i thought yesterday that i should perhaps concentrate the focus of this blog on more gaming instead of just crap. how bout' it?
about the only highlight from "today on the spot", may 29th, is the sims 3 ambitions expansion pack, for me. as you know, i posted a link to a video that can be viewed of some gameplay and commentary of it a couple of days ago. i liked it, and i hope you all liked it as well.
well, the video of that game that is in the last episode of "on the spot", is the same video.
i have not played the sims 3, but i have played the original sims on the ps2. it looks similar, when both games are put in comparison... except the visuals look more polished in the sims 3, which should be expected. apparently the sims 3 will be able to be played on the xbox 360 console. the sims 3, with or without the expansion, looks like a great game... it has made the neighbourhood into a multi-choicesmall townwhere you can do more than ever before.
the sims 3: ambitions has more objects, like other expansion packs. it will be out june 2nd.
look out for it, it should be great.
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neighbourhoods can become small towns and are not regulated to one screen... you can freely move from house to house, playing the game.
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