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More Gaming?

i thought yesterday that i should perhaps concentrate the focus of this blog on more gaming instead of just crap. how bout' it?

about the only highlight from "today on the spot", may 29th, is the sims 3 ambitions expansion pack, for me. as you know, i posted a link to a video that can be viewed of some gameplay and commentary of it a couple of days ago. i liked it, and i hope you all liked it as well.

well, the video of that game that is in the last episode of "on the spot", is the same video.

i have not played the sims 3, but i have played the original sims on the ps2. it looks similar, when both games are put in comparison... except the visuals look more polished in the sims 3, which should be expected. apparently the sims 3 will be able to be played on the xbox 360 console. the sims 3, with or without the expansion, looks like a great game... it has made the neighbourhood into a multi-choicesmall townwhere you can do more than ever before.

the sims 3: ambitions has more objects, like other expansion packs. it will be out june 2nd.

look out for it, it should be great.

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neighbourhoods can become small towns and are not regulated to one screen... you can freely move from house to house, playing the game.

Soviet Victory Over The Empire

the empire is no more. after a six hour battle with the remains of their forces at mt. fuji, i defeated them all. they had a mass of forces to attack me with, but they didn't use them at all... ai for you. i relied heavily on my support powers and surgically removed each objectivetarget.

kivlov airships were immensly helpful in disposing of the empire threat.

i am now at easter island and have destroyed the allied forces there. now i have to deal with one of my soviet commanders becoming a traitor and stop some kind of vacuum machine from launching on my forces.

over SIX hours?!

The Empire

this morning i played red alert 3, as there had been about a three week hiatus.

on soviet mission seven, i have to defeat the empire once and for all at mt. fuji by destroying their base. but ****, it is a tough fight to do that. the empire attack you early on with their best weapons and i was left trying to defend my base as best as i could.

the empire truly have some great and destructive weapons. i would love to take over their war factories and add them all to my arsenal. the empires leader, earlier in that mission, is actually only a decoy and i imagine you kill him later on in the mission.

the fight continues. i am trying to make up a successful strategy to defeat those dudes.

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like mr. sparkle, he is disrespectful to dirt. red alert 3 carries on the cinemabetween each mission from red alert 2 and where it all started, command and conquer.

Another Hack? was down today too. as well as my blog being hacked, someone had hacked that site or it was just, down... as i could not access the main page. i have not checked yet, but it should be up by now.

how could someone hack my blog and mess with my images? i will have you all know that my password is only memorised. there must have been a key reader in the works somewhere, hmmm...

speaking of images, i will be finally uploading photography i took over the past three months. some of the photos have been edited but they are all of clouds... sky... who knows? you might even see a bird, a plane, an orbiting satellite (even in the day) in the pictures.

i had not told anyone this but the last film of photography i had taken was lost when there was a problem with the film, that is why there was a delay.


it was obvious to me this morning that this blog was hacked by an unknown invader.

the image above was my old image instead of the new one and i am stumped as towho it was thatchanged the blog imagewithout me doing it. i am the only one who has access to this blog.

it has gone back to how it was now, so good.

Secret Admirer

it is now 12:49pm here, i have had lunch and i am sitting here like a nervous wreck about to call hayley as i have her number.

well... i have the phone... her number... lets go for it.

weird? there is a recorded message telling me the number is not connected. the recording told me exactly the same thing it did late last year when i first tried to connect up with her again. a theory could be that number is connected to a dial up connection to the internet and that is why i can't get through. but i know that sometimes the dial up internet connection can be lost if a call does try to get through and then it will ring and someone could pick up?

i don't really know what to think about this. dial up internet? the phone being disconnected from the wall because these christians have future telling ability? i will try one more time but with three different numbers. hold on...

eh? i was able to get through to some american family called the millers? hahaha... :D

i think what the likely reason is, is the internet. i don't know when i am going to call again but it could be tonight new zealand time which will make it later over there. what a small world we live in with all these communications.

i am glad that to make these calls it has been dirt cheap, only at a maximum of five dollars. years ago to do the same thing would have been over twenty.

oh well, what more can i say? there must be someone living at that address that has that phone number. it can't be as if the listings are a lie, the house is empty, and there is no phone connected. could the number not exist? a phone somewhere did ring because i heard the tone.

strange... i will try again later on. for now, signing off.

