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zassimick Blog

The Legend of Zelda: The Heritic Chosen -- Coming Soon --

Alright, so I had an idea for a story during Biology today. I figure it could end up being pretty good, only problem was what to do it with.

As such, I decided The Legend of Zelda would be a prime candidate for my story that I would like to write. All I can say about it currently is that it will be posted here on my blog and Link will speak in this due to plot-specific reasons. The story will be more of a mini-series of fan-fiction, and may not be longer than five fairly lengthy blog posts. If I recieve good reception, I may keep going with it.

If you do have an opinion about what my story will be, Link speaking, yada yada yada... leave a comment. :) If you are seriously upset by what I am doing with Link speaking, note that this is fan-fiction, will never be made into anything more than some posts on GS. If you honestly care that much about it that you will get angry, get a life. :D

Until my next blog post, the story will be coming soon.

The Legend of Zelda: The Heretic Chosen

Handing my life away...

Okay, maybe not my entire life but I am handing over my summer to audition for the summer theatre today at my school. I did it last year and it was probably the most enjoyable summer I've had, and with the shows they are putting up this year I knew I had to do it again.

So yep, today are the auditions. Guys will start dancing, singing, reading, then we will go over the dancing bit. At least I believe that is the order. I'm excited. ^_^

In case you wanted to know what shows are being put up this summer, its Bingo! The Musical; Move Over, Mrs. Markham; Escanaba in Love; and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

The Dark Sector Review

Before I go off and study into the wii night for my Bio exam, Digital Media exam, and write a paper, I decided to check on GS really quick. And what do you know, Dark Sector is reviewed.

I check it and the score was a 7.5 Not bad, might give it a rental. It really is about what I expected from the game, that or an 8.0, still looks fun.

But then I quickly reference the bad and the good. The thing that pisses me off about this review is this --> which stands for "weak story." It says storytelling is pitiful.

Now that is all fine and dandy I guess. I wouldn't pay for the game but still don't mind. What I do mind is that the game Gears of War, both times it was released, only has mention that "story could have been a bit more fleshed out." The storytelling in Gears of War was terrible and it didn't get the "weak story" icon either time? Either Dark Sector has the worst storytelling in a game to date, or GS is holding a double-standard for Gears...

But maybe I'm just blowing off steam. While Gears was good, I am still amazed at how everyone can let the storytelling just be there the way it is; Epic's terrible at storytelling and they should really hire new writers (made a blog post about that a while ago) or be deducted for the execution of their current storytelling.

That is all. :D

Time for a Crazy Insane Blog!

Today I would like to announce, the crazy insane BLOg. Yeah, hurts the eyes don't it?

The blog will start off relatively normal but will soon turn into a decrepid old hippie. Now that that that super long explanation is out of the way, let's go to Jim with:

Zassi's TOP 5 in Super Smash Bros BRAWL!

NUMBER 5 - Solid Snake

Look at how big it is!!!

I knew I was going to force myself to like Snake once I heard he was in Brawl. I like his hidden mines plus he has some strong smash attacks. He's not as fast as I like characters, but that's okay. I SAID OKAY! :oops:

Number 4 - Jigglypuff

Look at how big it is!!!

Yes, Jigglypuff. Don't mess with the puff or you'll get the stuff. :P

Number 3 - Sonic

It was the best image I could find.

Sonic's super fast! Like, insanely fast and I love it! :lol: Plus if he gets the Smash Ball he goes super saiyan and - wait... there's a chick behind Sonic. Nice a...

Number 2 - Marth

Teh definition of sexay!

Plays a lil differently than he did in Melee, but he's still fast with some powerful attacks. Plus, he's sexay :)

Number 1 - Toon Link

No one saw it coming! Not even him!

Link has once again taken the top spot in the my five. Hasn't held that position since the first year of Melee. It may not be the adult Link, he moves quicker plus his bombs are cell shaded which is the RoXXoR. Its so awsem, it needed to be one of those things like the word radar is. Look at it the other way, and its still radar.


Time for another picture!

Gross isn't it?

We have made it through that much of the blog now, and I fear that if I make it any longer then no one will read it. If you got to this point, congrats. If you are just looking at the pictures, you earn five bonus tokens!!


The Happy-Go-Lucky Trails of Barnacle Frish

Barnacle Frish was once a good man, until he passed away due to a sudden case of the hamster in throat. See picture


Yeah I got nothing...

Barnacle Frish may have died during that occurence, but he lived a healthy life long before that happened. At the age of 10, Frish started a "Tuna Salad n' More!" Store. The more was dressing.

Sadly, the customers wanted MOAR than that, and Frish couldn't give it to them. So he fled the world to live with the mongoose tribe of Neptune. They took him in as their own. Trained him for the upcoming battle against the asteroid plummeting straight for Neptune. But Frish was a wimp, so he swam to the other side and gave his third life for the back-up dancers for Britney. But they wanted to die; they did not want to dance for Britney anymore. See picture

I'm so scared right now...:cry:

It was the back-up dancers that poisoned Frish's drink with the hamster, and thus he died. In conclusion, if you are a chick, don't shave your head unless its for good reason. :)



So pretty...wait. What the hell is a cow doing in there?


