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Well I beat Kingdom Hearts 2 for the second time a couple of days ago, but I'm still playing the save so I can get 100% on everything. It definitely is my favorite game of all time. While it may be no great graphical marvel, while it may easy, while it may get stale and boring to some, and while it may be childish to some gamers, there is a certain charm about the game that draws me in.

I mean it draws me in deep. I think about it a lot and always want to play it, and I have begun (but I'm gonna restart it) a fan-fic that I may start posting on here. It just shows that it is that awesome. I don't replay games too often, but KH2 has kept my attention because the gameplay is fun (albeit easy) and I love the story. The plot is actually pretty deep, so all of you who think its a kids' game need to mature and not worry about that and try it out. And when I get free-time I really want to continue or restart my fan-fic because my plot will only go deeper.

As such, I am really hoping that Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix+ comes to the states. There is no reason it shouldn't, because FM+ has new content in the story and gameplay, a harder difficulty :D and a remake of KH: Chain of Memories.

And it will have a new secret video which may shed light on Kingdom Hearts III. I have a theory about KH3 that I haven't seen anyone post before (sorry if it has been) and I posted it on a KH union board but the union is new with not much activity. So instead of posting it in a bunch of KH unions where I have the possibility to be flamed for, what might be, ridiculous ideas, I have decided to post it in my blog. So here it is, my theory on KH3 that may or may not be close to anything.

Kingdom Hearts III Plot Speculation

To start with: I believe we will still play as Sora and the gang. This will still be their story but with flashbacks kind of like at the beginning of KH2 with Roxas and the dreams of Sora. These flashbacks take place with Xehanort, before he was found by Ansem the Wise.

Xehanort had lost his memory when Ansem had found him, so what happened to Xehanort? I believe Xehanort had been a Keyblade wielder, much like Sora is. But Xehanort had intentions of evil, a heart of darkness. It is then up to someone to stop him. This is where the knights from the secret movie "Sunset Horizons" come in, who I believe are the Chasers.

**Note: The backstory of Xehanort being a Keyblade wielder is not my idea, so I cannot be credited for it. I am only expanding on the idea.

The Chasers are sacred Keyblade wielders who arrive whenever a chosen Keyblade wielder turns to darkness. The Chasers hunt down or "chase" the chosen Keyblader, and plan to take him/her out by any means necessary. The way they take Xehanort out is by capturing him and erasing his memory, thus leading to Ansem finding Xehanort some time later.

My theory on what happens to Sora and the gang begins with the ending video in KH2. Sora and Riku arrive on that beach of darkness, and realize there is no where to go. Riku says "Put me down. I can walk." Sora then walks on ahead, and says, "You know, maybe the darkness has gotten to me too..." Riku has fallen behind, so I'm guessing he didn't hear Sora. But that line, I believe, is important and should be taken note of. It shows the Sora is not purely light, and that even he can fall to the darkness which I believe is what KH3 is about.

In the secret video "Sunset Horizons," it shows a report from Ansem that says,
"The keyblade is said to hold phenomenal power.
One legend says its wielder saved the world, while another says he wrought chaos upon it."

This, I believe, speaks of Xehanort AND Sora. Sora is being consumed by darkness after his adventures, he's seen so much of it and while light has always prevailed, he can't help but begin to give in. In KH3, Sora will find himself doubting many things: himself, his companions, his reasons for fighting, thus heading to dark. But will he get to dark?

You will still play as Sora throughout this adventure; you will travel to different worlds and unravel a greater mystery (which I haven't thought of yet). But you will be hunted by the Chasers (or the knights in "Sunset Horizons").

Other Speculation
Other speculation I have is about the whole Keyblade war. The Keyblade war deals with the Chasers and the one keyblade wielder who is said to wrought chaos upon the world. The Chasers in "Sunset Horizons" are the final three, up against Sora (or another Keyblade wielder gone bad; maybe Xehanort?). Those Chasers are the most powerful, and they have escaped death countless times because one of them is Riku and another is Kairi. The third one, I do not know who it could be, but that is kind of what I speculate.

The keyblades sticking out of the ground are keyblades of other Chasers that had tried to stop Sora (or Xehanort or any other keyblade wielder) but had failed and died because of it. And yeah you can see where it is going from there.

