherston murder trial, it is almost another example of one changing the law. in michael weatherstons case, he was not so lucky and has messed it up for anyone who i believe the provocation defence could be justified, as in this country now the provocation defence can not be used in the judgement of a homicide or murder.

alison mau appears to be a lovely woman from the photo i have in the newspaper report. i can not imagine why anyone would want to stalk or harass her unless they wanted to see her naked or just likely, be some kind of cunning pervert. in her words she said,"call the dogs off.".

either this report is a coincidence or it could be another miracle of someone famous getting special treatment. given alison mau is likely still having this problem with "prying eyes" and a "new law be created" to make her life easier? you have got be joking. and that is no coincidence.


i mean... yip.

alison, if you read this from your desk of the auckland or hamilton television new zealand building then please, just talk to the police again. i do not see why now, why you, for something in this countries parliament like that to happen. you are a media personality. it is concerning that after talking to the new zealand police about my own privacy concerns last night, i had to find that in my local paper. that itself, is still a violation of my privacy. i do not know how.

if the extent of the law is made from the report then all the more power to you and guess what? even me and others out there who could be dealing with this problem.

this is kind of pathetic.

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private public from sheep in the big city.

All Work And No Play...

... makes zarkon9 a dull boy. there actually is no work to speak of. i have been waking up at lunch time every day, i had my first meal at six o'clock this evening and this place has no power or running water. and, i might need a gun.

but no completegaming. the il-2 sturmovik birds of preydemo i have been playing and was taken in by the scenary in the game. i almost kamikazed into a bomber balloon and ended up crashing then burning after i took out the left wing of my aircraft on the left wing of a german bomber. the game il-2 sturmovik birds of prey has been given a 9/10 from x-box magazine and a 7.5 on gamespot.

last night, to my dismay, i was dissapointed to find that a player has to complete all missions over again and can not return to any progress which could have been saved. because of that, it kind of turned me off playing the game.

(note: to the one kid who reads this blog you might want to stop because from here on out it might get personal. not between me and you, i will add.)

Domestic Terrorist Joseph Stack

as i still read newspapers, there was a huge splash on the weekend herald of joe stack.

i can not believe it took a "single engine plane" to make the building appear it had napalm fired at it.

aboveis a webpage of the "troubled youth" who crashed into the bank of america building oftampa florida a few years ago. it did happen. it appears the page does not have an image of the plane crash. the point i am making is that the damage to the building was much less severe than to the damage that was slammed on the i.r.s. building somewhere in texas.

i am suggesting that there is a conspiracy. unless i am missing something, how could an aircraft probably a bit bigger than his cause so much damage?

he had sympathy for osama bin laden.

"I Want That Puppy In The Window, The One With The Waggly Tail..."

no more mountain dew. i am on a sugar high that is like not a brainfreeze, but a brainmelt.

i bought the paper for the first time since the c.i.a. base attack in november or december last year - i forget which month. "dr. strangelove" is dead. that is, alexander haig. i never knew the man but besides his friend henry kissinger he was remembered by the united kingdom newspaper the independent as a good man. kissinger is a man who i know to be a monster. but, at least from todays paper i have a prediction of weather, tides and moons.


The Golden Joystick Awards - 2009

fallout 3 wins game of the year. i found fallout 3 to be scarce in weaponry and because of that was in a fight for survival in what used to be washington d.c.. people have said that oblivion is "the better game". but australia spoke, fallout 3 won.

for best retailer of the year, jb-hi fi. i went to one of those stores and my head felt like it was going to explode from their loud music. probably a good place for gaming but dse still gets my vote, true techxperts (as they now call themselves at selected stores).

note: the familiar head of the man himself, dick smith (who is a real person), has been taken down in another city. it was as if his face on the sign was like dictatorship idolistic propaganda, for sure :P

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people wish it had of been me.

Hi-Tech Slavery

when i was seventeen and eighteen i would visit sites such as and ... those sites are about mainly the united states government, aliens, 9/11 theories...

but also hi-tech slavery. it is strange because after the mere thought once of the subject i found the latest issue of investigate magazine to have an article on the more traditional types of slavery.

i have talked about what some call social engineering in the past. but if a government were to ever be involved in hi-tech slavery? which accusations have been made, it could be the first story of it ever in the known zionist dominated media of the world. the united states being the leader.

organised crime is another. the underground kind. warlords. about as illegal or 'out of bounds' crime can get. if anyone has heard the song one by metallica? my theory is that song is about hi-tech slavery. it could be also about the devil, satan or the "evil one" who is written in the bible... as a hi-tech slave? i think so.

this topic had been on my mind. i thought i would write a piece on it, whatever i was getting at.

Australia - Like A Teacher With A Wooden Ruler?

the australian government has the biggest reputation in the world now for being like a strict parent. so much so it could encourage a movement against the government and hating on the man, kevin rudd. :P

i will cut to the chase. why is australia banning outright so many computer games? i am aware of left 4 dead 2 and now aliens vs. predator being banned. there is no chance of those two games being played in australia.

it appears that the people on the board of censorship have decided to use the wooden ruler in a swoop on a school desk as this has only been happening over the last year. i can see myself good reason behind it. but then i think this problem, a mental health one for these minds that even without the ban, have to by law be eighteen or over (if the game had of been given one of the maximum r18 ratings in that country), could have been countered differently without the expense of the leisure of gamers who play games like those and don't go crazy straight after or over a while playing them.

could it have been as simple as those people on the board holding the opinion that it is garbage and should be just, banned? i think that there have been studies done in the country that has come back with evidence that show that games such as these are dangerous for the mental health of some people. it would only take one to shoot up his family or do something violent to grab the attention of headline news.

i have thought that the games could have been allowed in, but hardening up on those who wouldn't have been allowed to have bought them. i do not know whether australians have photo identification. if so, that would make a difference in deciding such purchases.

in this country, new zealand, it has been reported millions of dollars are being spent each year to help people quit the addiction of smoking ciggarettes. could that board in australia be banning games to save government money? to save sanity? to save lives?

for all the australian left 4 dead 2 and aliens vs. predator fans who wanted to buy either one of those two games, hate on the censorship board and people who you know would likely think there is an alien in their wardrobe. perhaps begin an online petition letting the board know of your opposition to the ban. this is a party pooper for many australian gamers. but, i might be sitting on the fence. it must be a move for the greater good of australia... hmmm... :question:

(note: as of late, aliens vs. predator was reconsidered. it now has a m15+ rating in australia. my source was the january issue of x-box magazine.)

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i would have thought the aliens vs. predator movie would have been more violent. 2005. plus, on the internet, there has been talk of censoring that too in australia.