Something to actually take a little serious... I think?

Jurassic Park 4 has been confirmed and Spielberg is supposed to be working on this one once again. I remember reading that he wants to WOW us like he did the first time we were shown the brontosaurus. And if you don't know what one of those is, or if you haven't seen a Jurassic Park: see picture

Its soooo cute! :oops:

Well word in the privy is that Spielberg's new idea is... wait for it... to have dinosaurs...


Don't mind the cat in the back; he sees this going well actually. This is what he pictures:

When in reality, it will be like this:


One more cat picture cause everyone loves these!


If you finish reading this blog you deserve a prize. Quote anything from this blog, whether it be a line, a whole phrase, or a picture, and put it into a thread that I am posting in in System Wars. If I see it (which I more than likely will), I will say you're awesome and give you a bagel. Just make sure you also post something relevant to the thread, otherwise you may get modded and I don't want that. :)

Thanks for bleeding!

I mean reading!

All images courtesy of :)

FFF - Final Fantasy Fever

Bought Final Fantasy IX on Friday since I needed to treat myself to something cause I got my wisdom teeth pulled out. Started the game like two nights ago and I must ask why this is the Fantasy that you hear the least about?

Maybe that's a bit of a stretch, but I can say I don't think I've enjoyed a Final Fantasy game as much as I am enjoying this one. I've beaten VII which I enjoyed a lot, I've beaten XII which was a whole lot of fun and X which has an amazing storyline; I'm also like ten hours into VI and I'm four or five hours into IV but I'll probably end up playing the DS game through.

But I can say that after playing all those I don't think I've enjoyed myself as much as I am with this iteration. And maybe I should replay VII again because I was a lot younger when I played that, but playing this game has really opened up my thoughts on wanting to play more Final Fantasy and more RPGs in general.

Once I finish this which I would like to finish it before spring break ends, I plan to start VIII cause I've always meant to play through it since I've heard it has such a great love story.

Thoughts on IX or any Final Fantasy?


Sometimes, I could swear I have ADD. I tend to drift in and out of conversations and focus on something else like a pen on the desk, or I will want to write and after a sentence or two I either have to force myself to continue writing or I get up and find something else to do.

That's not the reason I am blogging today though. The reason is that I was playing Oblivion and I was going to stop for a while to play the MGS games again before MGS4 comes out. But last night I got my copy of NGS back from a friend, and I've restarted that on Hard and I'm doing the missions. Insane, but a whole lot of fun.

Other than that, um general news. I'm moving into a house with three other friends on Saturday, which will be a HUGE gamer and theatre house. So one of my friends, who is one of the people moving in, and myself are both into making films and stuff, and we figure what better way to get our start than to write our own short internet show. It will be about a house of gamers, we'll cover the fanboys subtley and the humor will also be subtle and not forced upon the audience. Whether it works out.... eh... we'll find out.

To end up today's blog, I did get casted in Aladdin (we are actually doing Aladdin Jr.) and I got casted as the thief. We don't have the actual scripts yet because the guys at Disney are kinda pricks, so I have no clue what the thief's role is in the show. Probably a really weak role, and I don't understand why because I had such a strong audition.

Of course, it helps when a show isn't precasted... :shock:

Starting to Bore Me

Gamespot is starting to bore me, and I mean like big time. There's nothing to post in the forums, not much game news.. just nothing to do on here.

Oh well, its probably for the better. I have sleep and homework to catch up on.

Plus, we had the first night of Aladdin auditions at my school and wow... intense but I was happy with how I did and wouldn't change it. Another night of it tomorrow night, then a day or two later is when the cast list goes up. Here's to hoping for the best!

"Spread your wings & fly. "

Oblivion will be going on hold here for a little while I think, much to my dismay.

With Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots being dated for June 12, 2008, I believe now is the perfect time to freshen up on my MGS skills by running through the series once again. Can't wait for this game.

The order I will go through them is chronologically:

Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

Note: Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 might just make it in there between Subsistence and Portable Ops, depending on how quick I beat those two games.

Modding in Games

I would like to be playing Oblivion right now, but I bought Season 6 of Smallville yesterday and I just had to watch it.

Aside from that, I began looking for some Oblivion wallpapers (if anyone could make some awesome ones for me that would be great) and I got to Bethesda's website. I proceeded to look in the forums and found the modding section, which had many different topics of course but the one that sparked my interest was the "Pictures of Oblivion characters" topic.

If I would build a PC, I could do modding and get results such as this:

And those are just a few of what people had done, and really the possibilities are endless. And modding, of course, isn't just limited to Oblivion. Portal's portal gun has been modded into Half-Life 2, Cloud Strife is able to be in Unreal Tournament 3, and so much more.

I have never been a PC gamer, but lately I feel the prospect of modding is a great idea especially with Oblivion.

If you feel like it PC gamers, please leave a message informing me if modding in games is all it is cracked up to be because if it is, I might build a PC this summer instead of buying a 360. I could then get games such as The Witcher, Crysis, and many other titles as well.

Oblivion Fever

Here I am not having played games all too much lately.

And then it happened. I wanted to restart Oblivion and actually play through the game longer than I have before.

Wish me luck.