Mixed Emotions

so... i wonder what will happen tomorrow between me and hayley? will we talk? will we get back together? i think it is likely because i was the one who initiated the break up with her in january 2003 but i regret that... i think.

since then i have been living away from my parents for about four or five years, in the city, which took up the rest of my teenage years and my early twenties. i also did some work for various employers and ****, was it hard.

and now i am going to join the army... maybe... and i happen to, since today, be getting back with hayley? oh my god? you might remember it was her birthday on the 29th of april which will be coming up to a month since then in the next couple of days. she would be actually twenty four now just like me so that means she has caught up. cool.

i would never have thought i could potentially be talking to a girl i haven't spoken to in about seven or eight years. a girl that was my last all those years ago and my first... i guess... given it was long distance. is she still alive? what does she think about me? does she hate me? i think if it is anything negative it is because of the encouragement and influence she has had from her peers... whoever they are.

i love her... i think. i do know this. what we had was special and will always be valued by me but i don't know about her.

now, it is time for me to sleep. await my report of progress.


for a third time today i decided to do an online search for my ex-girlfriend... and i was successful. i did not get her phone number, but i got another number that i will contact tomorrow and get her number via them.

as i have said, she is the only girl that i have known for a long time... as in about a year. we were together online for all that time and since early 2003, have not had another girlfriend since either online or offline... i swear. i think i have feelings for her still. i know when i first searched for her late last year i did that night... feeling all warm and fuzzy...

and do you know what else? i even have a photo of her that i will share here... i don't think she would mind. but i am not totally sure whether it is her, she was fifteen when i knew her but twenty three now in this photo. she has changed.

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she appears to be partying hard. and hey, i wish i could join her but i suspect that photo must have been taken in reno where she lives nearby in her township south of the city. she looks cute... providing that is really her and i am not confusing that person with someone else who looks like her.

oh well, perhaps we can get back together soon. i have said before that i tried contacting her late last year but their phone was disconnected. my mother thinks it must be because of their internet connection? but what it also could be about is they knew i was calling and pulled the plug before their phone rang?

yes, i am in new zealand and she lives south of reno in the united states. an american woman now and a new zealand man. i wonder what is going to happen from here on out between me and her?

i will keep you all posted.

Go Hard

i went for my fourth run mid-afternoon yesterday and well, it was my hardest slog yet. i was running against the wind and when i had finished, was sweating as if a bucket of water had been thrown over my head. the best thing though was it got all my male aggression out of me and that motivates me to do it again later on today when it gets cooler. what also motivates me is the lsv training which will start up again in the next couple of months, giving me goals to work towards.

on monday, i went for my medical at a doctors clinic and guess what? i have been given the all clear physically and also with my urine sample which i learnt was fine, earlier today. the only hurdle that will stop me now is the defence force and whether they want to take on this kid from the east coast of the north island.

i am having doubts however. i know that if i cannot keep up a routine of fitness then i should forget about even joining the lsv as that is what they require. or am i taking it all too seriously? they are calling people off the unemployment line, afterall. i could eat well and train hard for two months, preparing myself for it, then get down there and find it was a complete waste of time.

these are the reasons why i want to go.

* i will save under one thousand dollars as i will still be receiving my welfare

* i will be going to christchurch for the first time, in the south island

* leaving here, will give me a six week break from this place

* i might feel more patriotic about this country i live in during and after serving in the military

* i will be flying down in an aircraft with air new zealand

* my fitness will improve

* i could learn a thing or two

* i would like to see the new zealand defence force arsenal, the lav amphibious vehicles, which are part of our peacekeeping force

eight reasons, i couldn't think of any others.

i will likely submit my application by the end of the working week or early next week and find out how i get on. but after i do that, it will lock in my commitment... then i will have to train regularly and continue to eat well. if i wait until around the 12th of july then i have that space between now and then to move around... train... diet... without any pressure.