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Nuclear Summit

another "talkfest", according to a herald columnist and i agree.

what has been overlooked is this will do little or almost nothing to combat a terrorist with a nuclear device. what the summits will achieve, however, is reducing nuclear rivalry between countries.

it is astronomically astounding that the united states has not had another serious blow such as a nuclear detonation in a city like the big apple, new york.

i believe terrorism will never be defeated. with all talk and no walk, the united states could be in serious trouble with or without the daily threat to their cities in the country.

the western world is in a downward spiral toward civil liberties being taken away.

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the united states is already, or heading that way.

Noobish Header

by now you would have seen my noobish attempt ata header for this blog.

i am actually quite suprised myself, i thought i wouldn't be as good as how i have done.

i used microsoft paint for the entire header image but it sucks that after all the work i did on it, it must have been three quarters of an hour, the gamespot page is not displaying the complete header. there isthe bit missing across the bottom.

everything you see in the header are games that i have played, games that iamlong time fansof andconsoles i own or have owned.

i hope you like it.

Media - They Don't Know When To Quit (PART ONE)

i have a bone to pick with someone else, the media. when oh when are they going to do us a favour and dissapear?

susan someone or rather, do us all a favour and jump off a bridge. i looked at my mothers eyes tonight and they have bags under them. i suspect she is taking sleeping pills despite her denying it.

it is because of nosey people like susan and her circle of media elitist friends that my life is like this. there are just rich, powerful and bitter people in those media organisations. all they care about is money, and with that, power.

i don't think my life will ever be the same because of those scumbags. find another toy boy to own you harry potter obsessive.

step off, *****.

So... (PART ONE)

it must be an act of god, a coincidence, a stroke of good luck?

but i saw my sister who i have not spoken to in about seven years, last night, immediately after i had posted my previous entry. i think since i am on my campaign of attack and her sighting reminded me of what i know about them, i will continue with her partner.

when i was a boy i never understood why my mother hated on the man so much but now i think i will join her chorus.

there are two things that bother me with this dude. it so happens a few months ago he was with an asian prostitute and he is part of some triad slash mob engagement. but the other is more sinister and it must be all the headache and heartache that i have had thrown upon me over the last seven years, probably by people associated with him, that has de-sensitised me. she is a prostitute herself!

if i had a handgun, and i thought i knew who is really behind this, i would lodge a bullet in his head. i know magnums can potentially blow heads off!

andrew, ian, whatever your real name is, take your organised crime and government claptrap elsewhere. if, to her, this is bad news? i hope she dumps your scheming ass and takes the kids with her.

**** you.


i was at the mall today enjoying one of the many beverages from the coca cola company when low and behold, across from me this small boy begins smacking her mother on the butt.

okay? but then suddenly she turns around and lays into him with a few brutal hits of her own.

in this country, smacking is outlawed. you could potentially be prosecuted if you were caught smacking a child. parents who opposed the law made their argument that smacking is part of "good parental correction". those same people were accussing that government at that time of being "nanny state".

i am not sure where i sit on the issue. it could be best for parents to make the choice themselves instead of the government intervening. the law in that case should be taken away. i am being pro-choice.

it sickens me that when an eight million dollar vote was held up and down the country last year and eighty percent of people wanted the law gone. this new government has not done that. it is wrong.

a visit to the mall ruined over something that could have been dealt with not so harshly.

I Don't Understand It

i don't understand. why on some days do i feel bursts of adrenaline run through my veins in a way that makes me upset?

this usually happens every time before i am about to party, i hate it.

could it be spiritual? i have been listening to satanic and islamic music.

i sit here in self pity. a week ago i was sitting here and burst out crying three times. it is times like these that i wouldn't drive a car.

Paul Holmes - Fighting To Stay In The Spotlight

i have decided to go all out. for those who don't know, paul holmes is a famous media personality here in new zealand. he has repeatedly tried to keep his career afloat for about a decade. so guess what i saw in todays local paper? "our new columnist". i'll be damned.

this is the same man who advocated torture of suspected terrorists at guantanamo bay. this man is a shady freemason whose adopted daughter had been had up on drugs charges (when i myself was in prison).

i suspect in his circle of media friends, he or they had something to do with this.

and this...

if i was him, i would watch his back. messing with rappers who will likely put a shell in you is well, dangerous.

i do not read many newspapers nowadays and it is because of people like paul holmes. you can join those other haters and go to hell.


Do I Know You?

i have said that i did not want to get personal on my blog but again, i guess i will have to.

first of all, to the brains or the almighty godfather, back off. if i could travel back in time i would re-write willy wonka and the chocolate factory and have gene wilder, who plays willy wonka, have a serious stroke then die afetr he tells charlie,"you get nothing!".

and to this jewish teenage girl (i know your name is hebrew) who continues to play these mind games with me at the mall, stop. i have a condition. i suspect where you work at mcdonalds you joke about me behind my back with your co-workers. how cruel can you be?

i spent most of today inside because i partied too hard last night. yes, a tuesday.

it scares me sometimes knowing that almost everyone hates you so much they would like to see you dead, then likely dance on your grave.


apparently i am "the king" or some kind of god. i am suppost to look down on others who deserve it and set a royal example for my subjects, it is laughable.

i thought that was george bush or richard nixon. i thought they thought of themselves as righteous followers of the holy spirit then all others who oppose, be damned.

i can't really fathom what to say next except these lines.

if you know me, you would know that i am not like you others. you are followers of a religion that with gods name has killed thousands of people. the freedom of the united states, hell, any country on this earth is a lie. it is pitiful that you have to know this now but a king i am not. my guess is that the whole everything changed publicity stunt is only some childhood fantasy of a powerful figure in organised crime, probably jewish,that came from willy wonka and the chocolate factory, all those years ago, when he was young.

the country you look to for some kind of guidance betrayed me before i even knew it, which was only months ago. :lol:


i guess for the sake of writing, i thought i was going to be taken out by a car full of g's tonight after i had written my last entry.

i am upset. your scaremongering is pathetic. i am glad on a bright note that had happened because it goes to show how up yourselves you all are.

is it acoincidence that we meet three times over the last few days or did you have barry conspire against me on that one too? :roll:

go to hell.

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