"Sunset Horizon"
  • Master of Keyblade -- Sora
  • The lost two -- Riku and Kairi go lost when they become Chasers (after all, they have wielded/do wield Keyblades already so it supports my idea of Chasers wielding Keyblades). Sora finds out and spares them countless times, until the final meeting in "Sunset Horizons"
*Edit - - I forgot that Nomura had said that the three knights or Chasers in the video were not Sora, Riku or Kairi, and although I don't want to go against what he said, I still kind of believe that two of them could be Riku and Kairi. 
  • Memory of Xehanort -- Xehanort may play a part in why Sora turns to the dark, or Sora is a predecessor of Xehanort in the sense that his fate is the same road of Xehanort's.
  • Chasers -- The Knights that hunt down keyblade wielders that turn to the dark. There were many Chasers, until Sora had eliminated them all. They all may be commanded by a higher order.
  • Keyblade War -- The war with Sora against the Chasers or Xehanort against Chasers.
  • It all began with... birth by sleep. -- This sentence is intriguing in the fact that Sora had gone into that one deep slumber because of Namine. That sleep could have affected Sora somehow, or Namine may have unlocked the darkness in Sora's heart, therefore causing him to now be manipulated in his thoughts and emotions. This may also be speaking of Xehanort and how he was unconcious with a loss of memory and in a sense, reborn by sleep.

Never Too Late

So...I didn't take my nap today.  I'm tired, and I have an exam Friday morning that I haven't studied much for.  So is it too late for me to still do good on this exam? 

Is it too late for the PS3 to gain a good-sized fanbase and do well?  Is it too late for Nintendo to change their "kiddie image?"  Is it too late for the guy to get the girl before the big Valentine's Day dance?  Is it too late for the Microsoft to release a system with better features?  Is it too late to get the job?  Is it too late for...other crap? 

This is a really short blog post compared to what I have done. And this post probably has no meaning...but I'm feeling...distracted and annoyed... and I listened to the song 'Never Too Late' and figured I would post something in my blog. 

So is it too late for one of those examples or maybe something personal in your life or will you believe that it is 'Never Too Late?'

Get Out Alive

Ever get the feeling that there is just too much to do at your current point in life?  That there are so many areas to explore in what you love and there may not be a chance to explore them all?  If you would have asked me those questions two days ago, I would have said no.  I've always have a pretty laid back life, being able to lounge around and do absolutely nothing and still have time to get stuff that I needed to do done.  Its amazing how all that can change in just a couple of days. 

At the beginning of last week I had begun writing a screenplay for a film I have been wanting to make for a long time now.  I am about halfway through that script, and I was getting excited for it.  I have so many ideas on the visual style I want to take with the movie and just...yeah things were really looking up for that film.  Until yesterday...

Yesterday I heard about a film festival being held at my college.  Great!  I thought I could enter in my one film I was in the middle of already and stuff, but then they told me that the movies had to be at the most 10 minutes in length.  Way too short for my one movie.  So now I have to put that first movie on hold, and I was desperately trying to think of a new idea for a film.  I then remembered an idea that I had during the summer to use for a short film.  Now, I'm busy getting people together, seeing if this movie is even possible to do and getting a hold of people that would be able to help me...just really overwhelming. 

So now I got two movies.  One short and one on hold.  My cousins, one is an avid writer and the other creates movies and such like I do.  They are giving me ideas, but at the same time said they have scripts that they have been working on that they would possibly give to me to work on.  While the short for the film festival will come first, I now have an opportunity to film four movies at least.  That is also a little overwhelming, but I am happy about the opportunities I am getting to do what I want. 

One other little thing.  School.  I am majoring in Journalism/Media Production so I have a lot of writing to do.  I'm a first year at college, and I've got Comp 201, Basic Newswriting, Speech 101, Intro to Acting, and some other classes that don't necessarily involve writing and/or memorizing lines and speeches.  I actually have a speech due Monday that I haven't really started on because of my sudden change in life. 

Desperately working on two screenplays and trying to get that short film together, writing essays and memorizing speeches, trying to get everything done and still have a life.  Just gotta try and get out alive of this semester...

Losing Touch with Reality

Alright, so I'm not losing touch with reality.  I lied in the topic title, and for anyone looking for a stoner-type rant...well you could look here probably but I won't be going off deep into stuff about squirrels shaving themselves or something like that. 

So I'm a college student majoring in Journalism/Mass Communications which is pretty cool because I will be going into the field that I have always wanted to go into.  Movies and television.  And lately I have been watching a lot of movies getting me into the mood of wanting my classes to be over and get out there and into film. 

I'm sure you don't care about all that.  The reason I have told that is because I'm losing touch with gaming.  I had just recently beaten Zelda: TP.  I am in the middle of FFXII, SOTC, LoZ:  ALttP, and MGS: PO.  And I don't feel like beating them.  I lack the ambition to move forward in these games and beat them.  I partially don't want to sit there and just play a game though. 

