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Do Nice Guys Really Finish Last?

So I hate putting my thoughts on my actual life into a blog where people who have no clue who I am can just read it and then laugh at me. But I figure I will do it this one time. If you actually read all this, which I expect to be long, I'll be amazed. If you actually reply to all this, I'll be amazed plus I'll give you a cookie. :D

Let me start off by saying I don't drink. I've been drunk once in my life, every now and then I will have one or two "chick beers," but that is it. Its personal choice is all it is.

Because of this, I am sort of "stuck" being the DD (designated driver) of my group of friends. This means, while hanging with people at parties, I will at points be asked if I could take someone home. Of course for some reason I feel obligated to do these services for my friends so I agree and drive them home.

At this point, the passenger I am taking home will say "Thank you so much," "I owe you my life," "You are so nice for doing this," blah blah blah. When they say these things, I feel satisfaction from doing this good thing for them and then I think that is all I really need.

Another look at my driving for people is going to pick up my friends to bring them to the current party, which I do a lot. Or if I went home early cause I'm tired, then I get a call two hours later asking if they could get a ride. I then proceed to get up from the bed, put on some clothes, shoes and such, and go to my car.

I do this all the time, never saying no and just doing it for my friends. But being DD for them isn't the only thing I do.

I listen to problems, I do more work so they don't have to do as much, I am always doing things to make their lives easier and for what? Satisfaction? Believe me, it feels really good to be thanked for that, but I sometimes feel that isn't enough.

I'm not saying they should pay me or anything like that, no. Its not them that I'm getting frustrated about.

Thing is, not many people know my life. I don't voice my problems because I feel that my problems are less of an importance than my friends' and that they wouldn't care to hear them anyways. I don't slack with work when helping with friends because, like I said, I want to make their part easier.

I do all of these things for my friends, and for what? I don't have anything to show for it but my satisfaction and I don't know how long that will be enough to keep me going.

This whole rant stems from the problem that I like this girl, and I have no clue if she likes me. I can get girls just fine, its just that I don't just want to date any girl, I want to date someone that I could possibly end up with. I'm 19, a virgin by choice, sober by choice, always there for my friends, and girls always tell me that its awesome that I am the way I am.

Back to this girl, we've grown to be good friends over the past couple weeks. But its not like any friendship I've had with anyone before. We stare at each other, constantly make faces at each other, hold each other in our arms, and its so different than any friendship. Yet, I don't know if she cares for me like I have started to her.

Some signs say yes, but others just point in the same direction that I'll always be the nice friend. That's what happens with the girls I want to be with, especially with my first love. Plus, if I were to ask this girl out to dinner or to do something and she didn't feel the way I do, it would make our friendship awkward and I don't want to lose what we have right now.

And this may seem like some high school drama crap and maybe it is to some but I feel like I have to do something. I want to talk to my friends about this but they're problems come first. I want to tell her how I feel, but why would she choose me over other guys that are probably better than I am?

To show this argument from two sides, I'll say that this summer I changed the way I was about girls. I just dated them cause I could and all that junk, and I didn't have a care then. I was living it, having a good time, not being "the nice guy" and girls I guess dug it cause I was with a girl for a little while that I never thought I would actually get with (cause she was hot instead of pretty [note that I like pretty more than hot]).

I stopped that. It wasn't me. I want to be with someone I care about and share moments with that person, not just jump from girl to girl cause I can. Since then, I haven't really seen anyone because I hadn't found that one girl. Now I have, and I don't know what to do.

So do nice guys finish last? I guess we'll find out if I tell her how I feel, but from previous knowledge and experiences, I would say the saying does sum it up very nicely.

Getting the Campaign Going

Here I am, Saturday night waiting till the call comes to go out for the night to party, getting things ready for a DnD campaign for tomorrow. It will be my second time DMing a campaign, my first time being very short-lived.

The basic theme of my second DnD campaign is water. The party will begin on a ship going to the city of Aquina for an important announcement that is said to change the world. Halfway to the continent where Aquina is located, the ship sinks the ship and the party awakes, simultaneously, a week later on a continent South of the continent that Aquina is located on.

From there on, they will travel from city to city finding out what is happening to the world, what the announcement is, and they will go from great cities of the land to ocean utopias instantaneously.

Do I enjoy DMing? Yes, it gives me the freedom to create a story that my friends can play through. My creativity must be top-notch while DMing, for I must be ready to change the story at any point just in case a character does something drastic.

If you have any questions about my campaign or something, feel free to drop one.

Assassin's Creed All Done

So I just finished Assassin's Creed. Credits are rolling, music playing.