I've started working out again and running because I'm gonna try and make the track team next year, so that is where part of my ambition is going.  And then the other part of my ambition is going into movies.  Watching and studying them.  Oh, and my money goes towards movies too.  So gaming is taking a back seat and I don't know whether to be glad or annoyed. 

I don't even want to come on GS anymore.  I come on my computer and look at movies and entertainment news.  All the gaming news and console wars--I don't really care about.  So I really dunno whats wrong, maybe someone could help get me out of this slump or maybe tell me not to get out of it. 

SUMMARY(for those of you who are too lazy to read the long stuff):  Because of my future plans, I am losing interest in gaming.  Not purposely, but I just don't feel like playing games.  Ideas?  Suggestions?  Comments? 


For anyone that actually reads blogs (at least for anyone that actually reads my blog which is few to none), blogs are a place where you can tell how you feel.  Do I really need to describe this?  Thought not.  Onto what I am blogging about.

I'm an easy-going guy.  I don't get frustrated too often, I most of the time just let things happen.  This is one reason why I don't really post, cause I never have anything to say among the crap-load of fanboys and I don't really ever feel like trying to explain myself to someone who won't listen after I inform them of things.  But in a blog, I can voice my opinion and whether people care or not, doesn't really matter.  They can comment, and I guess could argue in the comments but I don't really care. 

So the basis of my 'Annoyances' blog is fanboys.  Pretty much all the fanboys that annoy me when I read the forums about Zelda: TP, PSPs, or current-gen (next-gen for those that still use the term) systems. 

I'll start with Twilight Princess.  Whose right is it to use terms like TSHBO or anything in the likes of it?  If you say that you are basically labelling yourself as a fanboy for the other system, because are you telling me you were not looking forward to this game?  If you were, you had been owned too and that gives you no right to claim ownage.  I see this so often when I am lurking the boards and its just annoying.  Yes, people that hyped the game should accept the fact they were wrong but just let it go too.  Its not the end of the world that TP got an 8.8 and an 8.9 here at GS.  Personally, I loved the game and found their review wrong but to each his own. 

And the people that say TP is pretty much a remake of OOT is horse-$*%#!  Have you played the game?  More than likely if you are calling the game a remake, then no you haven't.  The story isn't the same, environment isn't the same.  What is the same, huh?  A little bit of the music?  Link is the main character?  The artistic style?  This is the second actual 3D Zelda that is set in a Hyrule that is not flooded?  Those are the reasons I see people calling it a remake and those are crap reasons.  The story is different, more fleshed out and dealing with a Twlight Realm.  No its not the same as the Dark World found in A Link to the Past so people saying that need to get over themselves and see.  Weapons are different in this game, dungeons take a long time.  People just need to shut up with the remake crap and play the game and see for themselves.  And the people that were expecting more from this Zelda or felt like it was too much like OOT, whoopdie f-ing doo.  Would you rather it feel like Halo or GTA?  Of course its gonna feel like Zelda, its what we wanted.  And if you were expecting more from this game and then you feel let down, get over yourselves!  Just because it didn't live up to the hype FOR YOU doesn't mean its a bad game or the worst Zelda.  You just expected too much, so get over it and live with the fact that its still awesome. 

Onto the PSP, the PSP is not failing!  I'm sick of hearing fanboys saying that the DS is so frikkin awesome and the PSP sucks.  It doesn't suck!  Each system has the same amount of AAA's here on GS (and if you count Nintendogs as more than one game, I guess they could have released four different versions of Tekken:  Dark Resurrection which means they would be beating in AAA's so stfu).  Why does everyone hate the PSP so much?  The analog nub?  Quit being babies, the N64 only had one analog stick.  The load times?  Not all of the games load times are bad.  Is it the battery life?  I would like to see what happens when your DS dies of battery life.  I mean when my PSP begins to die I charge it, but for those people that whine about the battery life of the PSP I wouldn't think they would charge their DSs.  Thats absurd to think.  Is it the ports of the games being from the consoles?  Have you ever thought that maybe that is what PSP owners want?  When looking at games to buy, we are not expecting the PSP games to be greater than the console versions, we are wanting the games for the portability aspect! 

If you are saying you don't like the PSP cause you don't like the games, that doesn't bother me all that much.  More power to ya.  But I find myself buying more PSP games than DS games.  The DS games don't appeal to me all that much.  The Castlevania games do (hoping to get the new one for X-mas), Zelda does, Mario Kart is fun, Metroid did (until...yeah...).  But with the PSP I get near-console versions of some great games.  MGS: PO, GTA, Socom, and soon FF7: CC.  Yes the DS is coming out with some games that look awesome too and I am looking forward to getting some quality DS , but the DS fanboys that say the PSP doesn't have a good game library need to get their heads out of their a****. 

And those trying to make the arguement that UMD movies failed.  :cry: Oh no!  Something that a lot of PSP owners didn't even care about failed!  Don't you think that if I did care how UMD movies sold I would actually go out and buy some? 

Well the PSP now has the thing where you can download PSone games and play them on your PSP.  I find that to be a nice feature (except for the fact that I need a PS3 to download them, but hopefully sometime in the near future we wont).  But I read people on the forums talking crap about how why would they play those games when they could just get them for cheaper in the store?  Ya know, that raises a good, similar question for the VC of the Wii.  Why would I buy one of those games on the VC when I could go buy the real version of the game in stores.  Oh, its because of price...I'm sorry.  I didn't know.  Yeah you know what, stfu with that arguement.  A lot of those games are pretty cheap save a few, and the same goes for the PSP.  Also, not everyone has a store where they can buy PSone games (my Gamestop doesn't sell them anymore) and so maybe this PSone download thing is actually good for some people; those people that didn't one a PSone and missed out maybe?  I would like the VC to catch up on SNES games and N64 games I missed out on, its the same thing! 

So yeah, I pretty much hate fanboys.  I keep quiet in the boards cause there is no point in arguing with them cause they won't listen.  So yep, have a good day.  :), well, more games...

November, as I am sure, was busy for everyone. With the two new systems out and a slew of new games, all gamers' pockets are pretty much drained.  This sucked for me, because my pocket was already drained because of school and the summer.  I found myself worrying about having money for TP, and I figured I wouldn't have the money for MGS: PO so I was awaiting that for Xmas.  So I played FFXII some more while awaiting the release of TP. 

Portable Ops comes out, and as luck has its way, I was able to get the game.  It is one hell of a game too, and I became enthralled in that game and lost touch with FFXII. 

Then TP was released.  The moment I had been waiting for for years was finally upon me.  I bought the game (GC) and... I couldn't play it.  Finals.  I felt myself breaking cause I wanted to play the game so bad, but when I was done with finals I rushed home and put it into my GC. 

Its been about 5 or 6 days of playing now, and I already have 36 hours of playtime.  I don't think I have ever moved this fast in a game (except for Halo 2, but that was multi, not single player). 

Basically what I am saying is, I have way too many games to play at the moment.  TP, MGS, FFXII, and in a few weeks I plan to buy a 360 and get Oblivion, Blue Dragon and other games.  God next year will hurt...


Ah yes, fanboys.  A topic mentioned too much at this time.  The time when two next gen systems come out, competing with eachother for dominance when one system already is a mile ahead in the race.  Well what are these systems really? 

The 360 has been out for a year and carrying a reasonable price tag, its been doing fairly well in sales.  It has a decent library at the moment, the best game being Gears of War (or so I hear) at the moment, but its upcoming game line up makes it a system to watch out for. 

The PS3 is releasing tonight!  Holding the top spot of highest price tag, many people doubt that the system is worth it.  It carries a Blu-Ray drive and has the Sixaxis controller.  The launch line-up for the game doesn't look too good, Resistance being the lead of the pack, but future games like MGS4 and FFXIII make this system one to consider buying.

The WII boasts the cheapest price tag of all the systems.  The system is capable of motion sensitivity, and it has the Virtual Console.  A good launch title, Twilight Princess, on its own could be enough reason to buy the system.  Other titles like SSBB and MP3 are other reasons to get the system. 

So what have we learned?  We have learned that there is no point to fanboys.  How did we learn this you ask?  Well, what makes a system great?  It isn't the graphics or the innovation, while those may influence greatness, neither of those is the reason.  The reason is the games make a system great.  How can you bash a system when it has good games, and how can you bash good games when its on another system?  It makes no sense if you ask me. 

And another thing, when people mock fanboys when saying "bu-bu-but teh blu-cel!" or some stupid crap like that, it really is annoying.  I think the people that mock the fanboys say those things more than the actual fanboys do nowadays.  Forums and what-not have turned into anti-intellecual fights which, if the people fighting were to meet in real life woud probably not know what to say and wouldn't have the guts to say anything  at all.  Forums have turned into dumbass fights...and that whole thing was ranting because I'm sure none of it made much sense.