It had a stupendous ending. I figured something like what happened would happen, but the way they presented it was great. Things I hope for in a sequel:

A. Less repetition

B. Better combat

C. [spoiler] I hope that the second one continues with the ending of the first, and then the third would take place in our time. That would be awesome. [/spoiler]

I also didn't find the repetition to be that bad in the game. I enjoyed exploring the cities, just wandering and finding a citizen who needed help or a new viewpoint. It was only until the last few assassinations that I got tired of it only cause I would press on to finish it and yet, the game would continue.

Overall, a very good game that I recommend to people who have plenty of time to enjoy it. While it would make for a good rental if you don't want to buy it, I recommend buying it only because you can pick it up and play whenever you feel like it, therefore lessening how much you get tired of it.

Naruto Any Good?

So I know there are quite a few people that go crazy for Naruto, and I have seen a few episodes on Toonami and they seemed alright, even if I was confused as to waht was happening.

While in Wal-Mart yesterday, I almost picked up Pirates 3 but I noticed the first season of Naruto was the same price and it would definitely be the better value. I decided to come on here and ask others what they think about the show.

A little anime background of mine is starting off with DBZ, then I have watched Trigun, Inuyasha which I love, .hack//sign, Fullmetal Alchemist which I also love, and I've really been wanting to check out Death Note but I don't know where I can find it. There are other animes I have seen as well, but they are limited to Toonami from the past 7 or so years.


So after a weekend of helping people, being constantly busy, blah blah blah, doing nothing good for myself but instead doing good for others, I wake up sick today. Can't speak, terribly runny nose, achy...its crap.

I do all that helping and then I get sick for it. Sure, I got thanks for what I was doing which I'm happy about, but come on! All this good I was doing just got me sick.

Plus, my phone is breaking. Gonna need to go get a new one of those now...

At least I'm feeling better than I did this morning. I took an Airborne Immune tablet, 2 Dayquil, and got a gallon of orange juice and just drinking that all day cause tomorrow is the opening night of a show I'm in.

*sigh* This sucks.

Kingdom Hearts to Wii or PS3?

Everybody who is everybody knows I love Kingdom Hearts. Pretty much anything KH I will eat up instantly, meaning I can't wait for the next installments: "Birth by Sleep" and "358/2 Days." Lucky for me, I have both a PSP and a DS so I will get the opportunity to play both of them right at release.

What about the next chapter in Sora's saga, Kingdom Hearts 3? What system will that be on? Through reasoning, we can deduce that it will be on a console. But which one? I have figured, through hours and hours of scientific research, that it will more than likely be on either the Wii or the PS3.

The Wii has its perks: sales and motion-controls to name two. The PS3 has its perks: high-end graphics, AI, so-on and so forth.

Question is, which of those two systems would you like it to be on?

Looking at what SE has become over the past years, a money-hungry company selling remakes, ports, and side-stories to make a quick buck, I wouldn't be surprised if the next chapter went to the Wii. It would be cheap to develop for due to the fact they could just use the old engine and the game would sell since the Wii has such high sales.

Reasons for me disliking this idea:

  1. Same graphics: More than likely, SE will use the same engine they used for KH2 on the PS2, which is fine because its a beautiful game. But does anyone really want to see the next big chapter look like the last chapter?
  2. Motion controls: That's the Wii's big point, it's motion controller. And I have seen many KHWii threads that they think it would be awesome to fight with the Wiimote. Did you play KH2? It is so fast-paced that you would be swiping up, back, forward, right, shake, blah!!! so much in such a short period of time. I mean think about it! Its just too fast.

Most people that say they want KH3 to go to the Wii is because they own a Wii and don't plan on buying a PS3 anytime soon, or at all so it is understandable I guess.

Now, I believe it should be on the PS3. The game can use the white engine and the engine developed for Final Fantasy Versus XIII since it is created around the KH team plus the Advent Children team. The graphics would be amazing, gameplay would be top-notch, sound would be incredible on a 7.1 system, how can you not want to see the game like that?

I plan on buying a Wii at some point, and if KH3 did go to Wii I would buy one in a heartbeat because I love KH that much. But if you are a KH fan, how can you not see the greatness behind a PS3 (or 360 or high-end PC) installment? Are you being greedy about the next KH which is why you think the Wii is the best option? Maybe I'm being a little greedy wanting to see KH in current-gen graphics, sound, and gameplay, but everything is there and I don't see why not put it on PS3 aside from SE being even more money-hungry than they are.

Come on, why wouldn't you want to see KH3 closely resemble that? It looks incredible!

So my verdict is on wanting a PS3 version. Maybe you think I'm biased since I own a PS3 and don't own a Wii, but I assure you I will buy a Wii within the next year for Zelda, and I would immediately buy one for a KH game whether it be the next chapter or a side-story. The prospect of a PS3 KH is just too good to not want.

Which system do you think the game should be on?


My Heart's a Battleground

A little snippet of the song Sanctuary from KH2. Just went through the final stage of the game to see the ending again, and now I've got all of these thoughts floating through my head. Wanting to play through both games again, plus I want to see KH3 on the PS3 so it could look almost like the CG cutscenes which would be incredible.

And since I did the final part again, it has reinforced the thought that KH2 is my favorite game of all time. The story, the music, the memories of Disney, everything is beautiful about the game.

And it has inspired me to write more of my fan fic so watch for that in the coming week.

I'm going to bed now, but whenever I get a chance to blog next, I am going to post reasons for KH3 to be on either PS3 or Wii because that is a hot topic among KH fans.


Cloverfield equals pure awesomeness.

The timing wasn't overly long.

Characters were great.

I had a moment where my jaw dropped.

The direction the film was told was an amazing choice.

I forgot I was watching a film for half of the movie.

Cloverfield equals pure awesomeness.


PS. I'm sure some of you will disagree, but...


A Game Marathon + What to Buy This Summer

So you may have heard of those guys that are doing a 48 hour marathon of all four 3D Zeldas... if not, go look for it because I don't want to link it. :P Anywho... hearing about them doing that has given me inspiration to do my own game marathon, possibly a 48 hour one too.

I am planning to do this in two weeks with fellow GS users (though they don't do much on GS): battalo127, -Pengo-, and a friend who doesn't have an account here (although I thought he did.) What games we play is still undecided as well as how we are doing this. We don't want to do an RPG, and we want something that will challenge us but not too much that we get frustrated and want to call it quits.

A problem is, all of our tastes differ so much. I can play anything really, but battalon 127 can't play shooters with a controller and won't play 3D Zeldas or Marios. -Pengo- plays a lot of sports games and some shooters with a little God of War on the side, and my other friend plays everything except for RPGs. So what do we do?

I have thought of the PSone Crash Bandicoot series, maybe Spyro the Dragon, possibly the Half-Life series... I am just not sure. We want games that are short enough to play a few of them in 48 hours and it could be hard finding games to do that with that everyone will enjoy playing.

On a side note, I am planning for my big purchase of the summer. Last year it was a PS3, this year I'm thinking either a 42" HDTV (will research sizes and such) or a, possibly top of the line, gaming PC. Both are expensive, and depending how much HDTVs drop in price by the summer and how much I actually want to put towards a PC, the difference between the two choices could either be close or the PC could be almost double than the HDTV.

As you can see, I have a lot of time to make this decision.

Game Impressions

After I beat FFX, I've had a little free-time with my video games to actually play some different ones. For example, Unreal Tournament 3 and Assassin's Creed. Here are some short (I'll try) impressions on these games for any of you who were wondering.

Assassin's Creed

Loading times trying to hop into your continued save take a while to get through, which is a pain. But when in a city, no loading times whatsoever and it is gorgeous. It is enjoyable to just jump from rooftop to rooftop, looking for hidden flags or citizens having trouble with the guards. The story is pretty good, gameplay is terrific, so far it seems like a great game right?

A couple issues, mainly AI issues actually. Beggars only come to you, and constantly get in your way. Realistic about getting in the way? Maybe, but if you are running down the street or away from something I doubt they would still try to get money from you, but they do. The lepers are also a problem. People walking by constantly and not getting touched; I walk by and BAM! the leper pushes me out of the way. I just stand there, it stumbles away from me, then back towards me and BAM! pushes me again. Other people always walking by but yet he's focused on me. Stupid...

Other than those AI issues, I haven't ran into a repetition problem yet though it is definitely there. Its still just fun to do.

Unreal Tournament 3

At first, I wasn't sure if I liked this game. The campaign just plain sucks. Its just bot matches with a guy speaking a sentence or two before you go into the match. And the matches are usually Warfare matches, which the Warfare type of match sucks. There are nodes, which you have to destroy, then take control of them and sometimes there are nodes protect the bigger nodes that count for the points, so you must take control of the small node then go take down the big node, but if your node is taken control of then their node is taken back and you can't damage it anymore. Very annoying...

But deathmatch is amazingly fun and that is what I have been playing lately. I play against the skilled bots and beat them by quite a few points as of now. The past couple nights I could play online, but I'm just practicing before I get to that point. The one time I did play online I jumped in late and got 7th, so I wasn't that bad, just need more practice.

And the mods are fun. The bathroom level is the greatest, played so many matches on that level. They just need to put out some skins for characters and some cooler levels. That's asking a lot of the PC community though, and I'm sure they all don't like PS3 UT3 players asking for crap like that...


That is it. To finish off today's blog, I was going to post a list of currently released games and upcoming games that I plan to get or rent in the upcoming days, but there's just too many that it isn't gonna happen in this blog. Maybe later today or tomorrow or sometime.